require_relative '../helpers/indented_grid' Voom::Presenters.define(:tooltips) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav attach :component_drawer page_title 'Tooltips' indented_grid do headline 'Avatars' subheading 'Cards' card do media do avatar 'img/demo/rx.png' do tooltip "Ill be back", position: :right end end end card do media do avatar :person do tooltip "Ill be back", position: :right end end end subheading 'Lists (**Help Wanted**)' list do line do text 'Terminator2' avatar 'img/demo/rx.png' do tooltip "I'll be back - not working", position: :right end end line do text 'Terminator3' avatar :person do tooltip "I'll be back - not working", position: :right end end end headline 'Buttons' button 'Button', type: :raised do tooltip "Yo\nsmile" # position: :left end button 'Button' do tooltip "Yo\nsmile", position: :bottom end button icon: :mood do tooltip "Yo\nsmile", position: :top end headline 'Chips' chip 'Hover over me' do tooltip 'I have this tip!' end headline 'Tables' table selectable: true do header do column 'Material' column 'Quantity' do tooltip 'This is the quantity on hand.', position: :top end column 'Unit price' end row do column 'Caulk' do tooltip 'This fixes leaks', position: :right end column 99 column "$299" end end headline 'Toggles' radio_button do tooltip 'select it' end icon_toggle 'format_italic' do tooltip 'toggle it' end switch do tooltip 'switch it' end checkbox do tooltip 'check it' end display 'Styles' display 'Typography', level: 4 do tooltip 'I do nothing.' end headline 'Headline' do tooltip 'I do nothing.' end title 'Title' do tooltip 'I do nothing.' end subheading 'Subheading 2', level: 2 do tooltip 'I do nothing.' end body 'Body 2 text, calling something out.', level: 2 do tooltip 'I do nothing.' end attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end