Given /^the following feature file(?: "([^"]*)")?:$/ do |file_name, file_text| @test_directory = @root_test_directory @files_created ||= 0 @feature_files ||= [] file_name ||= "test_feature_#{@files_created + 1}" file_name = File.basename(file_name, '.feature') file_path = CukeCataloger::FileHelper.create_feature_file(:directory => @test_directory, :name => file_name, :text => file_text) @feature_files << file_path @files_created += 1 end When(/^a tag prefix of "([^"]*)"$/) do |prefix| @tag_prefix = prefix end And(/^a start index of "([^"]*)"$/) do |index| @start_index ||= {:sub => {}} @start_index[:primary] = index.to_i end And(/^a start index of "([^"]*)" for testcase "([^"]*)"$/) do |sub_index, parent_index| @start_index ||= {:sub => {}} @start_index[:sub][parent_index.to_s] = sub_index.to_i end Given(/^a feature file$/) do @test_directory = @root_test_directory @files_created ||= 0 @feature_files ||= [] file_name = "test_feature_#{@files_created + 1}.feature" file_name = File.basename(file_name, '.feature') file_text = "Feature:\nScenario Outline:\n* a step\nExamples:\n| param 1 |\n| value 1 |" file_path = CukeCataloger::FileHelper.create_feature_file(:directory => @test_directory, :name => file_name, :text => file_text) @feature_files << file_path @files_created += 1 end And(/^the tag should be at the "([^"]*)"$/) do |tag_location| case tag_location when 'top' @above_or_below = :above when 'bottom' @above_or_below = :below when 'side' @above_or_below = :adjacent end end And(/^the tag location is unspecified$/) do @above_or_below = nil end Given(/^the cuke_cataloger executable is available$/) do @executable_directory = "#{PROJECT_ROOT}/bin" end And(/^there are test cases in the "([^"]*)" directory that have not been cataloged with "([^"]*)"$/) do |target_directory, prefix| target_directory = "#{FIXTURE_DIRECTORY}/#{target_directory}" @test_results =, prefix) # Making sure that there is work to be done, thus avoiding false positives expect( { |test_result| test_result[:problem] == :missing_tag }).to_not be_empty end Given(/^the Rake tasks provided by the gem have been loaded$/) do"#{FIXTURE_DIRECTORY}/Rakefile", 'a') { |file| file.puts 'CukeCataloger.create_tasks' } CukeCataloger.create_tasks end