module CognitiveDistance::Structures class Graph include Enumerable def initialize # The keys are the out-bound vertex @links = {} end def link from, *tos @links[from] ||= [] @links[from] += tos self end def bilink n1, n2 link n1, n2 link n2, n1 self end # Really? def vertices @links.inject([]) { |vs, (n, ns)| vs << n << ns }.flatten.uniq end def edges vertex=nil @links.inject([]) { |es, (n, ns)| es + ( { |n2| [n, n2] }) } end alias :to_a :edges def any_edges vertex { |(n1,n2)| n1 == vertex || n2 == vertex } end def in_edges vertex { |(n1,n2)| n2 == vertex } end # We could improve this because the keys of @links indicate the # out-bound edges for a given vertex, but for now let's go with # consistent def out_edges vertex { |(n1,n2)| n1 == vertex } end def empty? @links.empty? end def each &block edges.each &block end # Two graphs are equal if they have the same edges and vertices # As our graphs do not contain any unlinked vertices, we can get by # with testing mutual inclusion of edges def == other return true if equal?(other) # save some time return false unless other.respond_to?(:to_a) e1s = to_a e2s = other.to_a e1s.size == e2s.size && e1s.all? { |e1| e2s.include? e1 } end # Duck-typing through `to_a` isn't enough, you actually have to be an instance # of Graph (or an instance of a subclass) def eql? other Graph === other && self == other end end end