import { get } from 'ember-metal'; import ControllerMixin from '@ember/controller/lib/controller_mixin'; import { prefixRouteNameArg } from '../utils'; /** @module ember */ ControllerMixin.reopen({ concatenatedProperties: ['queryParams'], /** Defines which query parameters the controller accepts. If you give the names `['category','page']` it will bind the values of these query parameters to the variables `this.category` and ``. By default, Ember coerces query parameter values using `toggleProperty`. This behavior may lead to unexpected results. To explicitly configure a query parameter property so it coerces as expected, you must define a type property: ```javascript queryParams: [{ category: { type: 'boolean' } }] ``` @for Ember.ControllerMixin @property queryParams @public */ queryParams: null, /** This property is updated to various different callback functions depending on the current "state" of the backing route. It is used by `Controller.prototype._qpChanged`. The methods backing each state can be found in the `Route.prototype._qp` computed property return value (the `.states` property). The current values are listed here for the sanity of future travelers: * `inactive` - This state is used when this controller instance is not part of the active route hierarchy. Set in `Route.prototype._reset` (a `router.js` microlib hook) and `Route.prototype.actions.finalizeQueryParamChange`. * `active` - This state is used when this controller instance is part of the active route hierarchy. Set in `Route.prototype.actions.finalizeQueryParamChange`. * `allowOverrides` - This state is used in `Route.prototype.setup` (`route.js` microlib hook). @method _qpDelegate @private */ _qpDelegate: null, // set by route /** During `Route#setup` observers are created to invoke this method when any of the query params declared in `Controller#queryParams` property are changed. When invoked this method uses the currently active query param update delegate (see `Controller.prototype._qpDelegate` for details) and invokes it with the QP key/value being changed. @method _qpChanged @private */ _qpChanged(controller, _prop) { let prop = _prop.substr(0, _prop.length - 3); let delegate = controller._qpDelegate; let value = get(controller, prop); delegate(prop, value); }, /** Transition the application into another route. The route may be either a single route or route path: ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('blogPosts'); aController.transitionToRoute('blogPosts.recentEntries'); ``` Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model will be serialized into the URL using the `serialize` hook of the route: ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('blogPost', aPost); ``` If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the `model` hook of the route will be triggered: ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('blogPost', 1); ``` Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the route tree. ```app/router.js { this.route('blogPost', { path: ':blogPostId' }, function() { this.route('blogComment', { path: ':blogCommentId', resetNamespace: true }); }); }); ``` ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('blogComment', aPost, aComment); aController.transitionToRoute('blogComment', 1, 13); ``` It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a `/`). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and should rarely be used in production code. ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('/'); aController.transitionToRoute('/blog/post/1/comment/13'); aController.transitionToRoute('/blog/posts?sort=title'); ``` An options hash with a `queryParams` property may be provided as the final argument to add query parameters to the destination URL. ```javascript aController.transitionToRoute('blogPost', 1, { queryParams: { showComments: 'true' } }); // if you just want to transition the query parameters without changing the route aController.transitionToRoute({ queryParams: { sort: 'date' } }); ``` See also [replaceRoute](/api/ember/release/classes/Ember.ControllerMixin/methods/replaceRoute?anchor=replaceRoute). @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while transitioning to the route. @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property containing a mapping of query parameters @for Ember.ControllerMixin @method transitionToRoute @public */ transitionToRoute(...args) { // target may be either another controller or a router let target = get(this, 'target'); let method = target.transitionToRoute || target.transitionTo; return method.apply(target, prefixRouteNameArg(this, args)); }, /** Transition into another route while replacing the current URL, if possible. This will replace the current history entry instead of adding a new one. Beside that, it is identical to `transitionToRoute` in all other respects. ```javascript aController.replaceRoute('blogPosts'); aController.replaceRoute('blogPosts.recentEntries'); ``` Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model will be serialized into the URL using the `serialize` hook of the route: ```javascript aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', aPost); ``` If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the `model` hook of the route will be triggered: ```javascript aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', 1); ``` Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the route tree. ```app/router.js { this.route('blogPost', { path: ':blogPostId' }, function() { this.route('blogComment', { path: ':blogCommentId', resetNamespace: true }); }); }); ``` ``` aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', aPost, aComment); aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', 1, 13); ``` It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a `/`). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and should rarely be used in production code. ```javascript aController.replaceRoute('/'); aController.replaceRoute('/blog/post/1/comment/13'); ``` @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while transitioning to the route. @for Ember.ControllerMixin @method replaceRoute @public */ replaceRoute(...args) { // target may be either another controller or a router let target = get(this, 'target'); let method = target.replaceRoute || target.replaceWith; return method.apply(target, prefixRouteNameArg(this, args)); }, }); export default ControllerMixin;