# InboxRecipient ## Example InboxRecipient Object ``` { "company": "Acme Inc.", "name": "John Doe", "note": "Some note.", "recipient": "john.doe@example.com", "sent_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z" } ``` * `company` (string): The recipient's company. * `name` (string): The recipient's name. * `note` (string): A note sent to the recipient with the inbox. * `recipient` (string): The recipient's email address. * `sent_at` (date-time): When the Inbox was shared with this recipient. * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user. * `inbox_id` (int64): Inbox to share. * `share_after_create` (boolean): Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation. --- ## List Inbox Recipients ``` Files::InboxRecipient.list( user_id: 1, per_page: 1, inbox_id: 1 ) ``` ### Parameters * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user. * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). * `sort_by` (object): If set, sort records by the specified field in either 'asc' or 'desc' direction (e.g. sort_by[last_login_at]=desc). Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter_gt` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter_gteq` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is greater than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter_like` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter_lt` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `filter_lteq` (object): If set, return records where the specifiied field is less than or equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `has_registrations`. * `inbox_id` (int64): Required - List recipients for the inbox with this ID. --- ## Create Inbox Recipient ``` Files::InboxRecipient.create( user_id: 1, inbox_id: 1, recipient: "johndoe@gmail.com", name: "John Smith", company: "Acme Ltd", note: "Just a note.", share_after_create: true ) ``` ### Parameters * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user. * `inbox_id` (int64): Required - Inbox to share. * `recipient` (string): Required - Email address to share this inbox with. * `name` (string): Name of recipient. * `company` (string): Company of recipient. * `note` (string): Note to include in email. * `share_after_create` (boolean): Set to true to share the link with the recipient upon creation.