module Discorb # # Represents a permission per guild. # ## Flag fields # # | Field | Value | # |-------|-------| # |`1 << 0`|`:create_instant_invite`| # |`1 << 1`|`:kick_members`| # |`1 << 2`|`:ban_members`| # |`1 << 3`|`:administrator`| # |`1 << 4`|`:manage_channels`| # |`1 << 5`|`:manage_guild`| # |`1 << 6`|`:add_reactions`| # |`1 << 7`|`:view_audit_log`| # |`1 << 8`|`:priority_speaker`| # |`1 << 9`|`:stream`| # |`1 << 10`|`:view_channel`| # |`1 << 11`|`:send_messages`| # |`1 << 12`|`:send_tts_messages`| # |`1 << 13`|`:manage_messages`| # |`1 << 14`|`:embed_links`| # |`1 << 15`|`:attach_files`| # |`1 << 16`|`:read_message_history`| # |`1 << 17`|`:mention_everyone`| # |`1 << 18`|`:use_external_emojis`| # |`1 << 19`|`:view_guild_insights`| # |`1 << 20`|`:connect`| # |`1 << 21`|`:speak`| # |`1 << 22`|`:mute_members`| # |`1 << 23`|`:deafen_members`| # |`1 << 24`|`:move_members`| # |`1 << 25`|`:use_vad`| # |`1 << 26`|`:change_nickname`| # |`1 << 27`|`:manage_nicknames`| # |`1 << 28`|`:manage_roles`| # |`1 << 29`|`:manage_webhooks`| # |`1 << 30`|`:manage_emojis`| # |`1 << 31`|`:use_slash_commands`| # |`1 << 32`|`:request_to_speak`| # |`1 << 34`|`:manage_threads`| # |`1 << 35`|`:use_public_threads`| # |`1 << 36`|`:use_private_threads`| class Permission < Discorb::Flag attr_accessor create_instant_invite: bool attr_accessor kick_members: bool attr_accessor ban_members: bool attr_accessor administrator: bool attr_accessor manage_channels: bool attr_accessor manage_guild: bool attr_accessor add_reactions: bool attr_accessor view_audit_log: bool attr_accessor priority_speaker: bool attr_accessor stream: bool attr_accessor view_channel: bool attr_accessor send_messages: bool attr_accessor send_tts_messages: bool attr_accessor manage_messages: bool attr_accessor embed_links: bool attr_accessor attach_files: bool attr_accessor read_message_history: bool attr_accessor mention_everyone: bool attr_accessor use_external_emojis: bool attr_accessor view_guild_insights: bool attr_accessor connect: bool attr_accessor speak: bool attr_accessor mute_members: bool attr_accessor deafen_members: bool attr_accessor move_members: bool attr_accessor use_vad: bool attr_accessor change_nickname: bool attr_accessor manage_nicknames: bool attr_accessor manage_roles: bool attr_accessor manage_webhooks: bool attr_accessor manage_emojis: bool attr_accessor use_slash_commands: bool attr_accessor request_to_speak: bool attr_accessor manage_threads: bool attr_accessor use_public_threads: bool attr_accessor use_private_threads: bool end # # Represents a permission per channel. class PermissionOverwrite # # Initializes a new PermissionOverwrite. # @private # # @param allow [Integer] The allowed permissions. # @param deny [Integer] The denied permissions. def initialize: (Integer allow, Integer deny) -> void def allow: -> Discorb::Permission def deny: -> Discorb::Permission def allow_value: -> Integer def deny_value: -> Integer def inspect: -> String # # Converts the permission overwrite to a hash. # # @return [Hash] The permission overwrite as a hash. def to_hash: -> Hash[Symbol, bool] # # Union of the permission overwrites. # # @param [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] other The other permission overwrite. # # @return [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] The union of the permission overwrites. def +: (Discorb::PermissionOverwrite other) -> Discorb::PermissionOverwrite # # Returns whether overwrite of the given field. # # @param [Symbol] field The field to check. # # @return [true, false, nil] Whether the field is allowed, denied or not set. def []: (Symbol field) -> bool? # # Sets the given field to the given value. # # @param [Symbol] key The field to set. # @param [Boolean] bool The value to set. def []=: (Symbol key, bool `bool`) -> untyped # # Returns the value of the flag. def method_missing: (untyped method, ?untyped `bool`) -> untyped def respond_to_missing?: (untyped method, untyped _arg) -> bool # # Initializes a permission overwrite from a hash. # # @param [Hash] hash The hash to initialize the permission overwrite from. # # @return [Discorb::PermissionOverwrite] The permission overwrite. def self.from_hash: ( ::Hash[Symbol, bool] hash ) -> Discorb::PermissionOverwrite end end