module Madmin class Resource class_attribute :attributes, default: [] class_attribute :scopes, default: [] class << self def inherited(base) # Remove any old references Madmin.resources.delete(base) Madmin.resources << base base.attributes = attributes.dup base.scopes = scopes.dup super end def model model_name.constantize end def model_name to_s.chomp("Resource").classify end def scope(name) scopes << name end def attribute(name, type = nil, **options) attributes << { name: name, field: field_for_type(name, type).new(**options.merge(attribute_name: name, model: model)) } end def friendly_name model_name.gsub("::", " / ") end def index_path(options = {}) path = "/madmin/#{model.model_name.collection}" path += "?#{options.to_param}" if options.any? path end def new_path "/madmin/#{model.model_name.collection}/new" end def show_path(record) "/madmin/#{model.model_name.collection}/#{}" end def edit_path(record) "/madmin/#{model.model_name.collection}/#{}/edit" end def param_key model.model_name.param_key end def permitted_params { |a| a[:field].to_param } end def display_name(record) "#{record.class} ##{}" end private def field_for_type(name, type) type ||= infer_type(name) { binary: Fields::String, blob: Fields::Text, boolean: Fields::Boolean, date: Fields::Date, datetime: Fields::DateTime, decimal: Fields::Decimal, enum: Fields::Enum, float: Fields::Float, hstore: Fields::Json, integer: Fields::Integer, json: Fields::Json, jsonb: Fields::Json, primary_key: Fields::String, string: Fields::String, text: Fields::Text, time: Fields::Time, timestamp: Fields::Time, # Postgres specific types bit: Fields::String, bit_varying: Fields::String, box: Fields::String, cidr: Fields::String, circle: Fields::String, citext: Fields::Text, daterange: Fields::String, inet: Fields::String, int4range: Fields::String, int8range: Fields::String, interval: Fields::String, line: Fields::String, lseg: Fields::String, ltree: Fields::String, macaddr: Fields::String, money: Fields::String, numrange: Fields::String, oid: Fields::String, path: Fields::String, point: Fields::String, polygon: Fields::String, tsrange: Fields::String, tstzrange: Fields::String, tsvector: Fields::String, uuid: Fields::String, xml: Fields::Text, # Associations attachment: Fields::Attachment, attachments: Fields::Attachments, belongs_to: Fields::BelongsTo, polymorphic: Fields::Polymorphic, has_many: Fields::HasMany, has_one: Fields::HasOne, rich_text: Fields::RichText }.fetch(type) rescue raise ArgumentError, <<~MESSAGE Couldn't find attribute or association '#{name}' with type '#{type}' on #{model} model To fix this, either: 1. Remove 'attribute #{name}' from app/madmin/resources/#{model.to_s.underscore}_resource.rb 2. Or add the missing attribute or association to the #{model} model MESSAGE end def infer_type(name) name_string = name.to_s if model.attribute_types.include?(name_string) column_type = model.attribute_types[name_string] if column_type.is_a? ActiveRecord::Enum::EnumType :enum else column_type.type || :string end elsif (association = model.reflect_on_association(name)) type_for_association(association) elsif model.reflect_on_association(:"rich_text_#{name_string}") :rich_text elsif model.reflect_on_association(:"#{name_string}_attachment") :attachment elsif model.reflect_on_association(:"#{name_string}_attachments") :attachments end end def type_for_association(association) if association.has_one? :has_one elsif association.collection? :has_many elsif association.polymorphic? :polymorphic else :belongs_to end end end end end