# DataPlaneApi Ruby This gem provides a simple interface for the Community Edition of the HAProxy DataPlane API. Currently, it only supports a handful of requests that we needed. More may be added in the future. We encourage you to make Pull Requests with more API endpoints. ## Installation Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing: $ bundle add data_plane_api If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing: $ gem install data_plane_api ## Usage The main namespace/module of this gem is `DataPlaneApi`. We used [this documentation](https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/dataplaneapi/community/#get-/services/haproxy/configuration/acls) as the reference for implementing this gem. Each section of the HAProxy Data Plane API should have its own module under `DataPlaneApi`. Each endpoint is represented as a singleton method of this module. eg. `DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings`. ### Configuration In order to make requests, you need to configure the API URL, user and password. You can configure the gem globally. ```rb DataPlaneApi.configure do |c| # REQUIRED c.url = 'http://example.com' c.basic_user = 'api_user' c.basic_password = 'api_password' # OPTIONAL c.timeout = 25 # request timeout in seconds c.logger = Logger.new($stdout) # custom logger end ``` These settings will be used by default in all requests without local configuration objects. You can also create configuration objects and pass them as arguments to particular request method calls. ```rb # create a config object config = DataPlaneApi::Configuration.new( url: 'http://example.com', basic_user: 'api_user' basic_password: 'api_password' ) # make a request response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings( backend: 'foo', config: config # use the configuration object ) ``` A configuration object like that may contain incomplete configuration data. Any missing options will be inherited from the global configuration object. For example, let's say, that you've got a global configuration like that. ```rb DataPlaneApi.configure do |c| c.url = 'http://example.com' c.basic_user = 'api_user' c.basic_password = 'api_password' c.timeout = 25 # request timeout in seconds end ``` You want to change the timeout to 2 seconds for a single request. You can achieve it by creating a new config object which contains only the new data, that you want to change when compared to the global config. The rest will be inherited. ```rb config = DataPlaneApi::Configuration.new(timeout: 2) config.timeout #=> 2 config.url #=> 'http://example.com' config.basic_user #=> 'api_user' ``` ### Response You will always get a `Faraday::Response` object as a return value from a request call. The response body will be parsed to Ruby structures (Hash, Array, Integer, etc.) You may want to look at the [documentation of the faraday gem](https://lostisland.github.io/faraday/usage/) for more details. ### Server Server endpoints live under the `DataPlaneApi::Server` module. ### Runtime settings [Return an array of runtime servers' settings](https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/dataplaneapi/community/#get-/services/haproxy/runtime/servers) You can get an array of runtime servers' settings like so. ```rb # @type [Faraday::Response] response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings(backend: 'my_backend_name') response.status #=> 200 response.headers #=> {"server"=>"Fly/c375678 (2021-04-23)", "content-type"=> ... response.body #=> [{"address":"","admin_state":"ready","id":"1","name":"foo_bar1","operational_state":"up","port":4512}] ``` [Return one server runtime settings](https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/dataplaneapi/community/#get-/services/haproxy/runtime/servers/-name-) You can provide the name of a particular server to get only its settings. ```rb # @type [Faraday::Response] response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings(backend: 'my_backend_name', name: 'my_server_name') response.status #=> 200 response.headers #=> {"server"=>"Fly/c375678 (2021-04-23)", "content-type"=> ... response.body #=> [{"address":"","admin_state":"ready","id":"1","name":"foo_bar1","operational_state":"up","port":4512}] ``` You can override the global config by providing a config object. ```rb # create a config object config = DataPlaneApi::Configuration.new(timeout: 2) response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings( config: config # use the new config backend: 'my_backend_name', name: 'my_server_name' ) ``` ### Transient settings [Replace server transient settings](https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/dataplaneapi/community/#put-/services/haproxy/runtime/servers/-name-) You can replace server transient settings like so. ```rb # @type [Faraday::Response] response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings( backend: 'my_backend_name', name: 'my_server_name', settings: { admin_state: 'ready', operational_state: 'up' } ) response.status #=> 200 response.headers #=> {"server"=>"Fly/c375678 (2021-04-23)", "content-type"=> ... response.body #=> [{"address":"","admin_state":"ready","id":"1","name":"foo_bar1","operational_state":"up","port":4512}] ``` You can override the global config by providing a config object. ```rb # create a config object config = DataPlaneApi::Configuration.new(timeout: 2) response = DataPlaneApi::Server.get_runtime_settings( config: config # use the new config backend: 'my_backend_name', name: 'my_server_name', settings: { admin_state: 'ready', operational_state: 'up' } ) ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/espago/data_plane_api_ruby. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).