require 'corelib/comparable' class String include Comparable `def.$$is_string = true` `var MUT_STR_ERR_MSG = 'String#%s not supported. Mutable String methods are not supported in Opal.'` def __id__ `self.toString()` end alias object_id __id__ def self.try_convert(what) Opal.coerce_to?(what, String, :to_str) end def = '') str = Opal.coerce_to(str, String, :to_str) `new String(str)` end def initialize(str = undefined) %x{ if (str === undefined) { return self; } } raise NotImplementedError, 'Mutable strings are not supported in Opal.' end def %(data) if Array === data format(self, *data) else format(self, data) end end def *(count) %x{ count = #{Opal.coerce_to(`count`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (count < 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, 'negative argument'} } if (count === 0) { return ''; } var result = '', string = self.toString(); // All credit for the bit-twiddling magic code below goes to Mozilla // polyfill implementation of String.prototype.repeat() posted here: // if (string.length * count >= 1 << 28) { #{raise RangeError, 'multiply count must not overflow maximum string size'} } for (;;) { if ((count & 1) === 1) { result += string; } count >>>= 1; if (count === 0) { break; } string += string; } return result; } end def +(other) other = Opal.coerce_to other, String, :to_str `self + #{other.to_s}` end def <=>(other) if other.respond_to? :to_str other = other.to_str.to_s `self > other ? 1 : (self < other ? -1 : 0)` else %x{ var cmp = #{other <=> self}; if (cmp === nil) { return nil; } else { return cmp > 0 ? -1 : (cmp < 0 ? 1 : 0); } } end end def <<(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % '<<' end def ==(other) %x{ if (other.$$is_string) { return self.toString() === other.toString(); } if (#{Opal.respond_to? `other`, :to_str}) { return #{other == self}; } return false; } end alias eql? == alias === == def =~(other) %x{ if (other.$$is_string) { #{raise TypeError, 'type mismatch: String given'}; } return #{other =~ self}; } end def [](index, length = undefined) %x{ var size = self.length, exclude; if (index.$$is_range) { exclude = index.exclude; length = #{Opal.coerce_to(`index.end`, Integer, :to_int)}; index = #{Opal.coerce_to(`index.begin`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (Math.abs(index) > size) { return nil; } if (index < 0) { index += size; } if (length < 0) { length += size; } if (!exclude) { length += 1; } length = length - index; if (length < 0) { length = 0; } return self.substr(index, length); } if (index.$$is_string) { if (length != null) { #{raise TypeError} } return self.indexOf(index) !== -1 ? index : nil; } if (index.$$is_regexp) { var match = self.match(index); if (match === null) { #{$~ = nil} return nil; } #{$~ =`index`, `match`)} if (length == null) { return match[0]; } length = #{Opal.coerce_to(`length`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (length < 0 && -length < match.length) { return match[length += match.length]; } if (length >= 0 && length < match.length) { return match[length]; } return nil; } index = #{Opal.coerce_to(`index`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (index < 0) { index += size; } if (length == null) { if (index >= size || index < 0) { return nil; } return self.substr(index, 1); } length = #{Opal.coerce_to(`length`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (length < 0) { return nil; } if (index > size || index < 0) { return nil; } return self.substr(index, length); } end def capitalize `self.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + self.substr(1).toLowerCase()` end def capitalize!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'capitalize!' end def casecmp(other) other = Opal.coerce_to(other, String, :to_str).to_s %x{ var ascii_only = /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/; if (ascii_only.test(self) && ascii_only.test(other)) { self = self.toLowerCase(); other = other.toLowerCase(); } } self <=> other end def center(width, padstr = ' ') width = Opal.coerce_to(width, Integer, :to_int) padstr = Opal.coerce_to(padstr, String, :to_str).to_s if padstr.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'zero width padding' end return self if `width <= self.length` %x{ var ljustified = #{ljust ((width + @length) / 2).ceil, padstr}, rjustified = #{rjust ((width + @length) / 2).floor, padstr}; return rjustified + ljustified.slice(self.length); } end def chars(&block) return each_char.to_a unless block each_char(&block) end def chomp(separator = $/) return self if `separator === nil || self.length === 0` separator = Opal.coerce_to!(separator, String, :to_str).to_s %x{ if (separator === "\n") { return self.replace(/\r?\n?$/, ''); } else if (separator === "") { return self.replace(/(\r?\n)+$/, ''); } else if (self.length > separator.length) { var tail = self.substr(self.length - separator.length, separator.length); if (tail === separator) { return self.substr(0, self.length - separator.length); } } } self end def chomp!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'chomp!' end def chop %x{ var length = self.length; if (length <= 1) { return ""; } if (self.charAt(length - 1) === "\n" && self.charAt(length - 2) === "\r") { return self.substr(0, length - 2); } else { return self.substr(0, length - 1); } } end def chop!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'chop!' end def chr `self.charAt(0)` end def clone copy = `self.slice()` copy.initialize_clone(self) copy end def dup copy = `self.slice()` copy.initialize_dup(self) copy end def count(*sets) %x{ if (sets.length === 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1+)"} } var char_class = char_class_from_char_sets(sets); if (char_class === null) { return 0; } return self.length - self.replace(new RegExp(char_class, 'g'), '').length; } end def delete(*sets) %x{ if (sets.length === 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1+)"} } var char_class = char_class_from_char_sets(sets); if (char_class === null) { return self; } return self.replace(new RegExp(char_class, 'g'), ''); } end alias dup clone def downcase `self.toLowerCase()` end def downcase!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'downcase!' end def each_char(&block) return enum_for(:each_char){self.size} unless block_given? %x{ for (var i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) { #{yield `self.charAt(i)`}; } } self end def each_line(separator = $/) return enum_for :each_line, separator unless block_given? %x{ if (separator === nil) { #{yield self}; return self; } separator = #{Opal.coerce_to(`separator`, String, :to_str)} var a, i, n, length, chomped, trailing, splitted; if (separator.length === 0) { for (a = self.split(/(\n{2,})/), i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i += 2) { if (a[i] || a[i + 1]) { #{yield `(a[i] || "") + (a[i + 1] || "")`}; } } return self; } chomped = #{chomp(separator)}; trailing = self.length != chomped.length; splitted = chomped.split(separator); for (i = 0, length = splitted.length; i < length; i++) { if (i < length - 1 || trailing) { #{yield `splitted[i] + separator`}; } else { #{yield `splitted[i]`}; } } } self end def empty? `self.length === 0` end def end_with?(*suffixes) %x{ for (var i = 0, length = suffixes.length; i < length; i++) { var suffix = #{Opal.coerce_to(`suffixes[i]`, String, :to_str).to_s}; if (self.length >= suffix.length && self.substr(self.length - suffix.length, suffix.length) == suffix) { return true; } } } false end alias eql? == alias equal? === def gsub(pattern, replacement = undefined, &block) %x{ if (replacement === undefined && block === nil) { #{return enum_for :gsub, pattern} } var result = '', match_data = nil, index = 0, match, _replacement; if (pattern.$$is_regexp) { pattern = new RegExp(pattern.source, 'gm' + (pattern.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); } else { pattern = #{Opal.coerce_to(`pattern`, String, :to_str)}; pattern = new RegExp(pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'), 'gm'); } while (true) { match = pattern.exec(self); if (match === null) { #{$~ = nil} result += self.slice(index); break; } match_data = #{ `pattern`, `match`}; if (replacement === undefined) { _replacement = block(match[0]); } else if (replacement.$$is_hash) { _replacement = #{`replacement`[`match[0]`].to_s}; } else { if (!replacement.$$is_string) { replacement = #{Opal.coerce_to(`replacement`, String, :to_str)}; } _replacement = replacement.replace(/([\\]+)([0-9+&`'])/g, function (original, slashes, command) { if (slashes.length % 2 === 0) { return original; } switch (command) { case "+": for (var i = match.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (match[i] !== undefined) { return slashes.slice(1) + match[i]; } } return ''; case "&": return slashes.slice(1) + match[0]; case "`": return slashes.slice(1) + self.slice(0, match.index); case "'": return slashes.slice(1) + self.slice(match.index + match[0].length); default: return slashes.slice(1) + (match[command] || ''); } }).replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } if (pattern.lastIndex === match.index) { result += (_replacement + self.slice(index, match.index + 1)) pattern.lastIndex += 1; } else { result += (self.slice(index, match.index) + _replacement) } index = pattern.lastIndex; } #{$~ = `match_data`} return result; } end def gsub!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'gsub!' end def hash `self.toString()` end def hex to_i 16 end def include?(other) %x{ if (other.$$is_string) { return self.indexOf(other) !== -1; } } unless other.respond_to? :to_str raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{other.class} into String" end `self.indexOf(#{other.to_str}) !== -1` end def index(search, offset = undefined) %x{ var index, match, regex; if (offset === undefined) { offset = 0; } else { offset = #{Opal.coerce_to(`offset`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (offset < 0) { offset += self.length; if (offset < 0) { return nil; } } } if (search.$$is_regexp) { regex = new RegExp(search.source, 'gm' + (search.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); while (true) { match = regex.exec(self); if (match === null) { #{$~ = nil}; index = -1; break; } if (match.index >= offset) { #{$~ =`regex`, `match`)} index = match.index; break; } regex.lastIndex = match.index + 1; } } else { search = #{Opal.coerce_to(`search`, String, :to_str)}; if (search.length === 0 && offset > self.length) { index = -1; } else { index = self.indexOf(search, offset); } } return index === -1 ? nil : index; } end def inspect %x{ var escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, meta = { '\u0007': '\\a', '\u001b': '\\e', '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\v': '\\v', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\' }, escaped = self.replace(escapable, function (chr) { return meta[chr] || '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4); }); return '"' + escaped.replace(/\#[\$\@\{]/g, '\\$&') + '"'; } end def intern self end def lines(separator = $/, &block) e = each_line(separator, &block) block ? self : e.to_a end def length `self.length` end def ljust(width, padstr = ' ') width = Opal.coerce_to(width, Integer, :to_int) padstr = Opal.coerce_to(padstr, String, :to_str).to_s if padstr.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'zero width padding' end return self if `width <= self.length` %x{ var index = -1, result = ""; width -= self.length; while (++index < width) { result += padstr; } return self + result.slice(0, width); } end def lstrip `self.replace(/^\s*/, '')` end def lstrip!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'lstrip!' end def match(pattern, pos = undefined, &block) if String === pattern || pattern.respond_to?(:to_str) pattern = end unless Regexp === pattern raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{pattern.class} (expected Regexp)" end pattern.match(self, pos, &block) end def next %x{ var i = self.length; if (i === 0) { return ''; } var result = self; var first_alphanum_char_index =[a-zA-Z0-9]/); var carry = false; var code; while (i--) { code = self.charCodeAt(i); if ((code >= 48 && code <= 57) || (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122)) { switch (code) { case 57: carry = true; code = 48; break; case 90: carry = true; code = 65; break; case 122: carry = true; code = 97; break; default: carry = false; code += 1; } } else { if (first_alphanum_char_index === -1) { if (code === 255) { carry = true; code = 0; } else { carry = false; code += 1; } } else { carry = true; } } result = result.slice(0, i) + String.fromCharCode(code) + result.slice(i + 1); if (carry && (i === 0 || i === first_alphanum_char_index)) { switch (code) { case 65: break; case 97: break; default: code += 1; } if (i === 0) { result = String.fromCharCode(code) + result; } else { result = result.slice(0, i) + String.fromCharCode(code) + result.slice(i); } carry = false; } if (!carry) { break; } } return result; } end def next!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'next!' end def oct %x{ var result, string = self, radix = 8; if (/^\s*_/.test(string)) { return 0; } string = string.replace(/^(\s*[+-]?)(0[bodx]?)(.+)$/i, function (original, head, flag, tail) { switch (tail.charAt(0)) { case '+': case '-': return original; case '0': if (tail.charAt(1) === 'x' && flag === '0x') { return original; } } switch (flag) { case '0b': radix = 2; break; case '0': case '0o': radix = 8; break; case '0d': radix = 10; break; case '0x': radix = 16; break; } return head + tail; }); result = parseInt(string.replace(/_(?!_)/g, ''), radix); return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result; } end def ord `self.charCodeAt(0)` end def partition(sep) %x{ var i, m; if (sep.$$is_regexp) { m = sep.exec(self); if (m === null) { i = -1; } else { #{ `sep`, `m`}; sep = m[0]; i = m.index; } } else { sep = #{Opal.coerce_to(`sep`, String, :to_str)}; i = self.indexOf(sep); } if (i === -1) { return [self, '', '']; } return [ self.slice(0, i), self.slice(i, i + sep.length), self.slice(i + sep.length) ]; } end def reverse `self.split('').reverse().join('')` end def reverse!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'reverse!' end def rindex(search, offset = undefined) %x{ var i, m, r, _m; if (offset === undefined) { offset = self.length; } else { offset = #{Opal.coerce_to(`offset`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (offset < 0) { offset += self.length; if (offset < 0) { return nil; } } } if (search.$$is_regexp) { m = null; r = new RegExp(search.source, 'gm' + (search.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); while (true) { _m = r.exec(self); if (_m === null || _m.index > offset) { break; } m = _m; r.lastIndex = m.index + 1; } if (m === null) { #{$~ = nil} i = -1; } else { #{ `r`, `m`}; i = m.index; } } else { search = #{Opal.coerce_to(`search`, String, :to_str)}; i = self.lastIndexOf(search, offset); } return i === -1 ? nil : i; } end def rjust(width, padstr = ' ') width = Opal.coerce_to(width, Integer, :to_int) padstr = Opal.coerce_to(padstr, String, :to_str).to_s if padstr.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'zero width padding' end return self if `width <= self.length` %x{ var chars = Math.floor(width - self.length), patterns = Math.floor(chars / padstr.length), result = Array(patterns + 1).join(padstr), remaining = chars - result.length; return result + padstr.slice(0, remaining) + self; } end def rpartition(sep) %x{ var i, m, r, _m; if (sep.$$is_regexp) { m = null; r = new RegExp(sep.source, 'gm' + (sep.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); while (true) { _m = r.exec(self); if (_m === null) { break; } m = _m; r.lastIndex = m.index + 1; } if (m === null) { i = -1; } else { #{ `r`, `m`}; sep = m[0]; i = m.index; } } else { sep = #{Opal.coerce_to(`sep`, String, :to_str)}; i = self.lastIndexOf(sep); } if (i === -1) { return ['', '', self]; } return [ self.slice(0, i), self.slice(i, i + sep.length), self.slice(i + sep.length) ]; } end def rstrip `self.replace(/[\s\u0000]*$/, '')` end def scan(pattern, &block) %x{ var result = [], match_data = nil, match; if (pattern.$$is_regexp) { pattern = new RegExp(pattern.source, 'gm' + (pattern.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); } else { pattern = #{Opal.coerce_to(`pattern`, String, :to_str)}; pattern = new RegExp(pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'), 'gm'); } while ((match = pattern.exec(self)) != null) { match_data = #{ `pattern`, `match`}; if (block === nil) { match.length == 1 ? result.push(match[0]) : result.push(#{`match_data`.captures}); } else { match.length == 1 ? block(match[0]) :, #{`match_data`.captures}); } if (pattern.lastIndex === match.index) { pattern.lastIndex += 1; } } #{$~ = `match_data`} return (block !== nil ? self : result); } end alias size length alias slice [] def slice!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'slice!' end def split(pattern = undefined, limit = undefined) %x{ if (self.length === 0) { return []; } if (limit === undefined) { limit = 0; } else { limit = #{Opal.coerce_to!(limit, Integer, :to_int)}; if (limit === 1) { return [self]; } } if (pattern === undefined || pattern === nil) { pattern = #{$; || ' '}; } var result = [], string = self.toString(), index = 0, match, i; if (pattern.$$is_regexp) { pattern = new RegExp(pattern.source, 'gm' + (pattern.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); } else { pattern = #{Opal.coerce_to(pattern, String, :to_str).to_s}; if (pattern === ' ') { pattern = /\s+/gm; string = string.replace(/^\s+/, ''); } else { pattern = new RegExp(pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'), 'gm'); } } result = string.split(pattern); if (result.length === 1 && result[0] === string) { return result; } while ((i = result.indexOf(undefined)) !== -1) { result.splice(i, 1); } if (limit === 0) { while (result[result.length - 1] === '') { result.length -= 1; } return result; } match = pattern.exec(string); if (limit < 0) { if (match !== null && match[0] === '' && pattern.source.indexOf('(?=') === -1) { for (i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { result.push(''); } } return result; } if (match !== null && match[0] === '') { result.splice(limit - 1, result.length - 1, result.slice(limit - 1).join('')); return result; } i = 0; while (match !== null) { i++; index = pattern.lastIndex; if (i + 1 === limit) { break; } match = pattern.exec(string); } result.splice(limit - 1, result.length - 1, string.slice(index)); return result; } end def squeeze(*sets) %x{ if (sets.length === 0) { return self.replace(/(.)\1+/g, '$1'); } var char_class = char_class_from_char_sets(sets); if (char_class === null) { return self; } return self.replace(new RegExp('(' + char_class + ')\\1+', 'g'), '$1'); } end def squeeze!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'squeeze!' end def start_with?(*prefixes) %x{ for (var i = 0, length = prefixes.length; i < length; i++) { var prefix = #{Opal.coerce_to(`prefixes[i]`, String, :to_str).to_s}; if (self.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { return true; } } return false; } end def strip `self.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/[\s\u0000]*$/, '')` end def strip!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'strip!' end def sub(pattern, replacement = undefined, &block) %x{ if (!pattern.$$is_regexp) { pattern = #{Opal.coerce_to(`pattern`, String, :to_str)}; pattern = new RegExp(pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')); } var result = pattern.exec(self); if (result === null) { #{$~ = nil} return self.toString(); } #{ `pattern`, `result`} if (replacement === undefined) { if (block === nil) { #{raise ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)'} } return self.slice(0, result.index) + block(result[0]) + self.slice(result.index + result[0].length); } if (replacement.$$is_hash) { return self.slice(0, result.index) + #{`replacement`[`result[0]`].to_s} + self.slice(result.index + result[0].length); } replacement = #{Opal.coerce_to(`replacement`, String, :to_str)}; replacement = replacement.replace(/([\\]+)([0-9+&`'])/g, function (original, slashes, command) { if (slashes.length % 2 === 0) { return original; } switch (command) { case "+": for (var i = result.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (result[i] !== undefined) { return slashes.slice(1) + result[i]; } } return ''; case "&": return slashes.slice(1) + result[0]; case "`": return slashes.slice(1) + self.slice(0, result.index); case "'": return slashes.slice(1) + self.slice(result.index + result[0].length); default: return slashes.slice(1) + (result[command] || ''); } }).replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); return self.slice(0, result.index) + replacement + self.slice(result.index + result[0].length); } end def sub!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'sub!' end alias succ next def succ!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'succ!' end def sum(n = 16) %x{ n = #{Opal.coerce_to(`n`, Integer, :to_int)}; var result = 0, length = self.length, i = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { result += self.charCodeAt(i); } if (n <= 0) { return result; } return result & (Math.pow(2, n) - 1); } end def swapcase %x{ var str = self.replace(/([a-z]+)|([A-Z]+)/g, function($0,$1,$2) { return $1 ? $0.toUpperCase() : $0.toLowerCase(); }); if (self.constructor === String) { return str; } return #{ `str`}; } end def swapcase!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'swapcase!' end def to_f %x{ if (self.charAt(0) === '_') { return 0; } var result = parseFloat(self.replace(/_/g, '')); if (isNaN(result) || result == Infinity || result == -Infinity) { return 0; } else { return result; } } end def to_i(base = 10) %x{ var result, string = self.toLowerCase(), radix = #{Opal.coerce_to(`base`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (radix === 1 || radix < 0 || radix > 36) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid radix #{`radix`}"} } if (/^\s*_/.test(string)) { return 0; } string = string.replace(/^(\s*[+-]?)(0[bodx]?)(.+)$/, function (original, head, flag, tail) { switch (tail.charAt(0)) { case '+': case '-': return original; case '0': if (tail.charAt(1) === 'x' && flag === '0x' && (radix === 0 || radix === 16)) { return original; } } switch (flag) { case '0b': if (radix === 0 || radix === 2) { radix = 2; return head + tail; } break; case '0': case '0o': if (radix === 0 || radix === 8) { radix = 8; return head + tail; } break; case '0d': if (radix === 0 || radix === 10) { radix = 10; return head + tail; } break; case '0x': if (radix === 0 || radix === 16) { radix = 16; return head + tail; } break; } return original }); result = parseInt(string.replace(/_(?!_)/g, ''), radix); return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result; } end def to_proc # Give name to self in case this proc is passed to instance_eval sym = self proc do |*args, &block| raise ArgumentError, "no receiver given" if args.empty? obj = args.shift obj.__send__(sym, *args, &block) end end def to_s `self.toString()` end alias to_str to_s alias to_sym intern def tr(from, to) from = Opal.coerce_to(from, String, :to_str).to_s to = Opal.coerce_to(to, String, :to_str).to_s %x{ if (from.length == 0 || from === to) { return self; } var i, in_range, c, ch, start, end, length; var subs = {}; var from_chars = from.split(''); var from_length = from_chars.length; var to_chars = to.split(''); var to_length = to_chars.length; var inverse = false; var global_sub = null; if (from_chars[0] === '^' && from_chars.length > 1) { inverse = true; from_chars.shift(); global_sub = to_chars[to_length - 1] from_length -= 1; } var from_chars_expanded = []; var last_from = null; in_range = false; for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { ch = from_chars[i]; if (last_from == null) { last_from = ch; from_chars_expanded.push(ch); } else if (ch === '-') { if (last_from === '-') { from_chars_expanded.push('-'); from_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else if (i == from_length - 1) { from_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else { in_range = true; } } else if (in_range) { start = last_from.charCodeAt(0); end = ch.charCodeAt(0); if (start > end) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid range \"#{`String.fromCharCode(start)`}-#{`String.fromCharCode(end)`}\" in string transliteration"} } for (c = start + 1; c < end; c++) { from_chars_expanded.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); } from_chars_expanded.push(ch); in_range = null; last_from = null; } else { from_chars_expanded.push(ch); } } from_chars = from_chars_expanded; from_length = from_chars.length; if (inverse) { for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { subs[from_chars[i]] = true; } } else { if (to_length > 0) { var to_chars_expanded = []; var last_to = null; in_range = false; for (i = 0; i < to_length; i++) { ch = to_chars[i]; if (last_from == null) { last_from = ch; to_chars_expanded.push(ch); } else if (ch === '-') { if (last_to === '-') { to_chars_expanded.push('-'); to_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else if (i == to_length - 1) { to_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else { in_range = true; } } else if (in_range) { start = last_from.charCodeAt(0); end = ch.charCodeAt(0); if (start > end) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid range \"#{`String.fromCharCode(start)`}-#{`String.fromCharCode(end)`}\" in string transliteration"} } for (c = start + 1; c < end; c++) { to_chars_expanded.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); } to_chars_expanded.push(ch); in_range = null; last_from = null; } else { to_chars_expanded.push(ch); } } to_chars = to_chars_expanded; to_length = to_chars.length; } var length_diff = from_length - to_length; if (length_diff > 0) { var pad_char = (to_length > 0 ? to_chars[to_length - 1] : ''); for (i = 0; i < length_diff; i++) { to_chars.push(pad_char); } } for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { subs[from_chars[i]] = to_chars[i]; } } var new_str = '' for (i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) { ch = self.charAt(i); var sub = subs[ch]; if (inverse) { new_str += (sub == null ? global_sub : ch); } else { new_str += (sub != null ? sub : ch); } } return new_str; } end def tr!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'tr!' end def tr_s(from, to) from = Opal.coerce_to(from, String, :to_str).to_s to = Opal.coerce_to(to, String, :to_str).to_s %x{ if (from.length == 0) { return self; } var i, in_range, c, ch, start, end, length; var subs = {}; var from_chars = from.split(''); var from_length = from_chars.length; var to_chars = to.split(''); var to_length = to_chars.length; var inverse = false; var global_sub = null; if (from_chars[0] === '^' && from_chars.length > 1) { inverse = true; from_chars.shift(); global_sub = to_chars[to_length - 1] from_length -= 1; } var from_chars_expanded = []; var last_from = null; in_range = false; for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { ch = from_chars[i]; if (last_from == null) { last_from = ch; from_chars_expanded.push(ch); } else if (ch === '-') { if (last_from === '-') { from_chars_expanded.push('-'); from_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else if (i == from_length - 1) { from_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else { in_range = true; } } else if (in_range) { start = last_from.charCodeAt(0); end = ch.charCodeAt(0); if (start > end) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid range \"#{`String.fromCharCode(start)`}-#{`String.fromCharCode(end)`}\" in string transliteration"} } for (c = start + 1; c < end; c++) { from_chars_expanded.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); } from_chars_expanded.push(ch); in_range = null; last_from = null; } else { from_chars_expanded.push(ch); } } from_chars = from_chars_expanded; from_length = from_chars.length; if (inverse) { for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { subs[from_chars[i]] = true; } } else { if (to_length > 0) { var to_chars_expanded = []; var last_to = null; in_range = false; for (i = 0; i < to_length; i++) { ch = to_chars[i]; if (last_from == null) { last_from = ch; to_chars_expanded.push(ch); } else if (ch === '-') { if (last_to === '-') { to_chars_expanded.push('-'); to_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else if (i == to_length - 1) { to_chars_expanded.push('-'); } else { in_range = true; } } else if (in_range) { start = last_from.charCodeAt(0); end = ch.charCodeAt(0); if (start > end) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid range \"#{`String.fromCharCode(start)`}-#{`String.fromCharCode(end)`}\" in string transliteration"} } for (c = start + 1; c < end; c++) { to_chars_expanded.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); } to_chars_expanded.push(ch); in_range = null; last_from = null; } else { to_chars_expanded.push(ch); } } to_chars = to_chars_expanded; to_length = to_chars.length; } var length_diff = from_length - to_length; if (length_diff > 0) { var pad_char = (to_length > 0 ? to_chars[to_length - 1] : ''); for (i = 0; i < length_diff; i++) { to_chars.push(pad_char); } } for (i = 0; i < from_length; i++) { subs[from_chars[i]] = to_chars[i]; } } var new_str = '' var last_substitute = null for (i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) { ch = self.charAt(i); var sub = subs[ch] if (inverse) { if (sub == null) { if (last_substitute == null) { new_str += global_sub; last_substitute = true; } } else { new_str += ch; last_substitute = null; } } else { if (sub != null) { if (last_substitute == null || last_substitute !== sub) { new_str += sub; last_substitute = sub; } } else { new_str += ch; last_substitute = null; } } } return new_str; } end def tr_s!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'tr_s!' end def upcase `self.toUpperCase()` end def upcase!(other) raise NotImplementedError, `MUT_STR_ERR_MSG` % 'upcase!' end def freeze self end def frozen? true end def upto(stop, excl = false, &block) return enum_for :upto, stop, excl unless block_given? stop = Opal.coerce_to(stop, String, :to_str) %x{ var a, b, s = self.toString(); if (s.length === 1 && stop.length === 1) { a = s.charCodeAt(0); b = stop.charCodeAt(0); while (a <= b) { if (excl && a === b) { break; } block(String.fromCharCode(a)); a += 1; } } else if (parseInt(s, 10).toString() === s && parseInt(stop, 10).toString() === stop) { a = parseInt(s, 10); b = parseInt(stop, 10); while (a <= b) { if (excl && a === b) { break; } block(a.toString()); a += 1; } } else { while (s.length <= stop.length && s <= stop) { if (excl && s === stop) { break; } block(s); s = #{`s`.succ}; } } return self; } end %x{ function char_class_from_char_sets(sets) { function explode_sequences_in_character_set(set) { var result = '', i, len = set.length, curr_char, skip_next_dash, char_code_from, char_code_upto, char_code; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { curr_char = set.charAt(i); if (curr_char === '-' && i > 0 && i < (len - 1) && !skip_next_dash) { char_code_from = set.charCodeAt(i - 1); char_code_upto = set.charCodeAt(i + 1); if (char_code_from > char_code_upto) { #{raise ArgumentError, "invalid range \"#{`char_code_from`}-#{`char_code_upto`}\" in string transliteration"} } for (char_code = char_code_from + 1; char_code < char_code_upto + 1; char_code++) { result += String.fromCharCode(char_code); } skip_next_dash = true; i++; } else { skip_next_dash = (curr_char === '\\'); result += curr_char; } } return result; } function intersection(setA, setB) { if (setA.length === 0) { return setB; } var result = '', i, len = setA.length, chr; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { chr = setA.charAt(i); if (setB.indexOf(chr) !== -1) { result += chr; } } return result; } var i, len, set, neg, chr, tmp, pos_intersection = '', neg_intersection = ''; for (i = 0, len = sets.length; i < len; i++) { set = #{Opal.coerce_to(`sets[i]`, String, :to_str)}; neg = (set.charAt(0) === '^' && set.length > 1); set = explode_sequences_in_character_set(neg ? set.slice(1) : set); if (neg) { neg_intersection = intersection(neg_intersection, set); } else { pos_intersection = intersection(pos_intersection, set); } } if (pos_intersection.length > 0 && neg_intersection.length > 0) { tmp = ''; for (i = 0, len = pos_intersection.length; i < len; i++) { chr = pos_intersection.charAt(i); if (neg_intersection.indexOf(chr) === -1) { tmp += chr; } } pos_intersection = tmp; neg_intersection = ''; } if (pos_intersection.length > 0) { return '[' + #{Regexp.escape(`pos_intersection`)} + ']'; } if (neg_intersection.length > 0) { return '[^' + #{Regexp.escape(`neg_intersection`)} + ']'; } return null; } } end Symbol = String