require 'active_support/concern' module SocialStream module Models # Additional features for models that are Activity Objects module Object extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_writer :_relation_ids attr_accessor :_activity_parent_id subtype_of :activity_object, :build => { :object_type => to_s } has_one :channel, :through => :activity_object has_many :activity_object_activities, :through => :activity_object # before_create :create_activity_object_with_type unless self == Actor validates_presence_of :author_id, :owner_id, :user_author_id after_create :create_post_activity # Disable update activity for now # It usually appears repeated in the wall and provides no useful information #after_update :create_update_activity end scope :authored_by, lambda { |subject| joins(:activity_object). merge(ActivityObject.authored_by(subject)) } end module InstanceMethods # Was the author represented with this {SocialStream::Models::Object object} was created? def represented_author? author_id == user_author_id end # All the activities with this object def activities Activity. includes(:activity_objects => self.class.to_s.underscore). where("#{ self.class.quoted_table_name }.id" => end # Build the post activity when this object is not saved def build_post_activity :contact_id => _contact_id, :relation_ids => Array(_relation_ids) end # before_create callback # # Build corresponding ActivityObject including this class type def create_activity_object_with_type #:nodoc: o = create_activity_object! :object_type => self.class.to_s # WEIRD: Rails 3.1.0.rc3 does not assign activity_object_id self.activity_object_id = end def _contact @_contact ||= author && owner && author.contact_to!(owner) end def _contact_id _contact.try(:id) end def _relation_ids @_relation_ids ||= if _contact_id.nil? nil else # FIXME: repeated in Activity#fill_relations if _contact.reflexive? else _contact. receiver. relation_customs. allow(_contact.sender, 'create', 'activity'). map(&:id) end end end def _activity_parent @_activity_parent ||= Activity.find(_activity_parent_id) end private def create_post_activity create_activity "post" end def create_update_activity return if _contact_id.blank? create_activity "update" end def create_activity(verb) a = :verb => verb, :contact => _contact, :relation_ids => _relation_ids, :parent_id => _activity_parent_id a.activity_objects << activity_object! end end end end end