ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) UNAME = CYGWINorMINGWorMSYS else UNAME = $(shell uname -s) endif #CC = gcc # For cross-compiling with mingw use these. #CC = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -m32 #CC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8 CUCC = $(CC) #Don't need to use nvcc, since using cuda blas APIs # For GPU must add cuda libs to path, e.g. # export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ifneq (, $(findstring CYGWIN, $(UNAME))) ISWINDOWS := 1 else ifneq (, $(findstring MINGW, $(UNAME))) ISWINDOWS := 1 else ifneq (, $(findstring MSYS, $(UNAME))) ISWINDOWS := 1 else ifneq (, $(findstring mingw, $(CC))) ISWINDOWS := 1 else ISWINDOWS := 0 endif endif endif endif ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) # we're on apple, no need to link rt library LDFLAGS += -lm SHARED = dylib SONAME = -install_name else ifeq ($(ISWINDOWS), 1) # we're on windows (cygwin or msys) LDFLAGS += -lm SHARED = dll SONAME = -soname else # we're on a linux system, use accurate timer provided by clock_gettime() LDFLAGS += -lm -lrt SHARED = so SONAME = -soname endif endif #TODO: check if this works for all platforms: ifeq ($(CUDA_PATH), ) CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda endif CULDFLAGS = -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64 -lcudart -lcublas -lcusparse CUDAFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -I$(CUDA_PATH)/include -Ilinsys/gpu -Wno-c++11-long-long # turn off annoying long-long warnings in cuda header files # Add on default CFLAGS OPT = -O3 override CFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wwrite-strings -pedantic -funroll-loops -Wstrict-prototypes -I. -Iinclude -Ilinsys $(OPT) ifneq ($(ISWINDOWS), 1) override CFLAGS += -fPIC endif LINSYS = linsys DIRSRC = $(LINSYS)/cpu/direct INDIRSRC = $(LINSYS)/cpu/indirect GPUDIR = $(LINSYS)/gpu/direct GPUINDIR = $(LINSYS)/gpu/indirect MKLSRC = $(LINSYS)/mkl/direct EXTSRC = $(LINSYS)/external OUT = out AR = ar ARFLAGS = rv ARCHIVE = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) RANLIB = ranlib INSTALL = install ifeq ($(PREFIX),) PREFIX = /usr/local endif ########### CUSTOM FLAGS ########## # these can all be override from the command line CUSTOM_FLAGS = # e.g. make DLONG=1 will override the setting below DLONG = 0 ifneq ($(DLONG), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DDLONG=$(DLONG) # use longs rather than ints endif CTRLC = 1 ifneq ($(CTRLC), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DCTRLC=$(CTRLC) # graceful interrupts with ctrl-c endif SFLOAT = 0 ifneq ($(SFLOAT), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DSFLOAT=$(SFLOAT) # use floats rather than doubles endif GPU_TRANSPOSE_MAT = 1 ifneq ($(GPU_TRANSPOSE_MAT), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DGPU_TRANSPOSE_MAT=$(GPU_TRANSPOSE_MAT) # transpose A mat in GPU memory endif NO_TIMER = 0 ifneq ($(NO_TIMER), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DNO_TIMER=$(NO_TIMER) # no timing, times reported as nan endif NO_VALIDATE = 0 ifneq ($(NO_VALIDATE), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DNO_VALIDATE=$(NO_VALIDATE) # perform problem validation or skip endif NO_PRINTING = 0 ifneq ($(NO_PRINTING), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DNO_PRINTING=$(NO_PRINTING) # disable printing endif NO_READ_WRITE = 0 ifneq ($(NO_READ_WRITE), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DNO_READ_WRITE=$(NO_READ_WRITE) # disable printing endif ### VERBOSITY LEVELS: 0,1,2,... VERBOSITY = 0 ifneq ($(VERBOSITY), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DVERBOSITY=$(VERBOSITY) # verbosity level endif COVERAGE = 0 ifneq ($(COVERAGE), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += --coverage # generate test coverage data endif # See: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/onemkl-link-line-advisor.html # This is probably not correct for other systems. TODO: update this # to work for all combinations of platform / compiler / threading options. MKLFLAGS = -L$(MKLROOT) -L$(MKLROOT)/lib -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_rt -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -lgomp -lpthread -ldl ############ OPENMP: ############ # set USE_OPENMP = 1 to allow openmp (multi-threaded matrix multiplies): # set the number of threads to, for example, 4 by entering the command: # export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 USE_OPENMP = 0 ifneq ($(USE_OPENMP), 0) override CFLAGS += -fopenmp LDFLAGS += -lgomp endif ############ SDPS: BLAS + LAPACK ############ # set USE_LAPACK = 1 below to enable solving SDPs # NB: point the libraries to the locations where # you have blas and lapack installed BLASLDFLAGS = USE_LAPACK = 1 ifneq ($(USE_LAPACK), 0) # edit these for your setup: BLASLDFLAGS += -llapack -lblas # -lgfortran CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DUSE_LAPACK BLAS64 = 0 ifneq ($(BLAS64), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DBLAS64=$(BLAS64) # if blas/lapack lib uses 64 bit ints endif NOBLASSUFFIX = 0 ifneq ($(NOBLASSUFFIX), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DNOBLASSUFFIX=$(NOBLASSUFFIX) # hack to strip blas suffix endif BLASSUFFIX = "_" ifneq ($(BLASSUFFIX), "_") CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DBLASSUFFIX=$(BLASSUFFIX) # blas suffix (underscore usually) endif endif MATLAB_MEX_FILE = 0 ifneq ($(MATLAB_MEX_FILE), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE=$(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) # matlab mex endif PYTHON = 0 ifneq ($(PYTHON), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DPYTHON=$(PYTHON) # python extension endif USING_R = 0 ifneq ($(USING_R), 0) CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DUSING_R=$(USING_R) # R extension endif # debug to see var values, e.g. 'make print-OBJECTS' shows OBJECTS value print-%: ; @echo $*=$($*) override CFLAGS += $(CUSTOM_FLAGS) CUDAFLAGS += $(CUSTOM_FLAGS)