require "faraday" require "json" require "yaml" require "open-uri" module GitHub class GitHubAdvisorySync # Sync makes sure there are rubysec advisories for all GitHub advisories # It writes a set of yaml files, one for each GitHub Advisory that # is not already present in this repo # # The min_year argument specifies the earliest year CVE to sync. # It is more important to sync the newer ones, so this allows the user to # control how old of CVEs the sync should pull over def self.sync(min_year: 2015) gh_advisories = # Filter out advisories with a CVE year that is before the min_year! do |advisory| if advisory.cve_id _, cve_year = advisory.cve_id.match(/^CVE-(\d+)-\d+$/).to_a cve_year.to_i >= min_year else true # all advisories without a CVE are included too end end files_written = [] gh_advisories.each do |advisory| files_written += advisory.write_files end puts "\nSync completed" if files_written.empty? puts "Nothing to sync today! All CVEs starting from #{min_year} are already present" else puts "Wrote these files:\n#{files_written.to_yaml}" end files_written end end class GraphQLAPIClient GITHUB_API_URL = "" GitHubApiTokenMissingError = # return a lazy initialized connection to github api def github_api(adapter = :net_http) @faraday_connection ||= begin puts "Initializing GitHub API connection to URL: #{GITHUB_API_URL}" do |conn_builder| conn_builder.adapter adapter conn_builder.headers = { "User-Agent" => "rubysec/ruby-advisory-db rubysec sync script", "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "token #{github_api_token}" } end end @faraday_connection end # An error class which gets raised when a GraphQL request fails GitHubGraphQLAPIError = # all interactions with the API go through this method to standardize # error checking and how queries and requests are formed def github_graphql_query(graphql_query_name, graphql_variables = {}) graphql_query_str = GraphQLQueries.const_get graphql_query_name graphql_body = JSON.generate query: graphql_query_str, variables: graphql_variables puts "Executing GraphQL request: #{graphql_query_name}. Request variables:\n#{graphql_variables.to_yaml}\n" faraday_response = do |req| req.url GITHUB_API_URL req.body = graphql_body end puts "Got response code: #{faraday_response.status}" if faraday_response.status != 200 raise(GitHubGraphQLAPIError, "GitHub GraphQL request to #{faraday_response.env.url} failed: #{faraday_response.body}") end body_obj = JSON.parse faraday_response.body if body_obj["errors"] raise(GitHubGraphQLAPIError, body_obj["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] }.join(", ")) end body_obj end def retrieve_all_github_advisories(max_pages = 1000, page_size = 100) all_advisories = [] variables = { "first" => page_size } max_pages.times do |page_num| puts "Getting page #{page_num + 1} of GitHub Advisories" page = github_graphql_query(:GITHUB_ADVISORIES_WITH_RUBYGEM_VULNERABILITY, variables) advisories_this_page = page["data"]["securityAdvisories"]["nodes"] all_advisories += advisories_this_page break unless page["data"]["securityAdvisories"]["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"] == true variables["after"] = page["data"]["securityAdvisories"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"] end puts "Retrieved #{all_advisories.length} Advisories from GitHub API" do |advisory_graphql_obj| github_advisory_graphql_object: advisory_graphql_obj end end def retrieve_all_rubygem_publishable_advisories all_advisories = retrieve_all_github_advisories # remove withdrawn advisories, # and remove those where there are no vulnerabilities for ruby all_advisories.reject { |advisory| advisory.withdrawn? } .select { |advisory| advisory.has_ruby_vulnerabilities? } end module GraphQLQueries GITHUB_ADVISORIES_WITH_RUBYGEM_VULNERABILITY = <<-GRAPHQL.freeze query($first: Int, $after: String) { securityAdvisories(first: $first, after: $after) { pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor } nodes { identifiers { type value } summary description severity references { url } publishedAt withdrawnAt vulnerabilities(ecosystem:RUBYGEMS, first: 10) { nodes { package { name ecosystem } vulnerableVersionRange firstPatchedVersion { identifier } } } } } } GRAPHQL end private def github_api_token unless ENV["GH_API_TOKEN"] raise GitHubApiTokenMissingError, "Unable to make API requests. Must define 'GH_API_TOKEN' environment variable." end ENV["GH_API_TOKEN"] end end class GitHubAdvisory attr_reader :github_advisory_graphql_object def initialize(github_advisory_graphql_object:) @github_advisory_graphql_object = github_advisory_graphql_object end def identifier_list github_advisory_graphql_object["identifiers"] end # extract the CVE identifier from the GitHub Advisory identifier list def cve_id cve_id_obj = identifier_list.find { |id| id["type"] == "CVE" } return nil unless cve_id_obj cve_id_obj["value"] end def ghsa_id id_obj = identifier_list.find { |id| id["type"] == "GHSA" } id_obj["value"] end # advisories should be identified by CVE ID if there is one # but for maintainer submitted advisories there may not be one, # so a GitHub Security Advisory ID (ghsa_id) is used instead def primary_id return cve_id if cve_id ghsa_id end # return a date as a string like 2019-03-21. def published_day return nil unless github_advisory_graphql_object["publishedAt"] pub_date = Date.parse(github_advisory_graphql_object["publishedAt"]) # pub_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") pub_date end def package_names github_advisory_graphql_object["vulnerabilities"]["nodes"].map{|v| v["package"]["name"]}.uniq end def rubysec_filenames do |package_name| File.join("gems", package_name, "#{cve_id}.yml") end end def withdrawn? !github_advisory_graphql_object["withdrawnAt"].nil? end def external_reference github_advisory_graphql_object["references"].first["url"] end def vulnerabilities github_advisory_graphql_object["vulnerabilities"]["nodes"] end def has_ruby_vulnerabilities? vulnerabilities.any? do |vuln| vuln["package"]["ecosystem"] == "RUBYGEMS" end end def some_rubysec_files_do_not_exist? rubysec_filenames.any?{|filename| !File.exist?(filename) } end def write_files return [] unless some_rubysec_files_do_not_exist? files_written = [] vulnerabilities.each do |vulnerability| filename_to_write = File.join("gems", vulnerability["package"]["name"], "#{primary_id}.yml") next if File.exist?(filename_to_write) data = { "gem" => vulnerability["package"]["name"], "ghsa" => ghsa_id[5..], "url" => external_reference, "date" => published_day, "title" => github_advisory_graphql_object["summary"], "description" => github_advisory_graphql_object["description"], "cvss_v3" => "<FILL IN IF AVAILABLE>", "patched_versions" => [ "<FILL IN SEE BELOW>" ], "unaffected_versions" => [ "<OPTIONAL: FILL IN SEE BELOW>" ] } data["cve"] = cve_id[4..20] if cve_id dir_to_write = File.dirname(filename_to_write) Dir.mkdir dir_to_write unless Dir.exist?(dir_to_write), "w") do |file| # create an automatically generated advisory yaml file file.write data.to_yaml # The data we just wrote is incomplete, # and therefore should not be committed as is # We can not directly translate from GitHub to rubysec advisory format # # The patched_versions field is not exactly available. # - GitHub has a first_patched_version field, # but rubysec advisory needs a ruby version spec # # The unnaffected_versions field is similarly not directly available # This optional field must be inferred from the vulnerableVersionRange # # To help write those fields, we put all the github data below. # # The second block of yaml in a .yaml file is ignored (after the second "---" line) # This effectively makes this data a large comment # Still it should be removed before the data goes into rubysec file.write "\n\n# GitHub advisory data below - **Remove this data before committing**\n" file.write "# Use this data to write patched_versions (and potentially unaffected_versions) above\n" file.write github_advisory_graphql_object.to_yaml end puts "Wrote: #{filename_to_write}" files_written << filename_to_write end files_written end end end