-# adapted from Django -# Copyright (c) 2005, the Lawrence Journal-World -# Used under the modified BSD license: -# http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5 !!! %html %head %meta{:name=>"robots", :content=>"NONE,NOARCHIVE"} %title Orange rasied #{h exception.class} at #{h path} %link{:rel=>"stylesheet", :href=>"/assets/_orange_/css/exceptions.css", :type=>"text/css"} %script{:type=>"text/javascript", :src=>"/assets/_orange_/js/exceptions.js"} %body #summary %h1 #{h exception.class} at #{h path} %h2 #{h exception.message} %table %tr %th Ruby %td= "#{h frames.first.filename}: in #{h frames.first.function}, line #{h frames.first.lineno }" %tr %th Web %td= "#{h req.request_method} #{h(req.host + path)}" %h3= "Jump to:" %ul#quicklinks %li %a{:href=>"#get-info"} GET %li %a{:href=>"#post-info"} POST %li %a{:href=>"#cookie-info"} Cookies %li %a{:href=>"#env-info"} ENV %li %a{:href=>"#orange-info"} Orange #traceback %h2= "Traceback (innermost first)" %ul.traceback - frames.each do |frame| %li.frame = "#{h frame.filename}: in #{h frame.function}" - if frame.context_line .context{:id => "c#{frame.object_id}"} - if frame.pre_context %ol.pre-context{:start=>"#{h frame.pre_context_lineno+1}", :id=>"pre#{h frame.object_id }"} - frame.pre_context.each do |line| %li{:onclick=>"toggle('pre#{h frame.object_id}', 'post#{h frame.object_id }')"} #{h line} %ol.context-line{:start=>"#{h frame.lineno}"} %li{ :onclick=>"toggle('pre#{h frame.object_id}', 'post#{h frame.object_id }')"}= "#{h frame.context_line} ..." - if frame.post_context %ol.post-context{ :start=>"#{h frame.lineno+1 }", :id=>"post#{h frame.object_id}"} - frame.post_context.each do |line| %li{:onclick=>"toggle('pre#{h frame.object_id}', 'post#{h frame.object_id }')"} #{h line} #requestinfo %h2 Request information - for var in [:GET, :POST, :cookies] %h3{:id => "#{var.to_s.downcase}-info"}= "#{var.to_s}" - unless req.__send__(var).empty? %table.req %thead %tr %th Variable %th Value %tbody - req.__send__(var).sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each do |key, val| %tr %td #{h key} %td.code %div #{h val.inspect} - else %p No #{var.to_s} data. %h3#env-info Rack ENV %table.req %thead %tr %th Variable %th Value %tbody - env.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each do |key, val| - unless key =~ /^orange\./ %tr %td #{h key} %td.code %div #{h val} %h3#orange-info Orange ENV %table.req %thead %tr %th Variable %th Value %tbody - env['orange.env'].sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each do |key, val| - if(![:request, :headers, :content].include?(key)) %tr %td #{h key} %td.code %div #{h val} %h3#orange-info= 'Orange
Response' %table.req %thead %tr %th Variable %th Value %tbody - env['orange.env'].sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each do |key, val| - if([:request, :headers, :content].include?(key)) %tr %td #{h key} %td.code %div #{h val} #explanation %p= "You're seeing this error because you use Orange::Middleware::ShowExceptions."