= rtesseract {Gem Version}[http://badge.fury.io/rb/rtesseract] {Build Status}[https://travis-ci.org/dannnylo/rtesseract] {Coverage Status}[https://coveralls.io/r/dannnylo/rtesseract?branch=master] {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/dannnylo/rtesseract] Ruby library for working with the Tesseract OCR. == REQUIREMENTS: To work properly rtesseract are needed: * Tesseract - Program * ImageMagick - Program * RMagick or mini_magick - Gem Atention: Version 1.0.0 works fine with Ruby 2.0 and tesseract 3.0 and lower versions of rtesseract works fine with Ruby 1.8 and tesseract 2.0.4. == EXAMPLE USAGE It's very simple to use rtesseract: === CONVERT IMAGE TO STRING image = RTesseract.new("my_image.jpg") image.to_s #Getting the value === CHANGE THE IMAGE image = RTesseract.new("my_image.jpg") image.source = "new_image.png" image.to_s === TRANSFORM THE IMAGE image = RTesseract.read("my_image.jpg") do |img| img = img.white_threshold(245) img = img.quantize(256,Magick::GRAYColorspace) end image.to_s === CONVERT PARTS OF IMAGE TO STRING mix_block = RTesseract::Mixed.new("test.jpg") do |image| image.area(28, 19, 25, 25) image.area(180, 22, 20, 28) image.area(218, 22, 24, 28) image.area(248, 24, 22, 22) end mix_block.to_s OR mix_block = RTesseract::Mixed.new("test.jpg",{:areas => [ {:x => 28, :y=>19, :w=>25, :h=>25 }, {:x => 180, :y=>22, :w=>20, :h=>28}, {:x => 218, :y=>22, :w=>24, :h=>28}, {:x => 248, :y=>24, :w=>22, :h=>22} ]}) mix_block.to_s === OPTIONS Processors Options (_Rmagick_ is default) RTesseract.new("test.jpg", :processor => "mini_magick") Note: For non process the image use NoneProcessor RTesseract.new("test.jpg", :processor => "none") Or you can config default processor first: RTesseract.configure do |config| config.processor = "mini_magick" end RTesseract.new("test.jpg") # It will use mini_magick by default Language Options RTesseract.new("test.jpg", :lang => "deu") * eng - English * deu - German * deu-f - German fraktur * fra - French * ita - Italian * nld - Dutch * por - Portuguese * spa - Spanish * vie - Vietnamese Note: Make sure you have installed the language to tesseract Other Options RTesseract.new("test.jpg", options: :digits) # Only digit recognition OR RTesseract.new("test.jpg", options: [:digits, :quiet]) === BOUNDING BOX: TO GET WORDS WITH THEIR POSITIONS RTesseract::Box.new('test_words.png').words # => [ # {:word => 'If', :x_start=>52, :y_start=>13, :x_end=>63, :y_end=>27}, # {:word => 'you', :x_start=>69, :y_start=>17, :x_end=>100, :y_end=>31}, # {:word => 'are', :x_start=>108, :y_start=>17, :x_end=>136, :y_end=>27}, # {:word => 'a', :x_start=>143, :y_start=>17, :x_end=>151, :y_end=>27}, # {:word => 'friend,', :x_start=>158, :y_start=>13, :x_end=>214, :y_end=>29}, # {:word => 'you', :x_start=>51, :y_start=>39, :x_end=>82, :y_end=>53}, # {:word => 'speak', :x_start=>90, :y_start=>35, :x_end=>140, :y_end=>53}, # {:word => 'the', :x_start=>146, :y_start=>35, :x_end=>174, :y_end=>49}, # {:word => 'password,', :x_start=>182, :y_start=>35, :x_end=>267, :y_end=>53}, # {:word => 'and', :x_start=>51, :y_start=>57, :x_end=>81, :y_end=>71}, # {:word => 'the', :x_start=>89, :y_start=>57, :x_end=>117, :y_end=>71}, # {:word => 'doors', :x_start=>124, :y_start=>57, :x_end=>172, :y_end=>71}, # {:word => 'will', :x_start=>180, :y_start=>57, :x_end=>208, :y_end=>71}, # {:word => 'open.', :x_start=>216, :y_start=>61, :x_end=>263, :y_end=>75} # ] == Contributing to rtesseract * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. * Fork the project. * Start a feature/bugfix branch. * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. == Links * Github - http://github.com/dannnylo/rtesseract * Rubygems - http://rubygems.org/gems/rtesseract == Copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Danilo Jeremias da Silva. See LICENSE.txt for further details.