require 'jefferies_tube' require 'jefferies_tube/console' require 'jefferies_tube/coverage' require 'rails' module JefferiesTube class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie railtie_name :jefferies_tube console do ActiveRecord::Base.connection ARGV.push "-r", File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"custom_prompts.irbrc.rb") require 'pry' if defined? Pry Pry.prompt =, 'Jefferies Tube custom prompt', JefferiesTube::Console.pry_prompts) end end config.after_initialize do |args| begin # if this route exists, it means the app already defined its own catchall route # if not, this will raise an exception and we will install our catchall instead ::Rails.application.routes.recognize_path("/jefferies_tube_404_test_route_test_supertest") rescue ActionController::RoutingError ::Rails.application.routes.append do match "*a" => "jefferies_tube/errors#render_404", via: [:get, :post, :put, :options] match "/" => "jefferies_tube/errors#render_404", via: :post end end end initializer "jefferies_tube.add_maintenance_middleware" do |config| if File.exists? "tmp/maintenance.txt" require 'jefferies_tube/rack/maintenance' config.middleware.use 'JefferiesTube::Rack::Maintenance' end end initializer "jefferies_tube.view_helpers" do ::Rails.application.reloader.to_prepare do ActionView::Base.send :include, JefferiesTube::ApplicationHelper end end initializer "fix spring + figaro" do |config| if defined?(Spring) && File.exists?("config/application.yml") require 'spring/watcher' "config/application.yml" end end initializer "jefferies_tube.ensure_up_to_date" do |config| if ::Rails.env.development? if JefferiesTube::VERSION != JefferiesTube.latest_rubygems_version puts "***** Warning JefferiesTube is not up to date!" end end end initializer "load my.development.rb if present" do |config| if ::Rails.env.development? override_file = ::Rails.root.join "config", "environments", "my.development.rb" if File.file? override_file load override_file end end end initializer "create default rubocop config if missing" do |config| default_rubocop = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config", "rubocop_default.yml") rubocop_path = ::Rails.root.join ".rubocop.yml" if !File.file?(rubocop_path) FileUtils::cp(default_rubocop, rubocop_path) end end initializer 'load simplecov for tests' do |config| if ::Rails.env.test? && ENV['JT_RAKE'] simplecov_config = 'config/simplecov.rb' require_relative simplecov_config end end rake_tasks do Rake.application['default'].clear require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :jtspec do ENV['JT_RAKE'] = "true" Rake::Task["spec"].invoke end task default: :jtspec require 'rubocop/rake_task' if Object.const_defined?("DEBUGGER__") DEBUGGER__.class_eval do def self.warn(msg) end end end task default: :rubocop end end end