Given /^I have no public keys set$/ do @auth_methods = %w(password) end Then /^I can ssh to "([^\"]*)" with the following credentials:$/ do |hostname, table| @auth_methods ||= %w(publickey password) credentials = table.hashes credentials.each do |creds| lambda { Net::SSH.start(session["hostname"], creds["username"], :password => creds["password"], :auth_methods => @auth_methods) }.should_not raise_error(Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) end end Then /^I can ssh to the following hosts with these credentials:$/ do |table| @keys ||= [] @auth_methods ||= %w(password) session_details = table.hashes session_details.each do |session| # initialize a list of keys and auth methods for just this session, as # session can have session-specific keys mixed with global keys session_keys = session_auth_methods = # you can pass in a keyfile in the session details, so we need to if session["keyfile"] session_keys << session["keyfile"] session_auth_methods << "publickey" end lambda { @connection = Net::SSH.start(session["hostname"], session["username"], :password => session["password"], :auth_methods => session_auth_methods, :keys => session_keys) }.should_not raise_error end end Given /^I have the following public keys:$/ do |table| @keys = [] public_key_paths = table.hashes public_key_paths.each do |key| File.exist?(key["keyfile"]).should be_true FileUtils.chmod(0600, key["keyfile"]) @keys << key["keyfile"] end @auth_methods ||= %w(password) @auth_methods << "publickey" end When /^I ssh to "([^\"]*)" with the following credentials:$/ do |hostname, table| @keys = [] @auth_methods ||= %w(password) session = table.hashes.first session_keys = session_auth_methods = if session["keyfile"] session_keys << session["keyfile"] session_auth_methods << "publickey" end lambda { @connection = Net::SSH.start(hostname, session["username"], :password => session["password"], :auth_methods => session_auth_methods, :keys => session_keys) }.should_not raise_error end And /^I run "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command| @output = @connection.exec!(command) end Then /^I should( not)? see "([^\"]*)" in the output$/ do |boolean, string| if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{string}/ else @output.should_not =~ /#{string}/ end end Then /^I should( not)? see the "([^\"]*)" of "([^\"]*)" in the output$/ do |boolean, key, name| if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{$servers[name][key.downcase.to_sym]}/i else @output.should_not =~ /#{$servers[name][key.downcase.to_sym]}/i end end Then /^path "([^\"]*)" should exist$/ do |dir| parent = File.dirname dir child = File.basename dir command = "ls %s" % [ parent ] @output = @connection.exec!(command) @output.should =~ /#{child}/ end Then /^path "([^\"]*)" should be owned by "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, owner| command = "stat -c %%U:%%G %s" % [ path ] @output = @connection.exec!(command) @output.should =~ /#{owner}/ end Then /^file "([^\"]*)" should( not)? contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, boolean, content| command = "cat %s" % [ path ] @output = @connection.exec!(command) if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{content}/ else @output.should_not =~ /#{content}/ end end Then /^package "([^\"]*)" should be installed$/ do |package| command = "" if (dpkg = @connection.exec!("which dpkg 2> /dev/null")).length > 0 command = "#{dpkg.chomp} --get-selections" elsif (yum = @connection.exec!("which yum 2> /dev/null")).length > 0 command = "#{yum.chomp} -q list installed" # could easily add more cases here, if I knew what they were :) end @output = @connection.exec!(command) @output.should =~ /#{package}/ end