module Lolita # Provide hook mechanism for Lolita. To use hooks for class start with including this in your own class. # Next step is hook definition. This may be done using Lolita::Hooks#add_hook method. # Hooks are stored in class @hooks variable, that is Hash and each key is hook name # and each hook also is Hash that have :methods and :blocks # keys. Both of those are Array, and each time you call callback method, like before_save and so on, block # and/or methods is stored. Each time #run is called all blocks and methods will be executed. # It may look like this. # class MyClass # include Lolita::Hooks # add_hook :before_save, :after_save # end # # This will define two hooks for MyClass. # To add hook callback just call hook name on class and pass method(-s) or block. # MyClass.after_save :write_log # MyClass.before_save do # validate(self) # end # ==Scopes # Most times hook callbacks are defined for class like in previous example, but also it's possible to do it # on class instances. Difference between calling it on class or on instance is that instance callbacks will # be called only when event is runned on instance. Class callbacks will be called on class and also on instance # callbacks. # # MyClass.before_save do # puts "class callback" # end # my_object.before_save do # puts "instance callback" # end # # #=> # class_callback # # #=> # class_callback # instance_callback # # As you can see, first class callbacks is called and after that instance callbacks. # # ==Firing events # To execute callbacks, events should be called on object. Event names is same hooks names. #run can be called # on class or on instance. Also it is possible to pass block to run event, that will replace callback block # or if #let_content is called than it will work like wrapper, like this # # this is continuation of previous code # do # puts "replaced text" # end # # will produce #=> replaced text # # do # puts "before callback" # let_content # puts "after callback" # end # # this will produce #=> # # before callback # # class callback # # after callback # ==Named hooks # See Lolita::Hooks::NamedHook for details. module Hooks class Runner class << self def singleton_hook(hook_object,hook_name) class << hook_object def hooks_runned(name=nil) @hooks_runned ||=[] @hooks_runned << name if name @hooks_runned end end hook_object.hooks_runned(hook_name) end def runned?(hook_object,hook_name) if hook_object.respond_to?(:hooks_runned) hook_object.hooks_runned.include?(hook_name) end end def singleton_hooks @singleton_hooks || {} end end attr_accessor :hooks_run_scope, :given_callback_content attr_writer :hooks_scope def initialize(hook_class,hook_name, options) @hook_class = hook_class @hook_name = hook_name @options = options @options[:once] = @options[:once] == true ? @hook_class : @options[:once] end # Hooks scope is used to execute callbacks. By default it is class itself. def hooks_scope @hooks_scope || @hook_class end def run(&block) if !@options[:once] || (@options[:once] && !self.class.runned?(@options[:once],@hook_name)) self.class.singleton_hook(@options[:once],@hook_name) result = nil in_hooks_scope(@options[:scope],@options[:run_scope]) do callback = get_callback(@hook_name) result = run_callback(callback,&block) end result end end # Call callback block inside of run block. # ====Example # do # do_stuff # let_content # execute callback block(-s) in same scope as run is executed. # end def let_content if self.given_callback_content.respond_to?(:call) run_block(self.given_callback_content) elsif self.given_callback_content self.given_callback_content end end protected # Switch between self and given scope. Block will be executed with scope. # And after that it will switch back to self. def in_hooks_scope(scope,run_scope=nil) begin this = self self.hooks_scope=scope || @hook_class self.hooks_scope.define_singleton_method(:let_content) do this.let_content end if run_scope run_scope.define_singleton_method(:let_content) do this.let_content end end self.hooks_run_scope = run_scope || self.hooks_scope yield ensure self.hooks_scope = @hook_class self.hooks_run_scope = self.hooks_scope end end # Return all callbacks # If scope is not class then it merge class callbacks with scope callbacks. That means that # class callbacks always will be called before scope callbacks. def get_callback(name) scope_callbacks = hooks_scope.callbacks[name.to_sym] || {} @hook_class.superclasses.each do |const_name| scope_callbacks = @hook_class.collect_callbacks_from(name,const_name,scope_callbacks) end scope_callbacks end # Run callback. Each callback is Hash with :methods Array and :blocks Array def run_callback(callback,&block) method_results=run_methods(callback[:methods],&block) block_results=run_blocks(callback[:blocks],&block) method_results+block_results end # Run methods from methods Array def run_methods methods, &block result = "" (methods||[]).each do |method_name| result << (hooks_run_scope.__send__(method_name,&block)).to_s end result end # Run blocks from blocks Array. Also it set #given_callback_content if block is given, this # will allow to call #let_content. Each block is runned with #run_block. # After first run result of first block become #given_callback_content, and when next block # call #let_content, this string will be returned for that block def run_blocks blocks,&given_block result="" self.given_callback_content=block_given? ? given_block : nil if blocks && !blocks.empty? blocks.each do |block| result << (run_block(block,&given_block)).to_s self.given_callback_content=result end elsif block_given? self.given_callback_content=nil result << run_block(given_block).to_s end result end # Run block in scope. def run_block block, &given_block hooks_run_scope.instance_eval(&block) end end # end of Runner def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.extend(CommonMethods) base.class_eval{ include CommonMethods include InstanceMethods } end # Look for named hook with singular or plural name of method. def self.method_missing method_name,*args, &block if named_hook=(Lolita::Hooks::NamedHook.by_name(method_name)) named_hook[:_class] else super end end # Shared methods between class and instance. module CommonMethods # All callbacks for class or instance. def callbacks var=self.instance_variable_get(:@callbacks) unless var var={} self.instance_variable_set(:@callbacks,var) end instance_variable_get(:@callbacks) end end module ClassMethods def hooks_scope=(value) @hooks_scope = value end def hooks_scope @hooks_scope || self end # All hooks for class. This is Array of hook names. def hooks @hooks||=[] @hooks end def all_hooks @all_hooks||=self.ancestors.inject([]) do |result,const_name| if const_name.respond_to?(:hooks) result+=const_name.send(:hooks) else result end end @all_hooks end # Reset all hooks and callbacks to defaults. def clear_hooks @hooks=[] @callbacks={} end def add_hooks *names add_hook *names end # This method is used to add hooks for class. It accept one or more hook names. # ====Example # add_hook :before_save # MyClass.add_hooks :after_save, :around_save def add_hook(*names) (names||[]).each{|hook_name| self.class_eval <<-HOOK,__FILE__,__LINE__+1 def self.#{hook_name}(*methods,&block) options=methods.extract_options! in_hooks_scope(options[:scope]) do register_callback(:"#{hook_name}",*methods,&block) end end def #{hook_name}(*method,&block) self.class.#{hook_name}(*method,:scope=>self,&block) end HOOK register_hook(hook_name) } end def in_hooks_scope(scope) begin self.hooks_scope = scope yield ensure self.hooks_scope = self end end # run is used to execute callback. Method accept one or more hook_names and optional block. # It will raise error if hook don't exist for this class. Also it accept :scope options, that # is used to #get_callbacks and #run_callbacks. # ====Example #,:after_save,:scope=> # # this will call callbacks in MyClass instance scope, that means that self will be MyClass instance. def run(hook_name,*args,&block) options=args ? args.extract_options! : {} raise Lolita::HookNotFound, "Hook #{hook_name} is not defined for #{self}." unless self.has_hook?(hook_name) runner =,hook_name,options) end # Is hook with name is defined for class. def has_hook?(name) self.all_hooks.include?(name.to_sym) end # Try to recognize named run methods like # MyClass.run_after_save # will call def method_missing(*args, &block) unless self.recognize_hook_methods(*args,&block) super end end # Set #method_missing def recognize_hook_methods method_name, *args, &block if method_name.to_s.match(/^run_(\w+)/)$1,*args,&block) true end end def collect_callbacks_from(name,const_name,scope_callbacks) class_callbacks=const_name.callbacks[name.to_sym] || {} [:methods,:blocks].each do |attr| scope_callbacks[attr]=((class_callbacks[attr] || [])+(scope_callbacks[attr] || [])).uniq end scope_callbacks end # Register callback with given scope. def register_callback(name,*methods,&block) temp_callback=hooks_scope.callbacks[name]||{} temp_callback[:methods]||=[] temp_callback[:methods]+=(methods||[]).compact temp_callback[:blocks]||=[] temp_callback[:blocks]<< block if block_given? hooks_scope.callbacks[name]=temp_callback end # Register hook for scope. def register_hook(name) self.hooks<self,&block) super end end end end end