module Lanes module Extensions class Definition include Concerns::AttrAccessorWithDefault attr_reader :context attr_accessor_with_default :load_phase, :late attr_accessor_with_default :identifier # Array of Pathname's to add to sprockets attr_accessor_with_default :root_path # Does the extension use PubSub functionality class_attribute :uses_pub_sub class_attribute :uses_workspace # Load extension before/after the named extensions class_attribute :before class_attribute :after def self.components(*names) Components.enable(*names) end def client_bootstrap_data(view) {} end def stylesheet_include self.identifier + '/styles' end def javascript_include self.identifier end def client_namespace identifier.underscore.camelize end def client_paths [ root_path.join('client') ] end def client_images images = [] root_path.join('client','images').find{|path| images << path if path.file? } images end def route(route_set) routes_config = root_path.join('config','routes.rb') if routes_config.exist? require routes_config end end end class << self def load_screens each do | ext | screens_config = ext.root_path.join('config','screens.rb') if screens_config.exist? require screens_config end end end def load_after(extension) self.after = extension end def load_before(extension) self.before = extension end def all Definition.descendants end def require_workspace? all.detect{|ext| ext.uses_workspace } end def require_pub_sub? all.detect{|ext| ext.uses_pub_sub } end def sorted unmapped = all mapped = [] while unmapped.any? mapped_count = mapped.length unmapped.each do | ext | if !ext.before && !ext.after mapped.push(ext) end if ext.before && (position = mapped.find_index(ext.before)) mapped.insert(position, ext) end if ext.after && (position = mapped.find_index(ext.after)) mapped.insert(position+1, ext) end end if mapped_count == mapped.length # we failed to add any extensions "Conflicting load directives. Some extensions will not be available" end unmapped -= mapped end mapped end def each{ |klass| yield } end def early_loaded each{ |ext| yield ext if ext.load_phase == :early } end def late_loaded each{ |ext| yield ext if ext.load_phase == :late } end def client_bootstrap_data(view) data = { csrf_token: Rack::Csrf.csrf_token(view.env), root_view: Lanes.config.root_view, api_path: Lanes.config.mounted_at, initial_workspace_screen_id: Lanes.config.initial_workspace_screen_id, pub_sub: require_pub_sub? } each do | ext | data[ext.identifier] = ext.client_bootstrap_data(view) end return data end def client_images each{|ext| } end def load_current_config config_file = Pathname.getwd.join('config','lanes.rb') if config_file.exist? require config_file end end end end end