module KnapsackPro class QueueAllocator def initialize(args) @fast_and_slow_test_files_to_run = args.fetch(:fast_and_slow_test_files_to_run) @fallback_mode_test_files = args.fetch(:fallback_mode_test_files) @ci_node_total = args.fetch(:ci_node_total) @ci_node_index = args.fetch(:ci_node_index) @ci_node_build_id = args.fetch(:ci_node_build_id) @repository_adapter = args.fetch(:repository_adapter) end def test_file_paths(can_initialize_queue, executed_test_files) return [] if @fallback_activated action = build_action(can_initialize_queue, attempt_connect_to_queue: can_initialize_queue) connection = response = # when attempt to connect to existing queue on API side failed because queue does not exist yet if can_initialize_queue && connection.success? && connection.api_code == KnapsackPro::Client::API::V1::Queues::CODE_ATTEMPT_CONNECT_TO_QUEUE_FAILED # make attempt to initalize a new queue on API side action = build_action(can_initialize_queue, attempt_connect_to_queue: false) connection = response = end if connection.success? raise if connection.errors? prepare_test_files(response) elsif !KnapsackPro::Config::Env.fallback_mode_enabled? message = "Fallback Mode was disabled with KNAPSACK_PRO_FALLBACK_MODE_ENABLED=false. Please restart this CI node to retry tests. Most likely Fallback Mode was disabled due to #{KnapsackPro::Urls::QUEUE_MODE__CONNECTION_ERROR_WITH_FALLBACK_ENABLED_FALSE}" KnapsackPro.logger.error(message) raise message elsif KnapsackPro::Config::Env.ci_node_retry_count > 0 message = "knapsack_pro gem could not connect to Knapsack Pro API and the Fallback Mode cannot be used this time. Running tests in Fallback Mode are not allowed for retried parallel CI node to avoid running the wrong set of tests. Please manually retry this parallel job on your CI server then knapsack_pro gem will try to connect to Knapsack Pro API again and will run a correct set of tests for this CI node. Learn more #{KnapsackPro::Urls::QUEUE_MODE__CONNECTION_ERROR_WITH_FALLBACK_ENABLED_TRUE_AND_POSITIVE_RETRY_COUNT}" unless KnapsackPro::Config::Env.fixed_queue_split? message += " Please ensure you have set KNAPSACK_PRO_FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT=true to allow Knapsack Pro API remember the recorded CI node tests so when you retry failed tests on the CI node then the same set of tests will be executed. See more #{KnapsackPro::Urls::FIXED_QUEUE_SPLIT}" end KnapsackPro.logger.error(message) raise message else @fallback_activated = true KnapsackPro.logger.warn("Fallback mode started. We could not connect with Knapsack Pro API. Your tests will be executed based on directory names. If other CI nodes were able to connect with Knapsack Pro API then you may notice that some of the test files will be executed twice across CI nodes. The most important thing is to guarantee each of test files is run at least once! Read more about fallback mode at #{KnapsackPro::Urls::FALLBACK_MODE}") fallback_test_files(executed_test_files) end end private attr_reader :fast_and_slow_test_files_to_run, :fallback_mode_test_files, :ci_node_total, :ci_node_index, :ci_node_build_id, :repository_adapter def encrypted_test_files end def encrypted_branch end def build_action(can_initialize_queue, attempt_connect_to_queue:) test_files = if can_initialize_queue && !attempt_connect_to_queue encrypted_test_files end KnapsackPro::Client::API::V1::Queues.queue( can_initialize_queue: can_initialize_queue, attempt_connect_to_queue: attempt_connect_to_queue, commit_hash: repository_adapter.commit_hash, branch: encrypted_branch, node_total: ci_node_total, node_index: ci_node_index, node_build_id: ci_node_build_id, test_files: test_files, ) end def prepare_test_files(response) decrypted_test_files =, response['test_files']) KnapsackPro::TestFilePresenter.paths(decrypted_test_files) end def fallback_test_files(executed_test_files) test_flat_distributor =, ci_node_total) test_files_for_node_index = test_flat_distributor.test_files_for_node(ci_node_index) KnapsackPro::TestFilePresenter.paths(test_files_for_node_index) - executed_test_files end end end