# Lotus A complete web framework for Ruby ## v0.3.1 - 2015-05-15 ### Added - [Hiếu Nguyễn] Introduced application generator (eg. `bundle exec lotus generate app admin` creates `apps/admin`). - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced model generator (eg. `bundle exec lotus generate model user` creates entity, repository and test files). - [Ngọc Nguyễn] Introduced `Lotus.env`, `Lotus.env?` for current environment introspection (eg. `Lotus.env?(:test)` or `Lotus.env?(:staging, :production)`) - [Miguel Molina] Skip view creation when an action is generated via `--skip-view` CLI arg. ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure routes to be loaded for unit tests ## v0.3.0 - 2015-03-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced action generator. Eg. `bundle exec lotus generate action web dashboard#index` - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to specify default coookies options in application configuration. Eg. `cookies true, { domain: 'lotusrb.org' }` - [Tom Kadwill] Include `Lotus::Helpers` in views. - [Linus Pettersson] Allow to specify `--database` CLI option when generate a new application. Eg. `lotus new bookshelf --database=postgresql` - [Linus Pettersson] Initialize a Git repository when generating a new application - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Produce `.lotusrc` when generating a new application - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Security HTTP headers. `X-Frame-Options` and `Content-Security-Policy` are now enabled by default. - [Linus Pettersson] Database console. Run with `bundle exec lotus db console` - [Luca Guidi] Dynamic finders for relative and absolute routes. It implements method missing: `Web::Routes.home_path` will resolve to `Web::Routes.path(:home)`. ### Changed – [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Cookies will send `HttpOnly` by default. This is for security reasons. - [Jan Lelis] Enable `templates` configuration for new generated apps - [Mark Connell] Change SQLite file extension from `.db` to `.sqlite3` ## v0.2.1 - 2015-02-06 ### Added - [Huy Đỗ] Introduced `Lotus::Logger` - [Jimmy Zhang] `lotus new` accepts a `--path` argument - [Jimmy Zhang] Application generator for the current directory (`lotus new .`). This is useful to provide a web deliverable for existing Ruby gems. - [Trung Lê] Add example mapping file for application generator: `lib/config/mapping.rb` - [Hiếu Nguyễn] RSpec support for application generator: `--test=rspec` or `--test=minitest` (default) ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] `lotus version` to previx `v` (eg `v0.2.1`) - [Rob Yurkowski] Ensure application name doesn't contain special or forbidden characters - [Luca Guidi] Ensure all the applications are loaded in console - [Trung Lê] Container architecture: preload only `lib//**/*.rb` - [Hiếu Nguyễn] Fixed `lotus new` to print usage when application name isn't provided ## v0.2.0 - 2014-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `lotus new` as a command to generate applications. It supports "container" architecture for now. - [Luca Guidi] Show a welcome page when the application doesn't have routes - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application.preload!` to preload all the Lotus applications in a given Ruby process. (Bulk `Lotus::Application.load!`) - [Trung Lê] Allow browsers to fake non `GET`/`POST` requests via `Rack::MethodOverride` - [Josue Abreu] Allow to define body parses for non `GET` HTTP requests (`body_parsers` configuration) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to toggle static assets serving (`serve_assets` configuration) - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow to serve assets from multiple sources (`assets` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure `ENV` vars with per environment `.env` files - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Introduced `lotus routes` command - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure low level settings for MVC frameworks (`model`, `view` and `controller` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Container` - [Trung Lê] Include `Lotus::Presenter` as part of the duplicated modules - [Trung Lê] Include `Lotus::Entity` and `Lotus::Repository` as part of the duplicated modules - [Luca Guidi] Introduced code reloading for `lotus server` - [Trung Lê] Allow to configure database adapter (`adapter` configuration) - [Luca Guidi & Trung Lê] Allow to configure database mapping (`mapping` configuration) - [Piotr Kurek] Introduced custom templates for non successful responses - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure exceptions handling (`handle_exceptions` configuration) - [Michal Muskala] Allow to configure sessions (`sessions` configuration) - [Josue Abreu] Allow to configure cookies (`cookies` configuration) - [Piotr Kurek] Allow to yield multiple configurations per application, according to the current environment - [David Celis] Allow to configure Rack middleware stack (`middleware` configuration) - [David Celis] Introduced `lotus console` command. It runs the REPL configured in `Gemfile` (eg. pry or ripl). Defaults to IRb. - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Environment` which holds the informations about the current environment, and CLI arguments - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application.load!` to load and configure an application without requiring user defined code (controllers, views, etc.) - [Leonard Garvey] Introduced `lotus server` command. It runs the application with the Rack server declared in `Gemfile` (eg. puma, thin, unicorn). It defaults to `WEBRick`. - [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.1 and 2.2 ### Changed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Changed semantic of `assets` configuration. Now it's only used to set the sources for the assets. Static serving assets has now a new configuration: `serve_assets`. ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure `HEAD` requests return empty body ## v0.1.0 - 2014-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Allow to run multiple Lotus applications in the same Ruby process (framework duplication) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Routes` as factory to generate application URLs - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure scheme, host and port (`scheme`, `host` and `port` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure a layout to use for all the views of an application (`layout` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure routes (`routes` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure several load paths for Ruby source files (`load_paths` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to serve static files (`assets` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Render default pages for non successful responses (eg `404` or `500`) - [Luca Guidi] Allow to configure the root of an application (`root` configuration) - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Configuration` - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Application` - [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 2.0