#### v0.3.11 * Trying to fix potential bug that makes commissioner run out of memory > Emma Sax: Brian Bergstrom: https://github.com/sportngin/hubstats/pull/59 #### v0.3.10 * Fixed bug with PR counts > Emma Sax: Brian Bergstrom: https://github.com/sportngin/hubstats/pull/58 * Fixed bug with PR counts > Emma Sax: Brian Bergstrom: https://github.com/sportngin/hubstats/pull/58 #### v0.3.9 * Refactored Main Parts of Code > Emma Sax: Brian Bergstrom: https://github.com/sportngin/hubstats/pull/57 * Changed Metrics Page, Wrote New Tests, Fixed Little Bugs > Emma Sax: Brian Bergstrom: https://github.com/sportngin/hubstats/pull/56 #### v0.3.8 #### v0.3.7 #### v0.3.6 #### v0.3.5 #### v0.3.4 #### v0.3.3 #### v0.3.3 #### v0.3.2 #### v0.3.1 #### v0.3.0 #### v0.2.3 #### v0.2.2 #### v0.2.1 #### v0.2.0 #### 2015.