#include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_VERSION "0.4.5" #define CTX_FL_MOVED (1<<1) #define CTX_FL_SUSPEND (1<<2) #define CTX_FL_TRACING (1<<3) #define CTX_FL_SKIPPED (1<<4) #define CTX_FL_IGNORE (1<<5) #define CTX_FL_TEST(c,f) ((c)->flags & (f)) #define CTX_FL_SET(c,f) do { (c)->flags |= (f); } while (0) #define CTX_FL_UNSET(c,f) do { (c)->flags &= ~(f); } while (0) #define DID_MOVED (debug_context->last_line != line || \ debug_context->last_file == Qnil || \ rb_str_cmp(debug_context->last_file, file) != 0) #define IS_STARTED (threads_tbl != Qnil) typedef struct { int thnum; int flags; int stop_next; int dest_frame; int stop_line; int stop_frame; VALUE frames; VALUE thread; VALUE last_file; VALUE last_line; } debug_context_t; typedef struct { VALUE file; VALUE line; VALUE binding; ID id; } debug_frame_t; typedef struct { VALUE source; VALUE pos; VALUE expr; } debug_breakpoint_t; typedef struct { st_table *tbl; } threads_table_t; static VALUE threads_tbl = Qnil; static VALUE breakpoints = Qnil; static VALUE catchpoint = Qnil; static VALUE tracing = Qfalse; static VALUE locker = Qnil; static VALUE mDebugger; static VALUE cThreadsTable; static VALUE cContext; static VALUE cFrame; static VALUE cBreakpoint; static VALUE file_separator; static VALUE alt_file_separator; static ID idAtLine; static ID idAtBreakpoint; static ID idAtCatchpoint; static ID idAtTracing; static ID idBinding; static ID idBasename; static ID idEval; static ID idList; static ID idClear; static ID idIndex; static int start_count = 0; static int thnum_max = 0; static int last_debugged_thnum = -1; static VALUE create_binding(VALUE); static VALUE debug_stop(VALUE); typedef struct locked_thread_t { VALUE thread; struct locked_thread_t *next; } locked_thread_t; static locked_thread_t *locked_head = NULL; static locked_thread_t *locked_tail = NULL; static int is_in_locked(VALUE thread) { locked_thread_t *node; if(!locked_head) return 0; for(node = locked_head; node != locked_tail; node = node->next) { if(node->thread == thread) return 1; } return 0; } static void add_to_locked(VALUE thread) { locked_thread_t *node; if(is_in_locked(thread)) return; node = ALLOC(locked_thread_t); node->thread = thread; node->next = NULL; if(locked_tail) locked_tail->next = node; locked_tail = node; if(!locked_head) locked_head = node; } static VALUE remove_from_locked() { VALUE thread; locked_thread_t *node; if(locked_head == NULL) return Qnil; node = locked_head; locked_head = locked_head->next; if(locked_tail == node) locked_tail = NULL; thread = node->thread; xfree(node); return thread; } static int thread_hash(VALUE thread) { return (int)FIX2LONG(rb_obj_id(thread)); } static int thread_cmp(VALUE a, VALUE b) { if(a == b) return 0; if(a < b) return -1; return 1; } static struct st_hash_type st_thread_hash = { thread_cmp, thread_hash }; static int threads_table_mark_keyvalue(VALUE key, VALUE value, int dummy) { rb_gc_mark(key); rb_gc_mark(value); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void threads_table_mark(void* data) { threads_table_t *threads_table = (threads_table_t*)data; st_foreach(threads_table->tbl, threads_table_mark_keyvalue, 0); } static void threads_table_free(void* data) { threads_table_t *threads_table = (threads_table_t*)data; st_free_table(threads_table->tbl); xfree(threads_table); } static VALUE threads_table_create() { threads_table_t *threads_table; threads_table = ALLOC(threads_table_t); threads_table->tbl = st_init_table(&st_thread_hash); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cThreadsTable, threads_table_mark, threads_table_free, threads_table); } static int threads_table_clear_i(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE dummy) { return ST_DELETE; } static void threads_table_clear(VALUE table) { threads_table_t *threads_table; Data_Get_Struct(table, threads_table_t, threads_table); st_foreach(threads_table->tbl, threads_table_clear_i, 0); } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.started? -> bool * * Returns +true+ the debugger is started. */ static VALUE debug_is_started(VALUE self) { return IS_STARTED ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static void debug_check_started() { if(!IS_STARTED) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Debugger.start is not called yet."); } } static void debug_context_mark(void* data) { debug_context_t *debug_context = (debug_context_t *)data; rb_gc_mark(debug_context->frames); rb_gc_mark(debug_context->thread); rb_gc_mark(debug_context->last_file); rb_gc_mark(debug_context->last_line); } static VALUE debug_context_create(VALUE thread) { VALUE result; debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_context = ALLOC(debug_context_t); debug_context-> thnum = ++thnum_max; debug_context->last_file = Qnil; debug_context->last_line = Qnil; debug_context->flags = 0; debug_context->stop_next = -1; debug_context->dest_frame = -1; debug_context->stop_line = -1; debug_context->stop_frame = -1; debug_context->frames = rb_ary_new(); debug_context->thread = thread; result = Data_Wrap_Struct(cContext, debug_context_mark, xfree, debug_context); return result; } static VALUE thread_context_lookup(VALUE thread) { VALUE context; threads_table_t *threads_table; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(threads_tbl, threads_table_t, threads_table); if(!st_lookup(threads_table->tbl, thread, &context)) { context = debug_context_create(thread); st_insert(threads_table->tbl, thread, context); } return context; } static void debug_frame_mark(void *data) { debug_frame_t *debug_frame = (debug_frame_t *)data; rb_gc_mark(debug_frame->binding); rb_gc_mark(debug_frame->file); rb_gc_mark(debug_frame->line); } static VALUE debug_frame_create(VALUE file, VALUE line, VALUE binding, ID id) { VALUE result; debug_frame_t *debug_frame; debug_frame = ALLOC(debug_frame_t); debug_frame->file = file; debug_frame->line = line; debug_frame->binding = binding; debug_frame->id = id; result = Data_Wrap_Struct(cFrame, debug_frame_mark, xfree, debug_frame); return result; } static void save_current_position(VALUE context) { VALUE cur_frame; debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_frame_t *debug_frame; Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len == 0) return; cur_frame = *RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->ptr; Data_Get_Struct(cur_frame, debug_frame_t, debug_frame); debug_context->last_file = debug_frame->file; debug_context->last_line = debug_frame->line; CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_MOVED); } static VALUE call_at_line_unprotected(VALUE args) { VALUE context; context = *RARRAY(args)->ptr; return rb_funcall2(context, idAtLine, RARRAY(args)->len - 1, RARRAY(args)->ptr + 1); } static VALUE call_at_line(VALUE context, int thnum, VALUE binding, VALUE file, VALUE line) { VALUE args; last_debugged_thnum = thnum; save_current_position(context); args = rb_ary_new3(4, context, file, line, binding); return rb_protect(call_at_line_unprotected, args, 0); } static void set_frame_source(debug_context_t *debug_context, VALUE file, VALUE line) { VALUE frame; debug_frame_t *top_frame; if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len > 0) { frame = *RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->ptr; Data_Get_Struct(frame, debug_frame_t, top_frame); top_frame->file = file; top_frame->line = line; } } static void save_call_frame(VALUE self, VALUE file, VALUE line, ID mid, debug_context_t *debug_context) { VALUE frame, binding; binding = self? create_binding(self) : Qnil; frame = debug_frame_create(file, line, binding, mid); rb_ary_unshift(debug_context->frames, frame); } static VALUE basename(VALUE filename) { return rb_funcall(rb_cFile, idBasename, 1, filename); } static int filename_cmp(debug_breakpoint_t *debug_breakpoint, VALUE file) { VALUE flag = Qnil; flag = rb_funcall(debug_breakpoint->source, idIndex, 1, file_separator); if(alt_file_separator != Qnil && flag == Qnil) flag = rb_funcall(debug_breakpoint->source, idIndex, 1, alt_file_separator); if(flag == Qnil) file = basename(file); else file = rb_file_expand_path(file, Qnil); return(rb_str_cmp(debug_breakpoint->source, file) == 0); } static int classname_cmp(debug_breakpoint_t *debug_breakpoint, VALUE klass) { return (klass != Qnil && rb_str_cmp(debug_breakpoint->source, rb_mod_name(klass)) == 0); } static int check_breakpoints(debug_context_t *debug_context, VALUE file, VALUE klass, VALUE pos) { VALUE breakpoint; debug_breakpoint_t *debug_breakpoint; int i; if(RARRAY(breakpoints)->len == 0) return -1; if(!CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_MOVED)) return -1; for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(breakpoints)->len; i++) { breakpoint = rb_ary_entry(breakpoints, i); Data_Get_Struct(breakpoint, debug_breakpoint_t, debug_breakpoint); if(debug_breakpoint->pos != pos && !(TYPE(pos) == T_STRING && TYPE(debug_breakpoint->pos) == T_STRING && rb_str_cmp(debug_breakpoint->pos, pos) == 0)) continue; if(filename_cmp(debug_breakpoint, file) || classname_cmp(debug_breakpoint, klass)) return i; } return -1; } /* * This is a NASTY HACK. For some reasons rb_f_binding is decalred * static in eval.c */ static VALUE create_binding(VALUE self) { typedef VALUE (*bind_func_t)(VALUE); static bind_func_t f_binding = NULL; if(f_binding == NULL) { NODE *body, *method; st_lookup(RCLASS(rb_mKernel)->m_tbl, idBinding, (st_data_t *)&body); method = (NODE *)body->u2.value; f_binding = (bind_func_t)method->u1.value; } return f_binding(self); } static VALUE get_breakpoint_at(int index) { return rb_ary_entry(breakpoints, index); } static VALUE eval_expression(VALUE args) { return rb_funcall2(rb_mKernel, idEval, 2, RARRAY(args)->ptr); } static int check_breakpoint_expression(VALUE breakpoint, VALUE binding) { debug_breakpoint_t *debug_breakpoint; VALUE args, expr_result; Data_Get_Struct(breakpoint, debug_breakpoint_t, debug_breakpoint); if(NIL_P(debug_breakpoint->expr)) return 1; args = rb_ary_new3(2, debug_breakpoint->expr, binding); expr_result = rb_protect(eval_expression, args, 0); return RTEST(expr_result); } static void debug_event_hook(rb_event_t event, NODE *node, VALUE self, ID mid, VALUE klass) { VALUE thread, context, binding, breakpoint; debug_context_t *debug_context; VALUE file = Qnil, line = Qnil; int breakpoint_index = -1; if (mid == ID_ALLOCATOR) return; if(!node) return; thread = rb_thread_current(); context = thread_context_lookup(thread); Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); /* return if thread is marked as 'ignored'. debugger's threads are marked this way */ if(CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_IGNORE)) return; while(1) { /* halt execution of the current thread if the debugger is activated in another */ while(locker != Qnil && locker != thread) { add_to_locked(thread); rb_thread_stop(); } /* stop the current thread if it's marked as suspended */ if(CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND)) rb_thread_stop(); else break; } /* return if the current thread is the locker */ if(locker != Qnil) return; /* only the current thread can proceed */ locker = thread; /* ignore a skipped section of code */ if(CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_SKIPPED)) goto cleanup; file = rb_str_new2(node->nd_file); line = INT2FIX(nd_line(node)); if(DID_MOVED) CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_MOVED); switch(event) { case RUBY_EVENT_LINE: { set_frame_source(debug_context, file, line); if(RTEST(tracing) || CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_TRACING)) { rb_funcall(context, idAtTracing, 2, file, line); } if(debug_context->dest_frame == -1 || RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len == debug_context->dest_frame) { debug_context->stop_next--; if(debug_context->stop_next < 0) debug_context->stop_next = -1; /* we check that we actualy moved to another line */ if(DID_MOVED) { debug_context->stop_line--; } } else if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len < debug_context->dest_frame) { debug_context->stop_next = 0; } if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len == 0) { save_call_frame(self, file, line, mid, debug_context); } if(debug_context->stop_next == 0 || debug_context->stop_line == 0 || (breakpoint_index = check_breakpoints(debug_context, file, klass, line)) != -1) { binding = self? create_binding(self) : Qnil; /* check breakpoint expression */ if(breakpoint_index != -1) { breakpoint = get_breakpoint_at(breakpoint_index); if(check_breakpoint_expression(breakpoint, binding)) { rb_funcall(context, idAtBreakpoint, 1, breakpoint); } else break; } /* reset all pointers */ debug_context->dest_frame = -1; debug_context->stop_line = -1; debug_context->stop_next = -1; call_at_line(context, debug_context->thnum, binding, file, line); } break; } case RUBY_EVENT_C_CALL: { set_frame_source(debug_context, file, line); break; } case RUBY_EVENT_CALL: { save_call_frame(self, file, line, mid, debug_context); breakpoint_index = check_breakpoints(debug_context, file, klass, rb_str_new2(rb_id2name(mid))); if(breakpoint_index != -1) { binding = self? create_binding(self) : Qnil; breakpoint = get_breakpoint_at(breakpoint_index); if(check_breakpoint_expression(breakpoint, binding)) { rb_funcall(context, idAtBreakpoint, 1, breakpoint); call_at_line(context, debug_context->thnum, binding, file, line); } } break; } case RUBY_EVENT_RETURN: case RUBY_EVENT_END: { if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len == debug_context->stop_frame) { debug_context->stop_next = 1; debug_context->stop_frame = 0; } rb_ary_shift(debug_context->frames); break; } case RUBY_EVENT_CLASS: { save_call_frame(self, file, line, mid, debug_context); break; } case RUBY_EVENT_RAISE: { VALUE ancestors; VALUE expn_class, aclass; int i; expn_class = rb_obj_class(ruby_errinfo); if( !NIL_P(rb_class_inherited_p(expn_class, rb_eSystemExit)) ) { debug_stop(mDebugger); break; } if(catchpoint == Qnil) break; ancestors = rb_mod_ancestors(expn_class); for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(ancestors)->len; i++) { aclass = rb_ary_entry(ancestors, i); if(rb_str_cmp(rb_mod_name(aclass), catchpoint) == 0) { rb_funcall(context, idAtCatchpoint, 1, ruby_errinfo); binding = self? create_binding(self) : Qnil; call_at_line(context, debug_context->thnum, binding, file, line); break; } } break; } case RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN: { break; } } cleanup: /* release a lock */ locker = Qnil; /* let the next thread to run */ thread = remove_from_locked(); if(thread != Qnil) rb_thread_run(thread); } static VALUE debug_stop_i(VALUE self) { if(IS_STARTED) debug_stop(self); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.start -> bool * Debugger.start { ... } -> obj * * This method activates the debugger. * If it's called without a block it returns +true+, unless debugger was already started. * If a block is given, it starts debugger and yields to block. When the block is finished * executing it stops the debugger with Debugger.stop method. * * Note that if you want to stop debugger, you must call Debugger.stop as many time as you * called Debugger.start method. */ static VALUE debug_start(VALUE self) { VALUE result; start_count++; if(IS_STARTED) result = Qfalse; else { breakpoints = rb_ary_new(); locker = Qnil; threads_tbl = threads_table_create(); rb_add_event_hook(debug_event_hook, RUBY_EVENT_ALL); result = Qtrue; } if(rb_block_given_p()) return rb_ensure(rb_yield, Qnil, debug_stop_i, self); return result; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.stop -> bool * * This method disacivates the debugger. It returns +true+ if the debugger is disacivated, * otherwise it returns +false+. * * Note that if you want to stop debugger, you must call Debugger.stop as many time as you * called Debugger.start method. */ static VALUE debug_stop(VALUE self) { debug_check_started(); start_count--; if(start_count) return Qfalse; rb_remove_event_hook(debug_event_hook); locker = Qnil; breakpoints = Qnil; threads_tbl = Qnil; return Qtrue; } static void breakpoint_mark(void *data) { debug_breakpoint_t *breakpoint; breakpoint = (debug_breakpoint_t *)data; rb_gc_mark(breakpoint->source); rb_gc_mark(breakpoint->pos); rb_gc_mark(breakpoint->expr); } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.add_breakpoint(source, pos, condition = nil) -> breakpoint * * Adds a new breakpoint. * source is a name of a file or a class. * pos is a line number or a method name if source is a class name. * condition is a string which is evaluated to +true+ when this breakpoint * is activated. */ static VALUE debug_add_breakpoint(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE source, pos, expr; VALUE result; debug_breakpoint_t *breakpoint; debug_check_started(); if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &source, &pos, &expr) == 2) { expr = Qnil; } breakpoint = ALLOC(debug_breakpoint_t); breakpoint->source = StringValue(source); breakpoint->pos = pos; breakpoint->expr = NIL_P(expr) ? expr: StringValue(expr); result = Data_Wrap_Struct(cBreakpoint, breakpoint_mark, xfree, breakpoint); rb_ary_push(breakpoints, result); return result; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.breakpoints -> array * * Returns an array of breakpoints. */ static VALUE debug_breakpoints(VALUE self) { debug_check_started(); return breakpoints; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.checkpoint -> string * * Returns a current checkpoint, which is a name of exception that will * trigger a debugger when raised. */ static VALUE debug_catchpoint(VALUE self) { debug_check_started(); return catchpoint; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.checkpoint = string -> string * * Sets checkpoint. */ static VALUE debug_set_catchpoint(VALUE self, VALUE value) { debug_check_started(); if (!NIL_P(value) && TYPE(value) != T_STRING) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "value of checkpoint must be String"); } if(NIL_P(value)) catchpoint = Qnil; else catchpoint = rb_str_dup(value); return value; } static int find_last_context_func(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE *result) { debug_context_t *debug_context; Data_Get_Struct(value, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(debug_context->thnum == last_debugged_thnum) { *result = value; return ST_STOP; } return ST_CONTINUE; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.last_interrupted -> context * * Returns last debugged context. */ static VALUE debug_last_interrupted(VALUE self) { VALUE result = Qnil; threads_table_t *threads_table; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(threads_tbl, threads_table_t, threads_table); st_foreach(threads_table->tbl, find_last_context_func, (st_data_t)&result); return result; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.current_context -> context * * Returns current context. * Note: Debugger.current_context.thread == Thread.current */ static VALUE debug_current_context(VALUE self) { VALUE thread, context; debug_check_started(); thread = rb_thread_current(); context = thread_context_lookup(thread); return context; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.contexts -> array * * Returns an array of all contexts. */ static VALUE debug_contexts(VALUE self) { volatile VALUE list; volatile VALUE new_list; VALUE thread, context; threads_table_t *threads_table; debug_context_t *debug_context; int i; debug_check_started(); new_list = rb_ary_new(); list = rb_funcall(rb_cThread, idList, 0); for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(list)->len; i++) { thread = rb_ary_entry(list, i); context = thread_context_lookup(thread); rb_ary_push(new_list, context); } threads_table_clear(threads_tbl); Data_Get_Struct(threads_tbl, threads_table_t, threads_table); for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(new_list)->len; i++) { context = rb_ary_entry(new_list, i); Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); st_insert(threads_table->tbl, debug_context->thread, context); } return new_list; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.suspend -> Debugger * * Suspends all contexts. */ static VALUE debug_suspend(VALUE self) { VALUE current, context; VALUE saved_crit; VALUE context_list; debug_context_t *debug_context; int i; debug_check_started(); saved_crit = rb_thread_critical; rb_thread_critical = Qtrue; context_list = debug_contexts(self); current = thread_context_lookup(rb_thread_current()); for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(context_list)->len; i++) { context = rb_ary_entry(context_list, i); if(current == context) continue; Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND); } rb_thread_critical = saved_crit; if(rb_thread_critical == Qfalse) rb_thread_schedule(); return self; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.resume -> Debugger * * Resumes all contexts. */ static VALUE debug_resume(VALUE self) { VALUE current, context; VALUE saved_crit; VALUE context_list; debug_context_t *debug_context; int i; debug_check_started(); saved_crit = rb_thread_critical; rb_thread_critical = Qtrue; context_list = debug_contexts(self); current = thread_context_lookup(rb_thread_current()); for(i = 0; i < RARRAY(context_list)->len; i++) { context = rb_ary_entry(context_list, i); if(current == context) continue; Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND)) { CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND); rb_thread_run(debug_context->thread); } } rb_thread_critical = saved_crit; rb_thread_schedule(); return self; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.tracing -> bool * * Returns +true+ is a global tracing is activated. */ static VALUE debug_tracing(VALUE self) { return tracing; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.tracing = bool * * Sets a global tracing flag. */ static VALUE debug_set_tracing(VALUE self, VALUE value) { tracing = RTEST(value) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; return value; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.debug_load(file) -> nil * * Same as Kernel#load but resets current context's frames. * FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. */ static VALUE debug_debug_load(VALUE self, VALUE file) { VALUE context; debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_start(self); context = debug_current_context(self); Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); rb_ary_clear(debug_context->frames); rb_load(file, 0); debug_stop(self); return Qnil; } static VALUE set_current_skipped_status(VALUE status) { VALUE context; debug_context_t *debug_context; context = debug_current_context(Qnil); Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(status) CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SKIPPED); else CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SKIPPED); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.skip { block } -> obj or nil * * The code inside of the block is escaped from the debugger. */ static VALUE debug_skip(VALUE self) { if (!rb_block_given_p()) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "called without a block"); } if(!IS_STARTED) return rb_yield(Qnil); set_current_skipped_status(Qtrue); return rb_ensure(rb_yield, Qnil, set_current_skipped_status, Qfalse); } static VALUE debug_at_exit_c(VALUE proc) { return rb_funcall(proc, rb_intern("call"), 0); } static void debug_at_exit_i(VALUE proc) { if(!IS_STARTED) { debug_at_exit_c(proc); } else { set_current_skipped_status(Qtrue); rb_ensure(debug_at_exit_c, proc, set_current_skipped_status, Qfalse); } } /* * call-seq: * Debugger.debug_at_exit { block } -> proc * * Register at_exit hook which is escaped from the debugger. * FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. */ static VALUE debug_at_exit(VALUE self) { VALUE proc; if (!rb_block_given_p()) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "called without a block"); } proc = rb_block_proc(); rb_set_end_proc(debug_at_exit_i, proc); return proc; } /* * call-seq: * context.stop_next = steps * * Stops the current context after a number +steps+ are made. */ static VALUE context_stop_next(VALUE self, VALUE steps) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(FIX2INT(steps) < 0) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Steps argument can't be negative."); debug_context->stop_next = FIX2INT(steps); return steps; } /* * call-seq: * context.step_over(steps) * * Steps over a +steps+ number of times. */ static VALUE context_step_over(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE lines, frame; debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len == 0) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "No frames collected."); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &lines, &frame); debug_context->stop_line = FIX2INT(lines); if(argc == 1) { debug_context->dest_frame = RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len; } else { if(FIX2INT(frame) < 0 && FIX2INT(frame) >= RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Destination frame is out of range."); debug_context->dest_frame = FIX2INT(frame); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * context.stop_frame(frame) * * Stops when a frame with number +frame+ is activated. Implements +up+ and +down+ commands. */ static VALUE context_stop_frame(VALUE self, VALUE frame) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(FIX2INT(frame) < 0 && FIX2INT(frame) >= RARRAY(debug_context->frames)->len) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Stop frame is out of range."); debug_context->stop_frame = FIX2INT(frame); return frame; } /* * call-seq: * context.frames -> array * * Returns an array of frames. */ static VALUE context_frames(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); return debug_context->frames; } /* * call-seq: * context.thread -> trhread * * Returns a thread this context is associated with. */ static VALUE context_thread(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); return debug_context->thread; } /* * call-seq: * context.thnum -> int * * Returns the context's number. */ static VALUE context_thnum(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); return INT2FIX(debug_context->thnum); } /* * call-seq: * context.suspend -> nil * * Suspends the thread when it is running. */ static VALUE context_suspend(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND)) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Already suspended."); CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * context.resume -> nil * * Resumes the thread from the suspended mode. */ static VALUE context_resume(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(!CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND)) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Thread is not suspended."); CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_SUSPEND); rb_thread_run(debug_context->thread); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * context.tracing -> bool * * Returns the tracing flag for the current context. */ static VALUE context_tracing(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); return CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_TRACING) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * context.tracking = bool * * Controls the tracing for this context. */ static VALUE context_set_tracing(VALUE self, VALUE value) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(RTEST(value)) CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_TRACING); else CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_TRACING); return value; } /* * call-seq: * context.ignore -> bool * * Returns the ignore flag for the current context. */ static VALUE context_ignore(VALUE self) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); return CTX_FL_TEST(debug_context, CTX_FL_IGNORE) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * context.tracking = bool * * Controls the ignore flag for this context. */ static VALUE context_set_ignore(VALUE self, VALUE value) { debug_context_t *debug_context; debug_check_started(); Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_context_t, debug_context); if(RTEST(value)) CTX_FL_SET(debug_context, CTX_FL_IGNORE); else CTX_FL_UNSET(debug_context, CTX_FL_IGNORE); return value; } /* * call-seq: * frame.file -> string * * Returns the name of the file. */ static VALUE frame_file(VALUE self) { debug_frame_t *debug_frame; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_frame_t, debug_frame); return debug_frame->file; } /* * call-seq: * frame.line -> int * * Returns the line number in the file. */ static VALUE frame_line(VALUE self) { debug_frame_t *debug_frame; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_frame_t, debug_frame); return debug_frame->line; } /* * call-seq: * frame.binding -> binding * * Returns the binding captured at the moment this frame was created. */ static VALUE frame_binding(VALUE self) { debug_frame_t *debug_frame; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_frame_t, debug_frame); return debug_frame->binding; } /* * call-seq: * frame.id -> sym * * Returns the sym of the called method. */ static VALUE frame_id(VALUE self) { debug_frame_t *debug_frame; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_frame_t, debug_frame); return debug_frame->id ? ID2SYM(debug_frame->id): Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * breakpoint.source -> string * * Returns a source of the breakpoint. */ static VALUE breakpoint_source(VALUE self) { debug_breakpoint_t *breakpoint; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_breakpoint_t, breakpoint); return breakpoint->source; } /* * call-seq: * breakpoint.pos -> string or int * * Returns a position of this breakpoint. */ static VALUE breakpoint_pos(VALUE self) { debug_breakpoint_t *breakpoint; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_breakpoint_t, breakpoint); return breakpoint->pos; } /* * call-seq: * breakpoint.expr -> string * * Returns a codition expression when this breakpoint should be activated. */ static VALUE breakpoint_expr(VALUE self) { debug_breakpoint_t *breakpoint; Data_Get_Struct(self, debug_breakpoint_t, breakpoint); return breakpoint->expr; } /* * Document-class: Context * * == Summary * * Debugger keeps a single instance of this class for each Ruby thread. * This class provides access to stack frames (see Frame class). Also it * gives you ability to step thought the code. */ static void Init_context() { cContext = rb_define_class_under(mDebugger, "Context", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cContext, "stop_next=", context_stop_next, 1); rb_define_method(cContext, "step_over", context_step_over, -1); rb_define_method(cContext, "stop_frame=", context_stop_frame, 1); rb_define_method(cContext, "frames", context_frames, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "thread", context_thread, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "thnum", context_thnum, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "suspend", context_suspend, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "resume", context_resume, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "tracing", context_tracing, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "tracing=", context_set_tracing, 1); rb_define_method(cContext, "ignore", context_ignore, 0); rb_define_method(cContext, "ignore=", context_set_ignore, 1); } /* * Document-class: Frame * * == Summary * * This class holds infomation about a particular call frame. */ static void Init_frame() { cFrame = rb_define_class_under(cContext, "Frame", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cFrame, "file", frame_file, 0); rb_define_method(cFrame, "line", frame_line, 0); rb_define_method(cFrame, "binding", frame_binding, 0); rb_define_method(cFrame, "id", frame_id, 0); } /* * Document-class: Breakpoint * * == Summary * * This class represents a breakpoint. It defines position of the breakpoint and * condition when this breakpoint should be triggered. */ static void Init_breakpoint() { cBreakpoint = rb_define_class_under(mDebugger, "Breakpoint", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cBreakpoint, "source", breakpoint_source, 0); rb_define_method(cBreakpoint, "pos", breakpoint_pos, 0); rb_define_method(cBreakpoint, "expr", breakpoint_expr, 0); } /* * Document-class: Debugger * * == Summary * * This is a singleton class allows controlling the debugger. Use it to start/stop debugger, * set/remove breakpoints, etc. */ #if defined(_WIN32) __declspec(dllexport) #endif void Init_ruby_debug() { mDebugger = rb_define_module("Debugger"); rb_define_const(mDebugger, "VERSION", rb_str_new2(DEBUG_VERSION)); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "start", debug_start, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "stop", debug_stop, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "started?", debug_is_started, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "breakpoints", debug_breakpoints, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "add_breakpoint", debug_add_breakpoint, -1); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "catchpoint", debug_catchpoint, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "catchpoint=", debug_set_catchpoint, 1); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "last_context", debug_last_interrupted, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "contexts", debug_contexts, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "current_context", debug_current_context, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "suspend", debug_suspend, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "resume", debug_resume, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "tracing", debug_tracing, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "tracing=", debug_set_tracing, 1); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "debug_load", debug_debug_load, 1); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "skip", debug_skip, 0); rb_define_module_function(mDebugger, "debug_at_exit", debug_at_exit, 0); cThreadsTable = rb_define_class_under(mDebugger, "ThreadsTable", rb_cObject); Init_context(); Init_frame(); Init_breakpoint(); idAtLine = rb_intern("at_line"); idAtBreakpoint = rb_intern("at_breakpoint"); idAtCatchpoint = rb_intern("at_catchpoint"); idAtTracing = rb_intern("at_tracing"); idBinding = rb_intern("binding"); idBasename = rb_intern("basename"); idEval = rb_intern("eval"); idList = rb_intern("list"); idClear = rb_intern("clear"); idIndex = rb_intern("index"); file_separator = rb_eval_string("File::SEPARATOR"); alt_file_separator = rb_eval_string("File::ALT_SEPARATOR"); rb_global_variable(&threads_tbl); rb_global_variable(&breakpoints); rb_global_variable(&catchpoint); rb_global_variable(&locker); rb_global_variable(&file_separator); rb_global_variable(&alt_file_separator); }