require 'test_helper' describe "Redis::Store::Namespace" do def setup @namespace = "theplaylist" @store = :namespace => @namespace, :serializer => nil @client = @store.instance_variable_get(:@client) @rabbit = "bunny" @default_store = @other_namespace = 'other' @other_store = :namespace => @other_namespace end def teardown @store.flushdb @store.quit @default_store.flushdb @default_store.quit @other_store.flushdb @other_store.quit end it "only decorates instances that need to be namespaced" do store = client = store.instance_variable_get(:@client) client.expects(:call).with([:get, "rabbit"]) store.get("rabbit") end it "doesn't namespace a key which is already namespaced" do @store.send(:interpolate, "#{@namespace}:rabbit").must_equal("#{@namespace}:rabbit") end it "should only delete namespaced keys" do @default_store.set 'abc', 'cba' @store.set 'def', 'fed' @store.flushdb @store.get('def').must_be_nil @default_store.get('abc').must_equal('cba') end it 'should allow to change namespace on the fly' do @default_store.set 'abc', 'cba' @other_store.set 'foo', 'bar' @default_store.keys.sort.must_equal ['abc', 'other:foo'] @default_store.with_namespace(@other_namespace) do @default_store.keys.must_equal ['foo'] @default_store.get('foo').must_equal('bar') end end it "should not try to delete missing namespaced keys" do empty_store = :namespace => 'empty' empty_store.flushdb empty_store.keys.must_be_empty end it "should work with dynamic namespace" do $ns = "ns1" dyn_store = :namespace => -> { $ns } dyn_store.set 'key', 'x' $ns = "ns2" dyn_store.set 'key', 'y' $ns = "ns3" dyn_store.set 'key', 'z' dyn_store.flushdb r3 = dyn_store.get 'key' $ns = "ns2" r2 = dyn_store.get 'key' $ns = "ns1" r1 = dyn_store.get 'key' r1.must_equal('x') && r2.must_equal('y') && r3.must_be_nil end it "namespaces setex and ttl" do @store.flushdb @other_store.flushdb @store.setex('foo', 30, 'bar') @store.ttl('foo').must_be_close_to(30) @store.get('foo').must_equal('bar') @other_store.ttl('foo').must_equal(-2) @other_store.get('foo').must_be_nil end describe 'method calls' do let(:store){ :namespace => @namespace, :serializer => nil} let(:client){store.instance_variable_get(:@client)} it "should namespace get" do client.expects(:call).with([:get, "#{@namespace}:rabbit"]).once store.get("rabbit") end it "should namespace set" do client.expects(:call).with([:set, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", @rabbit]) store.set "rabbit", @rabbit end it "should namespace setnx" do client.expects(:call).with([:setnx, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", @rabbit]) store.setnx "rabbit", @rabbit end it "should namespace del with single key" do client.expects(:call).with([:del, "#{@namespace}:rabbit"]) store.del "rabbit" end it "should namespace del with multiple keys" do client.expects(:call).with([:del, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", "#{@namespace}:white_rabbit"]) store.del "rabbit", "white_rabbit" end it "should namespace keys" do store.set "rabbit", @rabbit store.keys("rabb*").must_equal [ "rabbit" ] end it "should namespace exists" do client.expects(:call).with([:exists, "#{@namespace}:rabbit"]) store.exists "rabbit" end it "should namespace incrby" do client.expects(:call).with([:incrby, "#{@namespace}:counter", 1]) store.incrby "counter", 1 end it "should namespace decrby" do client.expects(:call).with([:decrby, "#{@namespace}:counter", 1]) store.decrby "counter", 1 end it "should namespace mget" do client.expects(:call).with([:mget, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", "#{@namespace}:white_rabbit"]).returns(%w[ foo bar ]) store.mget "rabbit", "white_rabbit" do |result| result.must_equal(%w[ foo bar ]) end end it "should namespace mapped_mget" do client.expects(:process).with([[:mget, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", "#{@namespace}:white_rabbit"]]).returns(%w[ foo bar ]) result = store.mapped_mget "rabbit", "white_rabbit" result.keys.must_equal %w[ rabbit white_rabbit ] result["rabbit"].must_equal "foo" result["white_rabbit"].must_equal "bar" end it "should namespace expire" do client.expects(:call).with([:expire, "#{@namespace}:rabbit", 60]).once store.expire("rabbit",60) end it "should namespace ttl" do client.expects(:call).with([:ttl, "#{@namespace}:rabbit"]).once store.ttl("rabbit") end it "should namespace watch" do client.expects(:call).with([:watch,"#{@namespace}:rabbit"]).once"rabbit") end it "wraps flushdb with appropriate KEYS * calls" do client.expects(:call).with([:flushdb]).never client.expects(:call).with([:keys,"#{@namespace}:*"]).once.returns(["rabbit"]) client.expects(:call).with([:del,"#{@namespace}:rabbit"]).once store.flushdb end it "skips flushdb wrapping if the namespace is nil" do client.expects(:call).with([:flushdb]) client.expects(:call).with([:keys]).never store.with_namespace(nil) do store.flushdb end end end end