RSpec.shared_examples 'platform_deployable_test_kit' do let(:test_kit_location) do Object.const_source_location( end let(:test_kit_gem) do Bundler.definition.specs.find { |gem| test_kit_location.start_with? gem.full_gem_path } end let(:base_path) do test_kit_gem.full_gem_path end let(:test_kit) do described_class.const_get('Metadata') rescue NameError skip 'TestKit must be defined first' end let(:suites) do { |id| } end describe 'TestKit' do it 'defines test kit in the Metadata class' do error_message = "Define #{}::Metadata at " \ "lib/#{}/metadata.rb and require it in " \ "lib/#{}.rb\n" expect { described_class.const_get('Metadata') }.to_not raise_error(NameError), error_message expect(described_class.const_get('Metadata') < Inferno::Entities::TestKit).to be(true) end it 'defines all required fields' do required_fields = [ :id, :title, :description, :suite_ids, :version, :maturity ] required_fields.each do |field_name| expect(test_kit.send(field_name)).to be_present end end it 'has a description with a ' do error_message = 'The test kit description must begin with one paragraph followed by "". The portion of the description above the break is displayed ' \ "on the test kit listing page.\n" expect(test_kit.description).to include(''), error_message end it 'has a maturity of "Low", "Medium", or "High"' do expect(['Low', 'Medium', 'High']).to include(test_kit.maturity) # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExpectActual end it 'uses the correct ruby version in its Dockerfile' do dockerfile_path = File.join(base_path, 'Dockerfile') dockerfile_contents = expect(dockerfile_contents.lines.first.chomp).to eq('FROM ruby:3.3.6') end end describe 'suites' do it 'relies on the test kit version rather than defining the version in the suites' do suite_paths = { |suite| Object.const_source_location( } suite_contents = { |path| } suite_contents.each_with_index do |suite, i| error_message = "Suite at #{suite_paths[i]} should not explicitly declare a version, as " \ 'its version can now be determined by the version of its Test Kit.' \ "Remove the `version` method call in the suite definition.\n" expect(suite).to_not match(/^\s+version(\s|\()\S+\)?/), error_message end end it 'contains standard links' do suites.each do |suite| link_labels = { |link| link[:label] } expected_labels = ['Report Issue', 'Open Source', 'Download'] error_message = "Include the standard 'Report Issue', 'Open Source', and 'Download links in " \ 'each suite.\n' expect(link_labels).to match_array(expected_labels), error_message end end end describe 'presets' do it 'includes presets in the gem' do presets = Dir[ File.join(base_path, 'config', 'presets', '*.json'), File.join(base_path, 'config', 'presets', '*.json.erb') ].map { |file_path| file_path.delete_prefix "#{Dir.pwd}/" } missing_presets = presets - test_kit_gem.files error_message = "The following presets are not included in the gem: #{missing_presets.join(', ')}\n" \ "Ensure that config/presets is included in spec.files in #{}.gemspec" expect(missing_presets).to be_empty, error_message end end describe 'gemspec' do it 'uses git to determine files to include in the gem' do gemspec_contents =, "#{}.gemspec")) error_message = 'Use git to determine which files to include in the gem. In ' \ "#{}.gemspec, use: " \ "spec.files = `[ -d .git ] && git ls-files -z lib config/presets LICENSE`.split(\"\\x0\")\n" expect(gemspec_contents).to include('[ -d .git ] && git ls-files'), error_message end it 'includes the inferno test kit metadata tag' do error_message = %(Add "spec.metadata['inferno_test_kit'] = 'true'" to #{}.gemspec) expect(test_kit_gem.metadata['inferno_test_kit']).to eq('true'), error_message end end end