module Locomotive module Steam module Liquid module Tags # Consume web services as easy as pie directly in liquid! # # Usage: # # {% consume blog from '' username: 'john', password: 'easy', format: 'json', expires_in: 3000 %} # {% for post in blog.posts %} # {{ post.title }} # {% endfor %} # {% endconsume %} # class Consume < ::Liquid::Block include Concerns::Attributes Syntax = /(#{::Liquid::VariableSignature}+)\s*from\s*(#{::Liquid::QuotedFragment}+),?(.+)?/o.freeze attr_reader :variable_name, :url, :expires_in def initialize(tag_name, markup, options) super if markup =~ Syntax @variable_name, @url, attributes = $1.to_s, ::Liquid::Expression.parse($2), $3 parse_attributes(attributes) else raise"Syntax Error in 'consume' - Valid syntax: consume from \"\" [username: value, password: value]") end end def render(context) evaluate_attributes(context) # attributes will become the options which will be passed to the service. # we don't want the expires_in option to be part of it. @expires_in = attributes.delete(:expires_in)&.to_i # the URL can come from a variable @url = context.evaluate(url) if url.blank? Locomotive::Common::Logger.error "A consume tag can't call an empty URL." '' else render_all_and_cache_it(context) { |_context| super(_context) } end end protected def render_all_and_cache_it(context, &block) cache_service(context).fetch(page_fragment_cache_key, cache_options) do self.render_all_without_cache(context, &block) end end def render_all_without_cache(context) context.stack do begin "[consume] #{url.inspect} / #{attributes.inspect}" context.scopes.last[variable_name] = service(context).consume(url, attributes) rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT context.scopes.last[variable_name] = last_response(context) end yield(context) end end def service(context) context.registers[:services].external_api end def cache_service(context) context.registers[:services].cache end def cache_options expires_in.blank? || expires_in == 0 ? { force: true } : { expires_in: expires_in } end def last_response(context) cache_service(context).read(page_fragment_cache_key) end def page_fragment_cache_key "Steam-consume-#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(variable_name + url)}" end end ::Liquid::Template.register_tag('consume'.freeze, Consume) end end end end