require 'more_math' module MoreMath # This class is used to contain elements and compute various statistical # values for them. class Sequence def initialize(elements) @elements = elements @elements.freeze end # Returns the array of elements. attr_reader :elements # Calls the +block+ for every element of this Sequence. def each(&block) @elements.each(&block) end include Enumerable # Returns true if this sequence is empty, otherwise false. def empty? @elements.empty? end # Returns the number of elements, on which the analysis is based. def size @elements.size end # Returns the variance of the elements. def variance @variance ||= sum_of_squares / size end # Returns the sample_variance of the elements. def sample_variance @sample_variance ||= size > 1 ? sum_of_squares / (size - 1.0) : 0.0 end # Returns the sum of squares (the sum of the squared deviations) of the # elements. def sum_of_squares @sum_of_squares ||= @elements.inject(0.0) { |s, t| s + (t - arithmetic_mean) ** 2 } end # Returns the standard deviation of the elements. def standard_deviation @sample_deviation ||= Math.sqrt(variance) end # Returns the standard deviation of the elements in percentage of the # arithmetic mean. def standard_deviation_percentage @standard_deviation_percentage ||= 100.0 * standard_deviation / arithmetic_mean end # Returns the sample standard deviation of the elements. def sample_standard_deviation @sample_standard_deviation ||= Math.sqrt(sample_variance) end # Returns the sample standard deviation of the elements in percentage # of the arithmetic mean. def sample_standard_deviation_percentage @sample_standard_deviation_percentage ||= 100.0 * sample_standard_deviation / arithmetic_mean end # Returns the sum of all elements. def sum @sum ||= @elements.inject(0.0) { |s, t| s + t } end # Returns the arithmetic mean of the elements. def arithmetic_mean @arithmetic_mean ||= sum / size end alias mean arithmetic_mean # Returns the harmonic mean of the elements. If any of the elements # is less than or equal to 0.0, this method returns NaN. def harmonic_mean @harmonic_mean ||= ( sum = @elements.inject(0.0) { |s, t| if t > 0 s + 1.0 / t else break nil end } sum ? size / sum : 0 / 0.0 ) end # Returns the geometric mean of the elements. If any of the # elements is less than 0.0, this method returns NaN. def geometric_mean @geometric_mean ||= ( sum = @elements.inject(0.0) { |s, t| case when t > 0 s + Math.log(t) when t == 0 break :null else break nil end } case sum when :null 0.0 when Float Math.exp(sum / size) else 0 / 0.0 end ) end # Returns the minimum of the elements. def min @min ||= @elements.min end # Returns the maximum of the elements. def max @max ||= @elements.max end # Returns the +p+-percentile of the elements. # There are many methods to compute the percentile, this method uses the # the weighted average at x_(n + 1)p, which allows p to be in 0...100 # (excluding the 100). def percentile(p = 50) (0...100).include?(p) or raise ArgumentError, "p = #{p}, but has to be in (0...100)" p /= 100.0 @sorted ||= @elements.sort r = p * (@sorted.size + 1) r_i = r.to_i r_f = r - r_i if r_i >= 1 result = @sorted[r_i - 1] if r_i < @sorted.size result += r_f * (@sorted[r_i] - @sorted[r_i - 1]) end else result = @sorted[0] end result end alias median percentile # Use an approximation of the Welch-Satterthwaite equation to compute the # degrees of freedom for Welch's t-test. def compute_welch_df(other) (sample_variance / size + other.sample_variance / other.size) ** 2 / ( (sample_variance ** 2 / (size ** 2 * (size - 1))) + (other.sample_variance ** 2 / (other.size ** 2 * (other.size - 1)))) end # Returns the t value of the Welch's t-test between this Sequence # instance and the +other+. def t_welch(other) signal = arithmetic_mean - other.arithmetic_mean noise = Math.sqrt(sample_variance / size + other.sample_variance / other.size) signal / noise rescue Errno::EDOM 0.0 end # Returns an estimation of the common standard deviation of the # elements of this and +other+. def common_standard_deviation(other) Math.sqrt(common_variance(other)) end # Returns an estimation of the common variance of the elements of this # and +other+. def common_variance(other) (size - 1) * sample_variance + (other.size - 1) * other.sample_variance / (size + other.size - 2) end # Compute the # degrees of freedom for Student's t-test. def compute_student_df(other) size + other.size - 2 end # Returns the t value of the Student's t-test between this Sequence # instance and the +other+. def t_student(other) signal = arithmetic_mean - other.arithmetic_mean noise = common_standard_deviation(other) * Math.sqrt(size ** -1 + size ** -1) rescue Errno::EDOM 0.0 end # Compute a sample size, that will more likely yield a mean difference # between this instance's elements and those of +other+. Use +alpha+ # and +beta+ as levels for the first- and second-order errors. def suggested_sample_size(other, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.05) alpha, beta = alpha.abs, beta.abs signal = arithmetic_mean - other.arithmetic_mean df = size + other.size - 2 pooled_variance_estimate = (sum_of_squares + other.sum_of_squares) / df td = df (((td.inverse_probability(alpha) + td.inverse_probability(beta)) * Math.sqrt(pooled_variance_estimate)) / signal) ** 2 end # Return true, if the Sequence instance covers the +other+, that is their # arithmetic mean value is most likely to be equal for the +alpha+ error # level. def cover?(other, alpha = 0.05) t = t_welch(other) td = t.abs < td.inverse_probability(1 - alpha.abs / 2.0) end # Return the confidence interval for the arithmetic mean with alpha level +alpha+ of # the elements of this Sequence instance as a Range object. def confidence_interval(alpha = 0.05) td = - 1) t = td.inverse_probability(alpha / 2).abs delta = t * sample_standard_deviation / Math.sqrt(size) (arithmetic_mean - delta)..(arithmetic_mean + delta) end # Returns the array of autovariances (of length size - 1). def autovariance - 1) do |k| s = 0.0 0.upto(size - k - 1) do |i| s += (@elements[i] - arithmetic_mean) * (@elements[i + k] - arithmetic_mean) end s / size end end # Returns the array of autocorrelation values c_k / c_0 (of length size - # 1). def autocorrelation c = autovariance { |k| c[k] / c[0] } end # Returns the d-value for the Durbin-Watson statistic. The value is d << 2 # for positive, d >> 2 for negative and d around 2 for no autocorrelation. def durbin_watson_statistic e = linear_regression.residues e.size <= 1 and return 2.0 (1...e.size).inject(0.0) { |s, i| s + (e[i] - e[i - 1]) ** 2 } / e.inject(0.0) { |s, x| s + x ** 2 } end # Returns the q value of the Ljung-Box statistic for the number of lags # +lags+. A higher value might indicate autocorrelation in the elements of # this Sequence instance. This method returns nil if there weren't enough # (at least lags) lags available. def ljung_box_statistic(lags = 20) r = autocorrelation lags >= r.size and return n = size n * (n + 2) * (1..lags).inject(0.0) { |s, i| s + r[i] ** 2 / (n - i) } end # This method tries to detect autocorrelation with the Ljung-Box # statistic. If enough lags can be considered it returns a hash with # results, otherwise nil is returned. The keys are # :lags:: the number of lags, # :alpha_level:: the alpha level for the test, # :q:: the value of the ljung_box_statistic, # :p:: the p-value computed, if p is higher than alpha no correlation was detected, # :detected:: true if a correlation was found. def detect_autocorrelation(lags = 20, alpha_level = 0.05) if q = ljung_box_statistic(lags) p = return { :lags => lags, :alpha_level => alpha_level, :q => q, :p => p, :detected => p >= 1 - alpha_level, } end end # Return a result hash with the number of :very_low, :low, :high, and # :very_high outliers, determined by the box plotting algorithm run with # :median and :iqr parameters. If no outliers were found or the iqr is # less than epsilon, nil is returned. def detect_outliers(factor = 3.0, epsilon = 1E-5) half_factor = factor / 2.0 quartile1 = percentile(25) quartile3 = percentile(75) iqr = quartile3 - quartile1 iqr < epsilon and return result = @elements.inject( do |h, t| extreme = case t when -Infinity..(quartile1 - factor * iqr) :very_low when (quartile1 - factor * iqr)..(quartile1 - half_factor * iqr) :low when (quartile1 + half_factor * iqr)..(quartile3 + factor * iqr) :high when (quartile3 + factor * iqr)..Infinity :very_high end and h[extreme] += 1 h end unless result.empty? result[:median] = median result[:iqr] = iqr result[:factor] = factor result end end # Returns the LinearRegression object for the equation a * x + b which # represents the line computed by the linear regression algorithm. def linear_regression @linear_regression ||= @elements end # Returns a Histogram instance with +bins+ as the number of bins for this # analysis' elements. def histogram(bins), bins) end end end