# Type on Strap [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/type-on-strap.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/type-on-strap) A free and open-source [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) theme. Based on Rohan Chandra [type-theme](https://github.com/rohanchandra/type-theme) with a few new features: * Responsive design * Portfolio page for your projects * Tags compatibility * Bootstrap : [Get Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) * Search feature : [Simple-Jekyll-Search](https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search) * Math Rendering : [KateX](https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX) * Seo Tags : [Jekyll-seo-tag](https://help.github.com/articles/search-engine-optimization-for-github-pages/) * Syntax Highlighting: Easily customisable [Base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) * Free of rights images from [pexels](https://www.pexels.com/) > [Demo](https://sylhare.github.io/Type-on-Strap/) [![Default Type on Strap blog](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap/blob/master/screenshot.png?raw=true)](https://sylhare.github.io/Type-on-Strap/) ## Table of Contents 1. [Usage](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#Usage) 2. [Structure](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#structure) 3. [Configure Type on Strap](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#configure-type-on-strap) 4. [Layout](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#layout) 5. [Feature pages](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#feature-pages) 6. [Template as a Gem](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#Template-as-a-Gem) 7. [License](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#license) ## Usage 1. Fork and clone the [Type on Strap repo](https://github.com/sylhare/Type-On-Strap): `git clone https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap.git` 2. Install [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/): `gem install jekyll`, check [#1](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap/issues/1) if you have a problem. 3. Install the theme's dependencies: `bundle install` 4. Customize the theme - Github Page: [update `_config.yml`](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap#site-configuration) 5. Run the Jekyll server: `jekyll serve` ## Structure Here are the main files of the template ```bash jekyll-theme-basically-basic ├── _draft # To store your drafts, they won't be published on your site ├── _includes # theme includes ├── _layouts # theme layouts (see below for details) ├── _portfolio # collection of article to be populated in the portfolio page ├── _posts # Blog posts ├── _sass # Sass partials ├── assets | ├── js # theme javascript, Katex, jquery, bootstrap, jekyll search, | ├── css # isolated Bootstrap, font-awesome, katex and main css | ├── fonts # Font-Awesome, Glyphicon, and other fonts | └── img # Images used for the template ├── pages | ├── 404.md # To be displayed when url is wrong | ├── about.md # About example page | ├── portfolio.html # Portfolio bootstrapped page | ├── search.html # Search page | └── search.json # Specify the search target (page, post, collection) ├── _config.yml # sample configuration └── index.html # sample home page (blog page paginated) ``` ## Configure Type on Strap Open `_config.yml` in a text editor to change most of the blog's settings. If a variable in this document is marked as "optional", disable the feature by removing all text from the variable. ### Site configuration Configure Jekyll as your own blog or with a subpath in in `_config.yml`: Jekyll website *without* a subpath (such as a GitHub Pages website for a given username): ```yml baseurl: "" url: "https://username.github.io" ``` Jekyll website *with* subpath (like the Type on Strap [demo](https://sylhare.github.io/Type-on-Strap/) page): ```yml baseurl: "/sub-directory" url: "https://username.github.io/" ``` Please configure this before using the theme. ### Meta and Branding Meta variables hold basic information about your Jekyll site which will be used throughout the site and as meta properties for search engines, browsers, and the site's RSS feed. Change these variables in `_config.yml`: ```yml theme_settings: title: My Jekyll Blog # Name of website avatar: assets/img/triangular.svg # Path of avatar image, to be displayed in the theme's header gravatar: f98....6bfc # MD5 hash of your email address description: My blog posts # Short description, primarily used by search engines ``` ### Customizing text #### Footer and Header's text Customize your site header/footer with these variables in `_config.yml`: ```yml theme_settings: header_text: Welcome to my Jekyll blog header_text_feature_image: assets/img/sample3.png footer_text: Copyright 2017 ``` #### Localisation string Change localization string variables in `_config.yml`. English text used in the theme has been grouped so you can quickly translate the theme or change labels to suit your needs. ```yml theme_settings: str_follow_on: "Follow on" str_rss_follow: "Follow RSS feed" str_email: "Email" str_next_post: "Next post" str_previous_post: "Previous post" str_next_page: "Next" str_previous_page: "Prev" str_continue_reading: "Continue reading" str_javascript_required_disqus: "Please enable JavaScript to view comments." ``` ### Other features Jekyll works with [liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/) tags usually represented by: ``` {{ liquid.tag | filter }} ``` These are useful to render your jekyll files. You can learn more about them on [shopify's doc](https://help.shopify.com/themes/liquid/basics) ### Footer's icons Display the site's icon from [Font Awesome](https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) in the footer. All icon variables should be your username enclosed in quotes (e.g. "username") in `_config.yml`, except for the following variables: ```yml theme_settings: rss: true # Make sure you created a feed.xml with feed.xml layout email_address: type@example.com linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/FirstLast stack_exchange: https://stackoverflow.com/users/0000/first-last ``` ### Comments (via Disqus) Optionally, if you have a [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) account, you can show a comments section below each post. To enable Disqus comments, add your [Disqus shortname](https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208) to your project's `_config.yml` file: ```yml theme_settings: disqus_shortname: my_disqus_shortname ``` ### Google Analytics To enable Google Analytics, add your [tracking ID](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032385) to `_config.yml` like so: ```yml theme_settings: google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N ``` ### Math typesetting When KateX is set in `_config.yml`: ```yml theme_settings: katex: true # to Enable it ``` You can then wrap math expressions with `$$` signs in your posts and make sure you have set the `katex` variable in `_config.yml` to `true` for math typesetting. For inline math typesetting, type your math expression on the *same line* as your content. For example: ```latex Type math within a sentence $$2x^2 + x + c$$ to display inline ``` For display math typesetting, type your math expression on a *new line*. For example: ```latex $$ \bar{y} = {1 \over n} \sum_{i = 1}^{n}y_i $$ ``` ### Post excerpt The [excerpt](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/#post-excerpts) are the first lines of an article that is display on the blog page. The length of the excerpt has a default of around `250` characters and can be manually set in the post using: ```yml --- layout: post title: Sample Page excerpt_separator: --- some text in the excerpt ... rest of the text not shown in the excerpt ... ``` The html is stripped out of the excerpt so it only display text. ## Layout Please refer to the [Jekyll docs for writing posts](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/). Non-standard features are documented below. ### Layout: Post This are the basic features you can use with the `post` layout. ```yml --- layout: post title: Hello World # Title of the page subtitle: "This is a subtitle" # A subtitle can be displayed below your title feature-img: "assets/img/sample.png" # Add a feature-image to the post thumbnail: "assets/img/thumbnail/sample-th.png" # Add a thumbnail image on blog view tags: [sample, markdown, html] --- ``` With `thumbnail`, you can add a smaller image than the `feature-img`. If you don't want/have a thumbnail you can still use the same image as the feature one. ### Layout: Page The page layout have a bit more features explained here. ```yml --- layout: page title: "About" subtitle: "This is a subtitle" feature-img: "assets/img/sample.png" permalink: /about.html # Set a permalink your your page hide: true # Prevent the page title to appear in the navbar tags: [sample, markdown, html] --- ``` The hide only hides your page from the navigation bar, it is however still generated and can be access through its link. Use the `_draft` folder to keep files from being generated on your site. ### Layout: Bootstrap This is the page layout modified to have bootstrap activated to format your content accordingly with the theme. ```yml --- layout: bootstrap --- ``` ### Layout: Default This layout includes the head, navigation bar and footer around your content. ## Feature pages All feature pages besides the "home" one are stored in the `page` folder, they will appear in the navigation bar unless you set `Hide: true` in the front matter. Here are the documentation for the other feature pages that can be added through `_config.yml`. ### Home This page is the used as the home page of the template (in the `index.html`). It displays the list of article in `_posts`. You can use this layout in another page (adding a title to it will make it appear in the navigation bar). ### Portfolio Portfolio is a feature bootstrapped page that will take all the markdown/html files in the `_portfolio` folder to create a 3x3 image portfolio matrix. The portfolio page can be enable/disable in the navigation bar through the `_config.yml` via: ```yml # Scripts / Feature portfolio: true ``` ### Search The search feature is based on [Simple-Jekyll-search](https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search) there is a `search.json` file that will create a list of all of the site posts, pages and portfolios. Then there's a `search.js` displaying the formated results entered in the `search.html` page. The search page can be enable/disable in the navigation bar through the `_config.yml` via: ```yml # Scripts / Feature search: true ``` ### Tags Tags should be placed between `[]` in your post metadata. Seperate each tag with a comma. Tags are recommended for posts and portfolio items. For example: ```yml --- layout: post title: Markdown and HTML tags: [sample, markdown, html] --- ``` > Tags are case sensitive `Tag_nAme` ≠ `tag_name` All the tags will be listed in `tags.html` with a link toward the pages or posts. The tags page can be enable/disable in the navigation bar through the `_config.yml` via: ```yml # Scripts / Feature tags: true ``` ## Template as a Gem You can use Type-on-strap as a [gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/type-on-strap). Checkout an example in the [gem-demo branch](https://github.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap/tree/gem-demo). To make the feature pages available in from the gem I created them as layouts that can be invoked in the pages folder. So if you're using the template as a theme, Make sure you have: - A `index.html` file - The right `_config.yml` with the theme setting such as `theme: type-on-strap` uncommented - The feature page included. (ex: as it is already in `pages`) - Some content ready in `_posts` and `_portfolio` to be displayed Now you can use any theme gem with github pages : [29/11/2017 Github Pages Broadcast](https://github.com/blog/2464-use-any-theme-with-github-pages) ## License [The MIT License (MIT)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sylhare/Type-on-Strap/master/LICENSE)