JsonBloomfilter = (options = {}) -> @options = size: 100, hashes: 4, seed: (new Date().getTime() / 1000), bits: null @options[key] = value for key, value of options @bits = new JsonBloomfilter.BitArray(@options["size"], @options["bits"]) this JsonBloomfilter.prototype.add = (key) -> @bits.add(index) for index in @indexesFor(key) return JsonBloomfilter.prototype.test = (key) -> for index in @indexesFor(key) return false if @bits.get(index) == 0 true JsonBloomfilter.prototype.clear = -> @bits = @BitArray.new(@options["size"], null) return JsonBloomfilter.prototype.toHash = -> hash = {} hash[key] = value for key, value of @options hash["bits"] = @bits.field hash JsonBloomfilter.prototype.toJson = -> JSON.stringify @toHash() JsonBloomfilter.prototype.indexesFor = (key) -> indexes = [] for index in [0..@options["hashes"]-1] indexes.push (JsonBloomfilter.Zlib.crc32("#{key}:#{index+@options["seed"]}") % @options["size"]) indexes