module Metanorma module ISO class Converter < Standoc::Converter # def listcount_validate(doc) return if @novalid ol_count_validate(doc) li_depth_validate(doc) end def ol_count_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//clause | //annex").each do |c| next if c.xpath(".//ol").empty? ols = c.xpath(".//ol") - c.xpath(".//ul//ol | .//ol//ol | .//clause//ol") ols.size > 1 and style_warning(c, "More than 1 ordered list in a numbered clause", nil) end end def li_depth_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//li//li//li//li").each do |l|".//li") and style_warning(l, "List more than four levels deep", nil) end end # def list_punctuation(doc) return if @novalid ((doc.xpath("//ol") - doc.xpath("//ul//ol | //ol//ol")) + (doc.xpath("//ul") - doc.xpath("//ul//ul | //ol//ul"))).each do |list| next if skip_list_punctuation(list) prec ="./preceding::text()[normalize-space(.) != ''][1]") list_punctuation1(list, prec&.text) end end def skip_list_punctuation(list) return true if"./ancestor::table") return true if"./following-sibling::term") # terms boilerplate list.xpath(".//li").each do |entry| l = entry.dup l.xpath(".//ol | .//ul").each(&:remove) l.text.split.size > 2 and return false end true end def list_punctuation1(list, prectext) prectext ||= "" entries = list.xpath(".//li") %w(Cyrl Latn Grek).include?(@script) or return case prectext.strip[-1] when ":", "" then list_after_colon_punctuation(list, entries) when "." then entries.each { |li| list_full_sentence(li) } else style_warning(list, "All lists must be preceded by "\ "colon or full stop", prectext) end end # if first list entry starts lowercase, treat as sentence broken up def list_after_colon_punctuation(list, entries) lower = starts_lowercase?(".//li").text) entries.each_with_index do |li, i| if lower list_semicolon_phrase(li, i == entries.size - 1) else list_full_sentence(li) end end end def list_semicolon_phrase(elem, last) text = elem.text.strip starts_lowercase?(text) or style_warning(elem, "List entry of broken up sentence must start "\ "with lowercase letter", text) list_semicolon_phrase_punct(elem, text, last) end def list_semicolon_phrase_punct(elem, text, last) punct = text.strip.sub(/^.*?(\S)$/m, "\\1") if last punct == "." or style_warning(elem, "Final list entry of broken up "\ "sentence must end with full stop", text) else punct == ";" or style_warning(elem, "List entry of broken up sentence must "\ "end with semicolon", text) end end def list_full_sentence(elem) %w(Cyrl Latn Grek).include?(@script) or return text = elem.text.strip starts_uppercase?(text) or style_warning(elem, "List entry of separate sentences must start "\ "with uppercase letter", text) punct = text.strip.sub(/^.*?(\S)$/m, "\\1") punct == "." or style_warning(elem, "List entry of separate sentences must "\ "end with full stop", text) end # allow that all-caps word (acronym) is agnostic as to lowercase def starts_lowercase?(text) text.match?(/^[^[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]]*[[:lower:]]/) || text.match?(/^[^[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]]*[[:upper:]][[:upper:]]+[^[[:alpha:]]]/) end def starts_uppercase?(text) text.match?(/^[^[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]]*[[:upper:]]/) end end end end