Glimmer - a JRuby DSL that enables easy and efficient authoring of user-interfaces using the robust platform-independent Eclipse SWT library. Glimmer comes with built-in data-binding support to greatly facilitate synchronizing UI with domain models. Copyright (C) 2007 Annas Al Maleh Licensed under the LGPL. See /COPYING.LGPL for more details. Instructions for use with stand-alone SWT: 1. Download the "SWT binary and source" archive from the Eclipse site and follow their instructions. 2. Have your program require the swt.rb file 3. Create a class that includes the Glimmer module and you will be able to write Glimmer syntax Instructions for use with Eclipse: 1. Download and setup Eclipse 3.3 or 3.2 2. Download and setup jRuby 1.0.2 3. Modify Java launch command in jRuby script/batch file to include SWT libraries in both: a. Classpath; must include %ECLIPSE_HOME%/plugins/org.eclipse.swt*.jar For example with Eclipse 3.2 on Windows, we add the following: -cp "%CLASSPATH%;%ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m.jar;%ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.swt_3.2.0.v3232o.jar" b. java.library.path; must point to %ECLIPSE_HOME%/plugins/org.eclipse.swt* folder For example, with Eclipse 3.2 on Windows, we add the following: -Djava.library.path="%ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m" 4. Have your program require the glimmer.rb file 5. Create a class that includes the Glimmer module and you will be able to write Glimmer syntax Check samples folder for examples on how to write Glimmer programs.