use crate::ruby_api::root; use magnus::{error::ErrorType, value::Lazy, Error, ExceptionClass, Module, Ruby}; use std::borrow::Cow; /// Base error class for all Wasmtime errors. pub fn base_error() -> ExceptionClass { static ERR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|_| root().const_get("Error").unwrap()); let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); ruby.get_inner(&ERR) } /// Raised when failing to convert the return value of a Ruby-backed Func to /// Wasm types. pub fn result_error() -> ExceptionClass { static ERR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|_| root().const_get("ResultError").unwrap()); let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); ruby.get_inner(&ERR) } /// Raised when converting an {Extern} to its concrete type fails. pub fn conversion_error() -> ExceptionClass { static ERR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|_| root().const_get("ConversionError").unwrap()); let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); ruby.get_inner(&ERR) } /// Raised when a WASI program terminates early by calling +exit+. pub fn wasi_exit_error() -> ExceptionClass { static ERR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|_| root().const_get("WasiExit").unwrap()); let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); ruby.get_inner(&ERR) } #[macro_export] macro_rules! err { ($($arg:expr),*) => { Result::Err($crate::error!($($arg),*)) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! error { ($($arg:expr),*) => { Error::new($crate::ruby_api::errors::base_error(), format!($($arg),*)) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! not_implemented { ($($arg:expr),*) => { Err(Error::new(magnus::exception::not_imp_error(), format!($($arg),*))) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! conversion_err { ($($arg:expr),*) => { Err(Error::new($crate::ruby_api::errors::conversion_error(), format!("cannot convert {} to {}", $($arg),*))) }; } /// Utilities for reformatting error messages pub trait ExceptionMessage { /// Append a message to an exception fn append(self, extra: T) -> Self where T: Into>; } impl ExceptionMessage for magnus::Error { fn append(self, extra: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { match self.error_type() { ErrorType::Error(class, msg) => Error::new(*class, format!("{}{}", msg, extra.into())), ErrorType::Exception(exception) => Error::new( exception.exception_class(), format!("{}{}", exception, extra.into()), ), _ => self, } } } mod bundled { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bundled/")); } pub fn init() -> Result<(), Error> { bundled::init()?; let _ = base_error(); let _ = result_error(); let _ = conversion_error(); let _ = wasi_exit_error(); Ok(()) }