Child modules and classes

Class Gosu::Color
Class Gosu::Font
Class Gosu::GLTexInfo
Class Gosu::Image
Class Gosu::Sample
Class Gosu::SampleInstance
Class Gosu::Song
Class Gosu::TextInput
Class Gosu::Window


VERSION :a_string
Kb0 :implementation_defined
Kb1 :implementation_defined
Kb2 :implementation_defined
Kb3 :implementation_defined
Kb4 :implementation_defined
Kb5 :implementation_defined
Kb6 :implementation_defined
Kb7 :implementation_defined
Kb8 :implementation_defined
Kb9 :implementation_defined
KbA :implementation_defined
KbB :implementation_defined
KbC :implementation_defined
KbD :implementation_defined
KbE :implementation_defined
KbF :implementation_defined
KbG :implementation_defined
KbH :implementation_defined
KbI :implementation_defined
KbJ :implementation_defined
KbK :implementation_defined
KbL :implementation_defined
KbM :implementation_defined
KbN :implementation_defined
KbO :implementation_defined
KbP :implementation_defined
KbQ :implementation_defined
KbR :implementation_defined
KbS :implementation_defined
KbT :implementation_defined
KbU :implementation_defined
KbV :implementation_defined
KbW :implementation_defined
KbX :implementation_defined
KbY :implementation_defined
KbZ :implementation_defined
KbBackspace :implementation_defined
KbDelete :implementation_defined
KbDown :implementation_defined
KbEnd :implementation_defined
KbEnter :implementation_defined
KbEscape :implementation_defined
KbF1 :implementation_defined
KbF10 :implementation_defined
KbF11 :implementation_defined
KbF12 :implementation_defined
KbF2 :implementation_defined
KbF3 :implementation_defined
KbF4 :implementation_defined
KbF5 :implementation_defined
KbF6 :implementation_defined
KbF7 :implementation_defined
KbF8 :implementation_defined
KbF9 :implementation_defined
KbHome :implementation_defined
KbInsert :implementation_defined
KbLeft :implementation_defined
KbLeftAlt :implementation_defined
KbLeftControl :implementation_defined
KbLeftShift :implementation_defined
KbNumpad0 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad1 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad2 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad3 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad4 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad5 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad6 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad7 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad8 :implementation_defined
KbNumpad9 :implementation_defined
KbNumpadAdd :implementation_defined
KbNumpadDivide :implementation_defined
KbNumpadMultiply :implementation_defined
KbNumpadSubtract :implementation_defined
KbPageDown :implementation_defined
KbPageUp :implementation_defined
KbReturn :implementation_defined
KbRight :implementation_defined
KbRightAlt :implementation_defined
KbRightControl :implementation_defined
KbRightShift :implementation_defined
KbSpace :implementation_defined
KbTab :implementation_defined
KbUp :implementation_defined
MsLeft :implementation_defined
MsMiddle :implementation_defined
MsRight :implementation_defined
MsWheelDown :implementation_defined
MsWheelUp :implementation_defined
GpButton0 :implementation_defined
GpButton1 :implementation_defined
GpButton10 :implementation_defined
GpButton11 :implementation_defined
GpButton12 :implementation_defined
GpButton13 :implementation_defined
GpButton14 :implementation_defined
GpButton15 :implementation_defined
GpButton2 :implementation_defined
GpButton3 :implementation_defined
GpButton4 :implementation_defined
GpButton5 :implementation_defined
GpButton6 :implementation_defined
GpButton7 :implementation_defined
GpButton8 :implementation_defined
GpButton9 :implementation_defined
GpDown :implementation_defined
GpLeft :implementation_defined
GpRight :implementation_defined
GpUp :implementation_defined

Public Instance Methods

angle (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Returns the angle from point 1 to point 2 in degrees, where 0.0 means upwards. Returns 0 if both points are equal.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 456
  def angle(x1, y1, x2, y2); end

angle_diff (angle1, angle2)

Returns the smallest angle that can be added to angle1 to get to angle2 (can be negative if counter-clockwise movement is shorter).

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 459
  def angle_diff(angle1, angle2); end

default_font_name ()

Returns the name of a neutral font that is available on the current platform.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 469
  def default_font_name(); end

distance (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Returns the distance between two points.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 462
  def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2); end

milliseconds ()

Incrementing, possibly wrapping millisecond timer.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 465
  def milliseconds(); end

offset_x (angle, dist)

Returns the horizontal distance between the origin and the point to which you would get if you moved radius pixels in the direction specified by angle.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 450
  def offset_x(angle, dist); end

offset_y (angle, dist)

Returns the vertical distance between the origin and the point to which you would get if you moved radius pixels in the direction specified by angle.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 453
  def offset_y(angle, dist); end

random (min, max)

Returns a random double between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 447
  def random(min, max); end

screen_height ()

Returns the height, in pixels, of the user‘s primary screen.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 475
  def screen_height(); end

screen_width ()

Returns the width, in pixels, of the user‘s primary screen.

# File reference/gosu.rb, line 472
  def screen_width(); end