container = Luca.register "Luca.core.Container" container.extends "Luca.components.Panel" container.triggers "before:components", "before:render:components", "before:layout", "after:components", "after:layout", "first:activation" container.defines className: 'luca-ui-container' componentTag: 'div' componentClass: 'luca-ui-panel' isContainer: true rendered: false components: [] # @componentEvents provides declarative syntax for responding to events on # the components in this container. the format of the syntax is very similar # to the other event binding helpers: # # component_accessor component:trigger # # where component_accessor is either the name of the role, or a method on the container # which will find the component in question. # # myContainer = new Luca.core.Container # componentEvents: # "name component:trigger" : "handler" # "role component:trigger" : "handler" # "getter component:trigger" : "handler" # componentEvents: {} initialize: (@options={})-> _.extend @, @options # aliases for the components property @components ||= @fields ||= @pages ||= @cards ||= @views # accept components as an array of strings representing # the luca component type for component in @components when _.isString(component) component = (type: component, role: component, name: component) _.bindAll(@, "beforeRender") @setupHooks( Luca.core.Container::hooks ) validateContainerConfiguration(@) Luca.View::initialize.apply @, arguments # Rendering Pipeline # # A container has nested components. these components # are automatically rendered inside their own DOM element # and then CSS configuration is generally applied to these # DOM elements. Each component is assigned to this DOM # element by specifying a @container property on the component. # # Each component is instantiated by looking up its @ctype propery # in the Luca Component Registry. Then the components are rendered # by having their @render() method called on them. # # Any class which extends Luca.View will have its defined render method # wrapped in a method which triggers "before:render", and "after:render" # before and after the defined render method. # # so you can expect the following, for any container or nested container # # DOM Element Manipulation: # # beforeRender() # beforeLayout() # prepareLayout() # afterLayout() # # Luca / Backbone Component Manipulation # # beforeComponents() # prepareComponents() # createComponents() # beforeRenderComponents() # renderComponents() -> # calls render() on each component, starting this whole cycle # # afterComponents() # # DOM Injection # # render() # afterRender() # # For Components which are originally hidden # ( card view, tab view, etc ) # # firstActivation() # beforeRender: ()-> Luca.components.Panel::beforeRender?.apply(@, arguments) # Components which inherit from Luca.core.Container can implement # their own versions of this method, if they need to apply any sort # of additional styling / configuration for the DOM elements that # are created to wrap each container. customizeContainerEl: (containerEl, panel, panelIndex)-> containerEl prepareLayout: ()-> container = @ @componentContainers = _( @components ).map (component, index)->, component, index) prepareComponents: ()-> container = @ _( @components ).each (component, index)=> ce = componentContainerElement = @componentContainers?[index] # support a variety of the bad naming conventions ce.class = ce.class || ce.className || ce.classes if @generateComponentElements panel = @make(@componentTag, componentContainerElement, '') @$append( panel ) # if the container defines a @defaults property # then we should make sure our child components inherit # these values unless specifically defined if container.defaults? component = _.defaults(component, (container.defaults || {})) # if the container defines an @extensions property as an array of # configuration objects, then we will extend the component config with # the object in the matching position of the @extensions array. if _.isArray(container.extensions) and _.isObject(container.extensions?[ index ]) componentExtension = container.extensions[index] component = _.extend(component, componentExtension) # if the container defines an @extensions property as an object of nested hashes, # then extensions is a key/value pair whose key represents the role of the component # that we wish to extend / customize if component.role? and _.isObject(container.extensions) and _.isObject(container.extensions[component.role]) componentExtension = container.extensions[component.role] component = _.extend(component, componentExtension) unless component.container? component.container = "##{ }" if @generateComponentElements component.container ||= @$bodyEl() # create components is responsible for turning the JSON syntax of the # container's definition into live objects against a given Luca Component # type. # # In addition to this, a container builds an index of the components # which belong to it, so that they can easily be looked up by name createComponents: ()-> return if @componentsCreated is true map = @componentIndex = name_index: {} cid_index: {} role_index: {} container = @ @components = _( @components ).map (object, index)=> # you can include normal backbone views as components # you will want to make sure your render method handles # adding the views @$el to the appropriate @container. # you can also just pass a string representing the component_type component = if Luca.isComponent( object ) object else object.type ||= object.ctype if !object.type? # TODO # Add support for all of the various components property aliases if object.components? object.type = object.ctype = 'container' else object.type = object.ctype = Luca.defaultComponentType object._parentCid ||= container.cid created = Luca.util.lazyComponent( object ) # if we're using base backbone views, then they don't extend themselves # with their passed options, so this is a workaround to get them to # pick up the container config property if !component.container and component.options?.container component.container = component.options.container component.getParent ||= ()-> Luca( component._parentCid ) if not component.container? console.log component,index,@ console.error "could not assign container property to component on container #{ @name || @cid }" indexComponent( component ).at(index).in( @componentIndex ) component @componentsCreated = true map # Trigger the Rendering Pipeline process on all of the nested # components renderComponents: (@debugMode="")-> @debug "container render components" container = @ _(@components).each (component)-> try @$( component.container ).eq(0).append( component.el ) component.render() catch e console.log "Error Rendering Component #{ || component.cid }", component if _.isObject(e) console.log e.message console.log e.stack throw e unless Luca.silenceRenderErrors? is true #### Container Activation # # When a container is first activated is a good time to perform # operations which are not needed unless that component becomes # visible. This first activation event should be relayed to all # of the nested components. Components which hide / display # other components, such as a CardView or TabContainer # will trigger first:activation on the components as they become # displayed. firstActivation: ()-> activator = @ @each (component, index)-> # apply the first:activation trigger on the component, in the context of the component # passing as arguments the component itself, and the component doing the activation unless component?.previously_activated is true component?.trigger?.call component, "first:activation", component, activator component.previously_activated = true #### Underscore Methods For Working with Components _: ()-> _( @components ) pluck: (attribute)-> @_().pluck(attribute) invoke: (method)-> @_().invoke(method) select: (fn)-> @_().select(fn) detect: (fn)-> @_().detect(attribute) reject: (fn)-> @_().reject(fn) map: (fn)-> @_().map(fn) registerComponentEvents: (eventList)-> container = @ for listener, handler of (eventList || @componentEvents||{}) [componentNameOrRole,eventId] = listener.split(' ') unless _.isFunction( @[handler] ) console.log "Error registering component event", listener, componentNameOrRole, eventId throw "Invalid component event definition #{ listener }. Specified handler is not a method on the container" if componentNameOrRole is "*" @eachComponent (component)=> component.on(eventId, @[handler], container) else component = @findComponentForEventBinding( componentNameOrRole ) unless component? and Luca.isComponent(component) console.log "Error registering component event", listener, componentNameOrRole, eventId throw "Invalid component event definition: #{ componentNameOrRole }" component?.bind eventId, @[handler], container subContainers: ()-> @select (component)-> component.isContainer is true roles: ()-> _( @allChildren() ).pluck('role') allChildren: ()-> children = @components grandchildren = _( @subContainers() ).invoke('allChildren') _([children,grandchildren]).chain().compact().flatten().value() findComponentForEventBinding: (nameRoleOrGetter, deep=true)-> @findComponentByName(nameRoleOrGetter, deep) || @findComponentByGetter( nameRoleOrGetter, deep ) || @findComponentByRole( nameRoleOrGetter, deep ) findComponentByGetter: (getter, deep=false)-> _( @allChildren() ).detect (component)-> component.getter is getter findComponentByRole: (role,deep=false)-> _( @allChildren() ).detect (component)-> component.role is role or component.type is role or component.ctype is role findComponentByName: (name, deep=false)-> _( @allChildren() ).detect (component)-> is name findComponentById: (id, deep=false)-> @findComponent(id, "cid_index", deep) findComponent: (needle, haystack="name", deep=false)-> @createComponents() unless @componentsCreated is true position = @componentIndex?[ haystack ][ needle ] component = @components[ position ] return component if component if deep is true sub_container = _( @components ).detect (component)-> component?.findComponent?(needle, haystack, true) sub_container?.findComponent?(needle, haystack, true) each: (fn)-> @eachComponent(fn, false) # run a function for each component in this container # and any nested containers in those components, recursively # pass false as the second argument to skip the deep recursion eachComponent: (fn, deep=true)-> _( @components ).each (component, index)=> component, component, index component?.eachComponent?.apply component, [fn,deep] if deep indexOf: (name)-> names = _( @components ).pluck('name') _( names ).indexOf(name) activeComponent: ()-> return @ unless @activeItem return @components[ @activeItem ] componentElements: ()-> @$("[data-luca-parent='#{ @name || @cid }']") getComponent: (needle)-> @components[ needle ] isRootComponent:()-> @rootComponent is true || !@getParent? getRootComponent: ()-> if @isRootComponent() then @ else @getParent().getRootComponent() selectByAttribute: (attribute, value=undefined, deep=false)-> components = _( @components ).map (component)-> matches = [] test = component[ attribute ] matches.push( component ) if test is value or (not value? and test?) # recursively traverse our components matches.push component.selectByAttribute?(attribute, value, true) if deep is true _.compact matches _.flatten( components ) # This is the method by which a container injects the rendered child views # into the DOM. It will get passed the container object, and the component # that is being rendered. Luca.core.Container.componentRenderer = (container, component)-> attachMethod = $( component.container )[ component.attachWith || "append" ] attachMethod( component.render().el ) #### Private Helpers doLayout = ()-> @trigger "before:layout", @ @prepareLayout() @trigger "after:layout", @ applyDOMConfig = (panel, panelIndex)-> style_declarations = [] style_declarations.push "height: #{ (if _.isNumber(panel.height) then panel.height + 'px' else panel.height ) }" if panel.height? style_declarations.push "width: #{ (if _.isNumber(panel.width) then panel.width + 'px' else panel.width ) }" if panel.width? style_declarations.push "float: #{ panel.float }" if panel.float config = class: panel?.classes || @componentClass id: "#{ @cid }-#{ panelIndex }" style: style_declarations.join(';') "data-luca-parent" : @name || @cid if @customizeContainerEl? config = @customizeContainerEl( config, panel, panelIndex ) config createGetterMethods = ()-> container = @ childrenWithGetter = _( @allChildren() ).select (component)-> component.getter? _( childrenWithGetter ).each (component)-> container[ component.getter ] ||= ()-> console.log component.getter, component, container component createMethodsToGetComponentsByRole = ()-> container = @ childrenWithRole = _( @allChildren() ).select (component)-> component.role? _( childrenWithRole ).each (component)-> getter = _.str.camelize( "get_" + component.role ) container[ getter ] ||= ()-> component doComponents = ()-> @trigger "before:components", @, @components @prepareComponents() @createComponents() @trigger "before:render:components", @, @components @renderComponents() @trigger "after:components", @, @components unless @skipGetterMethods is true @registerComponentEvents() validateContainerConfiguration = ()-> true # Private Helpers # # indexComponent( component ).at( index ).in( componentsInternalIndexMap ) indexComponent = (component)-> at: (index)-> in: (map)-> if component.cid? map.cid_index[ component.cid ] = index if component.role? map.role_index[ component.role ] = index if map.name_index[ ] = index