require 'minitest_helper' describe Asynchronic::DataStore::Key do Key = Asynchronic::DataStore::Key it 'Return the namespace' do key = Key['foo'] key.must_equal 'foo' end it 'Prepend the namespace' do key = Key['foo'] key['bar'].must_equal 'foo|bar' end it 'Work in more than one level' do key_1 = Key['foo'] key_2 = Key[key_1['bar']] key_2['baz'].must_equal 'foo|bar|baz' end it 'Be chainable' do key = Key['foo'] key['bar']['baz'].must_equal 'foo|bar|baz' end it 'Accept symbols' do key = Key[:foo] key[:bar].must_equal 'foo|bar' end it 'Accept numbers' do key = Key['foo'] key[3].must_equal 'foo|3' end it 'Split in sections' do key = Key[:foo][:bar][:buz] key.sections.must_equal %w(foo bar buz) end it 'Detect nested sections' do Key[:foo].wont_be :nested? Key[:foo][:bar].must_be :nested? end it 'Remove first sections' do key = Key[:foo][:bar][:buz] key.remove_first.must_equal 'bar|buz' key.remove_first(2).must_equal 'buz' end it 'Remove last sections' do key = Key[:foo][:bar][:buz] key.remove_last.must_equal 'foo|bar' key.remove_last(2).must_equal 'foo' end end