require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) class Kicker module Utils public :will_execute_command, :did_execute_command end end describe "A Kicker instance, concerning its utility methods" do before do utils.stubs(:puts) end after do Kicker.silent = false Kicker::Growl.use = true end it "should print a log entry with timestamp" do now = Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) utils.expects(:puts).with("#{now.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}.#{now.usec.to_s[0,2]} | the message") utils.send(:log, 'the message') end it 'should print a log entry with no timestamp in quiet mode' do before = Kicker.quiet utils.expects(:puts).with('the message') Kicker.quiet = true utils.send(:log, 'the message') Kicker.quiet = before end it "should log the output of the command indented by 2 spaces and whether or not the command succeeded" do Kicker::Growl.use = false utils.stubs(:`).returns("line 1\nline 2") utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(true) utils.expects(:log).with('Executing: ls') utils.expects(:puts).with("\nline 1\nline 2\n\n") utils.expects(:log).with('Success') utils.execute('ls') utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(false) utils.stubs(:last_command_status).returns(123) utils.expects(:log).with('Executing: ls') utils.expects(:puts).with("\nline 1\nline 2\n\n") utils.expects(:log).with('Failed (123)') utils.execute('ls') end it "should growl a change occurred and the output" do utils.stubs(:`).returns("line 1\nline 2") utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(true) utils.stubs(:log) Kicker::Growl.expects(:change_occured).with { |status| status.command == 'ls' } Kicker::Growl.expects(:result).with { |status| status.output == "line 1\nline 2" } utils.execute('ls') end it "should not growl that a change occured in silent mode" do Kicker.silent = true utils.stubs(:did_execute_command) utils.expects(:log) Kicker::Growl.expects(:change_occured).never utils.execute('ls') end it "should only log that is has succeeded in silent mode" do Kicker.silent = true Kicker::Growl.expects(:result).with { |status| status.output == "line 1\nline 2" } status =, 'ls -l') status.result("line 1\nline 2", true, 0) utils.expects(:log).with("Success") utils.did_execute_command(status) end it "should fully log that it has failed in silent mode" do Kicker.silent = true Kicker::Growl.expects(:result).with { |status| status.output == "line 1\nline 2" } utils.expects(:puts).with("\nline 1\nline 2\n\n") utils.expects(:log).with('Failed (123)') status =, 'ls -l') status.result("line 1\nline 2", false, 123) utils.did_execute_command(status) end it "should clear the console before running a command" do Kicker.clear_console = true utils.expects(:puts).with("\e[H\e[2J") Kicker::Growl.stubs(:change_occured) status =, 'ls -l') status.result("line 1\nline 2", false, 123) utils.will_execute_command(status) end it "should store the last executed command" do Kicker::Growl.use = false utils.stubs(:log) utils.execute('date') utils.last_command.should == 'date' end it "should call the block given to execute and yield the log status helper with status success" do Kicker.silent = true Kicker::Growl.use = false utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(true) utils.expects(:log).with('Start!') utils.expects(:log).with('Done!') utils.execute('ls -l') do |status| if status.after? if status.success? 'Done!' else 'Ohnoes!' end elsif status.before? 'Start!' end end end it "should call the block given to execute and yield the log status helper with status failed" do Kicker.silent = true Kicker::Growl.use = false utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(false) utils.expects(:log).with('Start!') utils.expects(:log).with('Ohnoes!') utils.execute('ls -l') do |status| if status.after? if status.success? 'Done!' else 'Ohnoes!' end elsif status.before? 'Start!' end end end private def utils Kicker::Utils end end describe "Kernel utility methods" do before do utils.stubs(:last_command_succeeded?).returns(true) end it "should forward log calls to the Kicker::Utils module" do utils.expects(:log).with('the message') log 'the message' end it "should forward execute calls to the Kicker::Utils module" do utils.expects(:execute).with('ls') execute 'ls' end it "should return the last_command" do utils.stubs(:last_command).returns('abcde') last_command.should == 'abcde' end private def utils Kicker::Utils end end