# Small Victories Gem A command line utility for building websites. ## What does it do? The Small Victories gem compiles Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files into a single Stylesheet and JavaScript file and renders HTML and Liquid files into a destination folder. [Sprockets](https://github.com/rails/sprockets) looks for main Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files and compiles multiple Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files into a single CSS and JS file. You can structure your folder however you want, Sprockets will find the files you reference and compile them in the order you require them. [Liquid](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/) looks for a single layout file and renders all HTML and Liquid files through this, including snippets from the includes folder. You don't have to use a layout file if you don't want to, the files will still be copied to the destination folder. [Guard LiveReload](https://github.com/guard/guard-livereload) is used to notify the browser to automatically reload. It needs to be used with the [LiveReload Safari/Chrome/Firefox extension](http://livereload.com/extensions#installing-sections). ## Installation ``` gem install smallvictories ``` ## Commands ### Bootstrap Sets up default files in a folder. Pass no name to setup in the current folder: Command: `sv bootstrap` Pass a folder name to setup in a new/existing folder: Command: `sv bootstrap my-folder` ### Compile Compile files. Renders Sass/CSS, JavaScript/CoffeeScript, HTML/Liquid in the destination folder. Command: `sv compile` ### Inline Compile files and then inline CSS in your HTML files. Command: `sv inline` ### Watch Watch for changes then compile files and notify LiveReload. Command: `sv watch` ### Default Folder Structure The default setup for Small Victories is to have your production files in the root and your development files in the `src` directory. ```text Dropbox └── Small Victories └── Your Site └── src │ ├── _includes │ │ └── _head.liquid │ ├── _layout.liquid │ ├── application.css │ ├── application.js │ └── index.liquid │ ├── _sv_custom.css ├── _sv_custom.js └── index.html ``` You would then run `sv watch` from within `Your Site` and Small Victories will watch for changes in `src` and compile them to the `Your Site` folder. ## How does it work with Small Victories? This gem allows you to build a site using the tools you're used to and compile a version directly into a Small Victories folder. When you watch or build your site it will output the files into your Dropbox folder, which in turn will trigger Small Victories to rebuild your site. ### Getting Started First, create a new Small Victories site either through your Small Victories admin or by creating a new folder in Dropbox/Small Victories. In terminal, cd into the directory and run: `sv bootstrap` Then: `sv compile` And finally: `sv watch` With the default config, Small Victories will watch and compile your files into the root of your site folder. ## Why is there now web server? There are other static site generators (like [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) or [Middleman](https://middlemanapp.com/)) that you can use to fire up a web server (and more!), Small Victories helps you build a static site for hosting on Small Victories, so if you don't need anything more than a static HTML file that can be dropped into your Small Victories folder. ## Config You can override Small Victories config by including a `_sv_config.yml` file in the directory where `sv` is run from. You can set the following options: + `source`: Relative path to find and watch files for compiling and compiling. + `destination`: Relative path for where to save final files. + `stylesheet`: Main stylesheet (Sass or CSS) to be compiled into destination. + `javascript`: Main javascript file (JS or CoffeeScript) to be compiled into destination. + `layout`: Liquid layout file to render all other html and liquid files through. + `includes`: Directory where liquid rendered should expect to find snippets. ### Default Configuration ```yaml source: 'src' destination: '' source_stylesheet: 'application.css' source_javascript: 'application.js' destination_stylesheet: '_sv_custom.css' destination_javascript: '_sv_custom.js' layout: '_layout.liquid' includes: '_includes' ``` ## Building Locally 1. Clone it 2. Run `bundle` 3. Run `rake install` ## Publishing 1. Update the version number in `lib/smallvictories/version.rb` 2. Run `gem build smallvictories.gemspec` 3. Run `gem push smallvictories-0.0.X.gem` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/xxix/smallvictories-gem/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request