= gitolite - In alpha This gem is designed to provide a Ruby interface to the {gitolite}[https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite] git backend system. I am aiming to provide all management functionality that is available via the gitolite-admin repository (like SSH keys, repository permissions, etc) This gem is still under very active development. There are a number of issues with it still. It is not ready for production use. == Features * Allows for the creation and management of repos within gitolite * Allows for the creation and deletion of SSH keys within gitolite == Requirements * Ruby 1.9.2 or higher * a working {gitolite}[https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite] installation * the gitolite-admin repository checked out locally == Installation gem install gitolite --pre == Usage === Load a gitolite-admin repo require 'gitolite' ga_repo = Gitolite::GitoliteAdmin.new("/path/to/gitolite/admin/repo") For now, this method can only be called on an existing gitolite-admin repo. Support for bootstrapping a gitolite-repo will be added in the future (but will never be recommended). === Repo management repo = Config::Repo.new("AwesomeRepo") #For a list of permissions, see https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/pu/doc/gitolite.conf.mkd repo.add_permission("RW+", "", "bob", "joe", "susan") #Add repo ga_repo.add_repo(repo) #Delete repo ga_repo.rm_repo(repo) === SSH Key Management #Two ways to create keys: manually or from an existing key key = Gitolite::SSHKey.new("ssh-rsa", "big-public-key-blob", "email") key2 = Gitolite::SSHKey.from_file("/path/to/ssh/key.pub") #Add the keys ga_repo.add_key(key) ga_repo.add_key(key2) #Remove key2 ga_repo.rm_key(key2) === Save changes ga_repo.save When this method is called, all changes get written to the file system and staged in git. For the time being, gitolite assumes full control of the gitolite-admin repository. This means that any keys in the keydir that are not being tracked will be removed and any human changes to gitolite.conf will be erased. === Apply changes ga_repo.apply This method will commit all changes with a generic message (will be improved upon later) and push to origin master. === Save and apply ga_repo.save_and_apply == Caveats === 1.8.x compatibility This gem should work properly on Ruby 1.8.x with the exception of deny rules. In order to fully support Ruby < 1.9.x, an ordered Hash is required. The one implemented by ActiveSupport could probably be used. Support will be added if there appears to be a demand for it. == Documentation * Rdoc is coming soon == Future * support folders in the keydir * support includes tags * support bootstrapping a gitolite-admin repo * cleanup methods to make adding and removing easier (like add_key should accept an array of keys)