# encoding: UTF-8 require 'wice_grid_misc.rb' require 'wice_grid_core_ext.rb' require 'grid_renderer.rb' require 'helpers/wice_grid_view_helpers.rb' require 'helpers/wice_grid_misc_view_helpers.rb' require 'helpers/wice_grid_serialized_queries_view_helpers.rb' require 'helpers/wice_grid_view_helpers.rb' require 'helpers/js_calendar_helpers.rb' require 'grid_output_buffer.rb' require 'wice_grid_controller.rb' require 'mongoid_field' require 'wice_grid_spreadsheet.rb' require 'wice_grid_serialized_queries_controller.rb' require 'js_adaptors/js_adaptor.rb' require 'js_adaptors/jquery_adaptor.rb' require 'js_adaptors/prototype_adaptor.rb' require 'view_columns.rb' ActionController::Base.send(:helper_method, :wice_grid_custom_filter_params) module Wice class WiceGridRailtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "wice_grid_railtie.configure_rails_initialization" do |app| ActionController::Base.send(:include, Wice::Controller) Mongoid::Field.send(:include, ::Wice::MongoidField) ::ActionView::Base.class_eval { include Wice::GridViewHelper } [ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper, ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper, ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper, ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper].each do |m| JsCalendarHelpers.send(:include, m) end end rake_tasks do load 'tasks/wice_grid_tasks.rake' end end class WiceGrid attr_reader :klass, :name, :resultset, :custom_order, :query_store_model, :options, :controller attr_reader :ar_options, :status, :export_to_csv_enabled, :csv_file_name, :saved_query, :extra_filter attr_writer :renderer attr_accessor :output_buffer, :view_helper_finished, :csv_tempfile # core workflow methods START def initialize(klass, controller, opts = {}) #:nodoc: @controller = controller unless klass.kind_of?(Class) && klass.ancestors.index(Mongoid::Document) raise WiceGridArgumentError.new("The model class (second argument) must be a Class derived from Mongoid::Document") end # validate :with_resultset & :with_paginated_resultset [:with_resultset, :with_paginated_resultset].each do |callback_symbol| unless [NilClass, Symbol, Proc].index(opts[callback_symbol].class) raise WiceGridArgumentError.new(":#{callback_symbol} must be either a Proc or Symbol object") end end opts[:order_direction].downcase! if opts[:order_direction].kind_of?(String) # validate :order_direction if opts[:order_direction] && ! (opts[:order_direction] == 'asc' || opts[:order_direction] == :asc || opts[:order_direction] == 'desc' || opts[:order_direction] == :desc) raise WiceGridArgumentError.new(":order_direction must be either 'asc' or 'desc'.") end # options that are understood @options = { :conditions => nil, :csv_file_name => nil, :custom_order => {}, :enable_export_to_csv => Defaults::ENABLE_EXPORT_TO_CSV, :group => nil, :include => nil, :joins => nil, :name => Defaults::GRID_NAME, :order => nil, :order_direction => Defaults::ORDER_DIRECTION, :per_page => Defaults::PER_PAGE, :saved_query => nil, :select => nil, :total_entries => nil, :with_paginated_resultset => nil, :with_resultset => nil } # validate parameters opts.assert_valid_keys(@options.keys) @options.merge!(opts) @export_to_csv_enabled = @options[:enable_export_to_csv] @csv_file_name = @options[:csv_file_name] case @name = @options[:name] when String when Symbol @name = @name.to_s else raise WiceGridArgumentError.new("name of the grid should be a string or a symbol") end raise WiceGridArgumentError.new("name of the grid can only contain alphanumeruc characters") unless @name =~ /^[a-zA-Z\d_]*$/ @klass = klass @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.new(@klass) @has_any_filter_criteria = false @status = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new if @options[:order] @options[:order] = @options[:order].to_s @options[:order_direction] = @options[:order_direction].to_s @status[:order_direction] = @options[:order_direction] @status[:order] = @options[:order] end @status[:total_entries] = @options[:total_entries] @status[:per_page] = @options[:per_page] @status[:page] = @options[:page] @status[:conditions] = @options[:conditions] @status[:f] = @options[:f] process_loading_query process_params @criteria_formed = false end def add_criteria(extra) @extra_filter = extra @criteria = @criteria.merge(extra) end def has_any_filter_criteria? @has_any_filter_criteria end def has_more_to_show? @status[:per_page].to_i < resultset.count end # A block executed from within the plugin to process records of the current page. # The argument to the callback is the array of the records. See the README for more details. def with_paginated_resultset(&callback) @options[:with_paginated_resultset] = callback end # A block executed from within the plugin to process all records browsable through # all pages with the current filters. The argument to # the callback is a lambda object which returns the list of records when called. See the README for the explanation. def with_resultset(&callback) @options[:with_resultset] = callback end def process_loading_query #:nodoc: @saved_query = nil if params[name] && params[name][:q] @saved_query = load_query(params[name][:q]) params[name].delete(:q) elsif @options[:saved_query] if @options[:saved_query].is_a? ActiveRecord::Base @saved_query = @options[:saved_query] else @saved_query = load_query(@options[:saved_query]) end else return end unless @saved_query.nil? params[name] = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new if params[name].blank? [:f, :order, :order_direction].each do |key| if @saved_query.query[key].blank? params[name].delete(key) else params[name][key] = @saved_query.query[key] end end end end def process_params #:nodoc: if this_grid_params @status.merge!(this_grid_params) @status.delete(:export) unless self.export_to_csv_enabled end end def declare_column(field_name, custom_filter_active) #:nodoc: field = @klass.fields[field_name] raise WiceGridArgumentError.new("Model #{@klass.name} does not have field '#{field_name}'.! ") unless field criteria_added, criteria = field.wice_add_filter_criteria(@status[:f], @klass, custom_filter_active) @criteria = @criteria.merge(criteria) if criteria @status[:f].delete(field_name) if @status[:f] && !criteria_added @has_any_filter_criteria ||= criteria_added [field, nil , true] end def form_criteria(opts = {}) #:nodoc: return if @criteria_formed @criteria_formed = true unless opts[:forget_generated_options] # validate @status[:order_direction] @status[:order_direction] = case @status[:order_direction] when /desc/i 'desc' when /asc/i 'asc' else '' end @status.delete(:f) if !@has_any_filter_criteria if !opts[:skip_ordering] && @status[:order] order_by = @status[:order].to_sym.send( @status[:order_direction].to_sym ) @criteria = @criteria.order_by(order_by) end @criteria = @criteria.limit(@status[:per_page].to_i) # #fix-this, Criteria must respect options # if self.output_html? # @criteria[:per_page] = if all_record_mode? # # reset the :pp value in all records mode # @status[:pp] = count_resultset_without_paging_without_user_filters # else # @status[:per_page] # end # @criteria[:page] = @status[:page] # @criteria[:total_entries] = @status[:total_entries] if @status[:total_entries] # end # @criteria[:joins] = @options[:joins] # @criteria[:include] = @options[:include] # @criteria[:group] = @options[:group] # @criteria[:select] = @options[:select] end def read #:nodoc: form_criteria with_exclusive_scope do @criteria.options[:limit] = nil if @resultset = self.output_csv? @resultset = @criteria end invoke_resultset_callbacks end # core workflow methods END # Getters def filter_params(view_column) #:nodoc: return (@status[:f][view_column.attribute_name] || "") if @status[:f] "" end def resultset #:nodoc: self.read unless @resultset # database querying is late! @resultset end def each #:nodoc: self.read unless @resultset # database querying is late! @resultset.each do |r| yield r end end def ordered_by?(column) #:nodoc: return nil if @status[:order].blank? @status[:order] == column.attribute_name end def ordered_by #:nodoc: @status[:order] end def order_direction #:nodoc: @status[:order_direction] end def filtering_on? #:nodoc: not @status[:f].blank? end def filtered_by #:nodoc: @status[:f].nil? ? [] : @status[:f].keys end def filtered_by?(view_column) #:nodoc: @status[:f] && @status[:f].has_key?(view_column.attribute_name) end def get_state_as_parameter_value_pairs(including_saved_query_request = false) #:nodoc: res = [] unless status[:f].blank? status[:f].parameter_names_and_values([name, 'f']).collect do |param_name, value| if value.is_a?(Array) param_name_ar = param_name + '[]' value.each do |v| res << [param_name_ar, v] end else res << [param_name, value] end end end if including_saved_query_request && @saved_query res << ["#{name}[q]", @saved_query.id ] end [:order, :order_direction].select{|parameter| status[parameter] }.collect do |parameter| res << ["#{name}[#{parameter}]", status[parameter] ] end res end def count #:nodoc: form_criteria(:skip_ordering => true, :forget_generated_options => true) @klass.count(:conditions => @criteria[:conditions], :joins => @criteria[:joins], :include => @criteria[:include], :group => @criteria[:group]) end alias_method :size, :count def empty? #:nodoc: self.count == 0 end # with this variant we get even those values which do not appear in the resultset def distinct_values_for_column(column) #:nodoc: res = column.model_klass.find(:all, :select => "distinct #{column.name}", :order => "#{column.name} asc").collect{|ar| ar[column.name] }.reject{|e| e.blank?}.map{|i|[i,i]} end def distinct_values_for_column_in_resultset(messages) #:nodoc: uniq_vals = Set.new resultset_without_paging_without_user_filters.each do |ar| v = ar.deep_send(*messages) uniq_vals << v unless v.nil? end return uniq_vals.to_a.map{|i| if i.is_a?(Array) && i.size == 2 i elsif i.is_a?(Hash) && i.size == 1 i.to_a.flatten else [i,i] end }.sort{|a,b| a[0]<=>b[0]} end def output_csv? #:nodoc: @status[:export] == 'csv' end def output_html? #:nodoc: @status[:export].blank? end def all_record_mode? #:nodoc: @status[:pp] end def dump_status #:nodoc: " params: #{params[name].inspect}\n" + " status: #{@status.inspect}\n" + " ar_options #{@criteria.inspect}\n" end def selected_records #:nodoc: STDERR.puts "WiceGrid: Parameter :#{selected_records} is deprecated, use :#{all_pages_records} or :#{current_page_records} instead!" all_pages_records end # Returns the list of objects browsable through all pages with the current filters. # Should only be called after the +grid+ helper. def all_pages_records raise WiceGridException.new("all_pages_records can only be called only after the grid view helper") unless self.view_helper_finished resultset_without_paging_with_user_filters end # Returns the list of objects displayed on current page. Should only be called after the +grid+ helper. def current_page_records raise WiceGridException.new("current_page_records can only be called only after the grid view helper") unless self.view_helper_finished @resultset end protected def invoke_resultset_callback(callback, argument) #:nodoc: case callback when Proc callback.call(argument) when Symbol @controller.send(callback, argument) end end def invoke_resultset_callbacks #:nodoc: invoke_resultset_callback(@options[:with_paginated_resultset], @resultset) invoke_resultset_callback(@options[:with_resultset], lambda{self.send(:resultset_without_paging_with_user_filters)}) end def with_exclusive_scope #:nodoc: yield end def complete_column_name(col_name) #:nodoc: if col_name.index('.') # already has a table name col_name else # add the default table "#{@klass.collection_name}.#{col_name}" end end def params #:nodoc: @controller.params end def this_grid_params #:nodoc: params[name] end def resultset_without_paging_without_user_filters #:nodoc: form_criteria with_exclusive_scope do @klass.find(:all, :joins => @criteria[:joins], :include => @criteria[:include], :group => @criteria[:group], :conditions => @options[:conditions]) end end def count_resultset_without_paging_without_user_filters #:nodoc: form_criteria with_exclusive_scope do @klass.count( :joins => @criteria[:joins], :include => @criteria[:include], :group => @criteria[:group], :conditions => @options[:conditions] ) end end def resultset_without_paging_with_user_filters #:nodoc: form_criteria with_exclusive_scope do @klass.find(:all, :joins => @criteria[:joins], :include => @criteria[:include], :group => @criteria[:group], :conditions => @criteria[:conditions], :order => @criteria[:order]) end end def load_query(query_id) #:nodoc: @query_store_model ||= Wice::get_query_store_model query = @query_store_model.find_by_id_and_grid_name(query_id, self.name) Wice::log("Query with id #{query_id} for grid '#{self.name}' not found!!!") if query.nil? query end end # routines called from WiceGridExtentionToActiveRecordColumn (ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column) or FilterConditionsGenerator classes module GridTools #:nodoc: class << self def special_value(str) #:nodoc: str =~ /^\s*(not\s+)?null\s*$/i end # create a Time instance out of parameters def params_2_datetime(par) #:nodoc: return nil if par.blank? params = [par[:year], par[:month], par[:day], par[:hour], par[:minute]].collect{|v| v.blank? ? nil : v.to_i} begin Time.local(*params) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError nil end end # create a Date instance out of parameters def params_2_date(par) #:nodoc: return nil if par.blank? params = [par[:year], par[:month], par[:day]].collect{|v| v.blank? ? nil : v.to_i} begin Date.civil(*params) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError nil end end end end end