# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/measures/measure_writing_guide/ # load OpenStudio measure libraries from openstudio-extension gem require 'openstudio-extension' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_helper_methods' # start the measure class TariffSelectionTimeAndDateDependant < OpenStudio::Measure::EnergyPlusMeasure # human readable name def name return 'Tariff Selection-Time and Date Dependant' end # human readable description def description return 'This measure sets flat rates for gas, water, district heating, and district cooling but has on seasonal and off peak rates for electricity. It exposes inputs for the time of day and day of year where peak rates should be applied.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'Will add the necessary UtilityCost objects and associated schedule into the model.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(workspace) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make choice argument for facade choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'QuarterHour' choices << 'HalfHour' choices << 'FullHour' # don't want to offer Day or Week even though valid E+ options # choices << "Day" # choices << "Week" demand_window_length = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('demand_window_length', choices, true) demand_window_length.setDisplayName('Demand Window Length.') demand_window_length.setDefaultValue('QuarterHour') args << demand_window_length # adding argument for summer_start_month summer_start_month = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('summer_start_month', true) summer_start_month.setDisplayName('Month Summer Begins') summer_start_month.setDescription('1-12') summer_start_month.setDefaultValue(5) args << summer_start_month # adding argument for summer_start_day summer_start_day = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('summer_start_day', true) summer_start_day.setDisplayName('Day Summer Begins') summer_start_day.setDescription('1-31') summer_start_day.setDefaultValue(1) args << summer_start_day # adding argument for summer_end_month summer_end_month = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('summer_end_month', true) summer_end_month.setDisplayName('Month Summer Ends') summer_end_month.setDescription('1-12') summer_end_month.setDefaultValue(9) args << summer_end_month # adding argument for summer_end_day summer_end_day = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('summer_end_day', true) summer_end_day.setDisplayName('Day Summer Ends') summer_end_day.setDescription('1-31') summer_end_day.setDefaultValue(1) args << summer_end_day # adding argument for peak_start_hour peak_start_hour = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('peak_start_hour', true) peak_start_hour.setDisplayName('Hour Peak Begins') peak_start_hour.setDescription('1-24') peak_start_hour.setDefaultValue(12) args << peak_start_hour # adding argument for peak_end_hour peak_end_hour = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('peak_end_hour', true) peak_end_hour.setDisplayName('Hour Peak Ends') peak_end_hour.setDescription('1-24') peak_end_hour.setDefaultValue(18) args << peak_end_hour # adding argument for elec_rate_sum_peak elec_rate_sum_peak = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_rate_sum_peak', true) elec_rate_sum_peak.setDisplayName('Electric Rate Summer On-Peak') elec_rate_sum_peak.setUnits('$/kWh') elec_rate_sum_peak.setDefaultValue(0.06) args << elec_rate_sum_peak # adding argument for elec_rate_sum_nonpeak elec_rate_sum_nonpeak = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_rate_sum_nonpeak', true) elec_rate_sum_nonpeak.setDisplayName('Electric Rate Summer Off-Peak') elec_rate_sum_nonpeak.setUnits('$/kWh') elec_rate_sum_nonpeak.setDefaultValue(0.04) args << elec_rate_sum_nonpeak # adding argument for elec_rate_nonsum_peak elec_rate_nonsum_peak = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_rate_nonsum_peak', true) elec_rate_nonsum_peak.setDisplayName('Electric Rate Not Summer On-Peak') elec_rate_nonsum_peak.setUnits('$/kWh') elec_rate_nonsum_peak.setDefaultValue(0.05) args << elec_rate_nonsum_peak # adding argument for elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak', true) elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak.setDisplayName('Electric Rate Not Summer Off-Peak') elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak.setUnits('$/kWh') elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak.setDefaultValue(0.03) args << elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak # adding argument for elec_demand_sum elec_demand_sum = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_demand_sum', true) elec_demand_sum.setDisplayName('Electric Peak Demand Charge Summer') elec_demand_sum.setUnits('$/kW') elec_demand_sum.setDefaultValue(15.0) args << elec_demand_sum # adding argument for elec_demand_nonsum elec_demand_nonsum = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('elec_demand_nonsum', true) elec_demand_nonsum.setDisplayName('Electric Peak Demand Charge Not Summer') elec_demand_nonsum.setUnits('$/kW') elec_demand_nonsum.setDefaultValue(10.0) args << elec_demand_nonsum # adding argument for gas_rate gas_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('gas_rate', true) gas_rate.setDisplayName('Gas Rate') gas_rate.setUnits('$/therm') gas_rate.setDefaultValue(0.5) args << gas_rate # adding argument for water_rate water_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('water_rate', true) water_rate.setDisplayName('Water Rate') water_rate.setUnits('$/gal') water_rate.setDefaultValue(0.005) args << water_rate # adding argument for disthtg_rate disthtg_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('disthtg_rate', true) disthtg_rate.setDisplayName('District Heating Rate') disthtg_rate.setUnits('$/therm') disthtg_rate.setDefaultValue(0.2) args << disthtg_rate # adding argument for distclg_rate distclg_rate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('distclg_rate', true) distclg_rate.setDisplayName('District Cooling Rate') distclg_rate.setUnits('$/therm') distclg_rate.setDefaultValue(0.2) args << distclg_rate return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(workspace, runner, user_arguments) super(workspace, runner, user_arguments) # assign the user inputs to variables args = OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables(runner, workspace, user_arguments, arguments(workspace)) if !args then return false end # check expected values of double arguments zero_24 = OsLib_HelperMethods.checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments(runner, user_arguments, 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 24.0, 'min_eq_bool' => true, 'max_eq_bool' => true, 'arg_array' => ['peak_start_hour', 'peak_end_hour']) one_31 = OsLib_HelperMethods.checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments(runner, user_arguments, 'min' => 1.0, 'max' => 31.0, 'min_eq_bool' => true, 'max_eq_bool' => true, 'arg_array' => ['summer_start_day', 'summer_end_day']) one_12 = OsLib_HelperMethods.checkDoubleAndIntegerArguments(runner, user_arguments, 'min' => 1.0, 'max' => 12.0, 'min_eq_bool' => true, 'max_eq_bool' => true, 'arg_array' => ['summer_start_month', 'summer_end_month']) # return false if any errors fail if !zero_24 then return false end if !one_31 then return false end if !one_12 then return false end # reporting initial condition of model starting_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerInitialCondition("The model started with #{starting_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") # map demand window length to integer demand_window_per_hour = nil if args['demand_window_length'] == 'QuarterHour' demand_window_per_hour = 4 elsif args['demand_window_length'] == 'HalfHour' demand_window_per_hour = 2 elsif args['demand_window_length'] == 'FullHour' demand_window_per_hour = 1 end # make sure demand window length is is divisible by timestep if !workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType).empty? initial_timestep = workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].getString(0).get if initial_timestep.to_f / demand_window_per_hour.to_f == (initial_timestep.to_f / demand_window_per_hour.to_f).truncate # checks if remainder of divided numbers is > 0 runner.registerInfo("The demand window length of a #{args['demand_window_length']} is compatible with the current setting of #{initial_timestep} timesteps per hour.") else workspace.getObjectsByType('Timestep'.to_IddObjectType)[0].setString(0, demand_window_per_hour.to_s) runner.registerInfo("Updating the timesteps per hour in the model from #{initial_timestep} to #{demand_window_per_hour} to be compatible with the demand window length of a #{args['demand_window_length']}") end else # add a timestep object to the workspace new_object_string = " Timestep, 4; !- Number of Timesteps per Hour " idfObject = OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string) object = idfObject.get wsObject = workspace.addObject(object) new_object = wsObject.get runner.registerInfo('No timestep object found. Added a new timestep object set to 4 timesteps per hour') end # get variables for time of day and year ms = args['summer_start_month'] ds = args['summer_start_day'] mf = args['summer_end_month'] df = args['summer_end_day'] ps = args['peak_start_hour'] pf = args['peak_end_hour'] psh = ps.truncate pfh = pf.truncate psm = ((ps - ps.truncate) * 60).truncate pfm = ((pf - pf.truncate) * 60).truncate if args['elec_rate_sum_peak'].abs + args['elec_rate_sum_nonpeak'].abs + args['elec_rate_nonsum_peak'].abs + args['elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak'].abs + args['elec_demand_sum'].abs + args['elec_demand_nonsum'].abs > 0 # make type limits object new_object_string = " ScheduleTypeLimits, number, !- Name 0, !- Lower Limit Value {BasedOnField A3} 4, !- Upper Limit Value {BasedOnField A3} DISCRETE; !- Numeric Type " type_limits = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make two season schedule if ms + ds / 100.0 < mf + ds / 100.0 new_object_string = " Schedule:Compact, TwoSeasonSchedule, !- Name number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Through: #{ms}/#{ds}, !- Field 1 For: AllDays, !- Field 2 Until: 24:00, !- Field 3 1, !- Field 4 Through: #{mf}/#{df}, !- Field 5 For: AllDays, !- Field 6 Until: 24:00, !- Field 7 3, !- Field 8 Through: 12/31, !- Field 9 For: AllDays, !- Field 10 Until: 24:00, !- Field 11 1; " else new_object_string = " Schedule:Compact, TwoSeasonSchedule, !- Name number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Through: #{mf}/#{df}, !- Field 1 For: AllDays, !- Field 2 Until: 24:00, !- Field 3 3, !- Field 4 Through: #{ms}/#{ds}, !- Field 5 For: AllDays, !- Field 6 Until: 24:00, !- Field 7 1, !- Field 8 Through: 12/31, !- Field 9 For: AllDays, !- Field 10 Until: 24:00, !- Field 11 3; " end two_season_schedule = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make time of day schedule if psh + psm / 100.0 < pfh + pfm / 100.0 new_object_string = " Schedule:Compact, TimeOfDaySchedule, !- Name number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Through: 12/31, !- Field 1 For: AllDays, !- Field 2 Until: #{psh}:#{psm}, !- Field 3 3, !- Field 4 Until: #{pfh}:#{pfm}, !- Field 5 1, !- Field 6 Until: 24:00, !- Field 7 3; !- Field 8 " else new_object_string = " Schedule:Compact, TimeOfDaySchedule, !- Name number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Through: 12/31, !- Field 1 For: AllDays, !- Field 2 Until: #{pfh}:#{pfm}, !- Field 3 1, !- Field 4 Until: #{psh}:#{psm}, !- Field 5 3, !- Field 6 Until: 24:00, !- Field 7 1; !- Field 8 " end time_of_day_schedule = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # electric tariff object new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Electricity Tariff, !- Name ElectricityPurchased:Facility, !- Output Meter Name kWh, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor #{time_of_day_schedule.getString(0)}, !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name #{two_season_schedule.getString(0)}, !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name #{args['demand_window_length']}, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " electric_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for electricity new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffSummerOnPeakEnergyCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name peakEnergy, !- Source Variable summer, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_rate_sum_peak']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_sum_peak = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffSummerOffPeakEnergyCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name offPeakEnergy, !- Source Variable summer, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_rate_sum_nonpeak']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_sum_nonpeak = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffWinterOnPeakEnergyCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name peakEnergy, !- Source Variable winter, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_rate_nonsum_peak']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_nonsum_peak = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffWinterOffPeakEnergyCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name offPeakEnergy, !- Source Variable winter, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_rate_nonsum_nonpeak']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_nonsum_nonpeak = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffSummerDemandCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalDemand, !- Source Variable summer, !- Season DemandCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_demand_sum']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_sum_demand = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, ElectricityTariffWinterDemandCharge, !- Name Electricity Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalDemand, !- Source Variable winter, !- Season DemandCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['elec_demand_nonsum']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " elec_utility_cost_nonsum_demand = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # gas tariff object if args['gas_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Gas Tariff, !- Name NaturalGas:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " gas_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for gas new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, GasTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name Gas Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['gas_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " gas_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # conversion for water tariff rate dollars_per_gallon = args['water_rate'] dollars_per_meter_cubed = OpenStudio.convert(dollars_per_gallon, '1/gal', '1/m^3').get # water tariff object if args['water_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, Water Tariff, !- Name Water:Facility, !- Output Meter Name UserDefined, !- Conversion Factor Choice 1, !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name , !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " water_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for water new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, WaterTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name Water Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{dollars_per_meter_cubed}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " water_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # disthtg tariff object if args['disthtg_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, DistrictHeating Tariff, !- Name DistrictHeating:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " disthtg_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for disthtg new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, DistrictHeatingTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name DistrictHeating Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['disthtg_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " disthtg_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # distclg tariff object if args['distclg_rate'] > 0 new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Tariff, DistrictCooling Tariff, !- Name DistrictCooling:Facility, !- Output Meter Name Therm, !- Conversion Factor Choice , !- Energy Conversion Factor , !- Demand Conversion Factor , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name , !- Season Schedule Name , !- Month Schedule Name Day, !- Demand Window Length 0.0; !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name " distclg_tariff = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get # make UtilityCost:Charge:Simple objects for distclg new_object_string = " UtilityCost:Charge:Simple, DistrictCoolingTariffEnergyCharge, !- Name DistrictCooling Tariff, !- Tariff Name totalEnergy, !- Source Variable Annual, !- Season EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name #{args['distclg_rate']}; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name " distclg_utility_cost = workspace.addObject(OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(new_object_string).get).get end # report final condition of model finishing_tariffs = workspace.getObjectsByType('UtilityCost:Tariff'.to_IddObjectType) runner.registerFinalCondition("The model finished with #{finishing_tariffs.size} tariff objects.") return true end end # register the measure to be used by the application TariffSelectionTimeAndDateDependant.new.registerWithApplication