module Katello class RhsmFactParser < ::FactParser def architecture name = facts['lscpu.architecture'] || facts['uname.machine'] name = "x86_64" if name == "amd64" name = "i386" if name == "i686" Architecture.where(:name => name).first_or_create unless name.blank? end def model if facts['virt::is_guest'] == "true" name = facts['lscpu.hypervisor_vendor'] else name = facts['dmi.system.product_name'] end ::Model.where(:name => name.strip).first_or_create unless name.blank? end def support_interfaces_parsing? true end def get_facts_for_interface(interface) { 'link' => true, 'macaddress' => get_rhsm_mac(interface), 'ipaddress' => get_rhsm_ip(interface) } end def interfaces virtual_interface_regexp = /\A([^.]*?)\.(\d+)\z/ super.tap do |interfaces| interfaces.each do |name, attributes| attributes[:virtual] = true if name =~ virtual_interface_regexp end end end # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName: def get_interfaces mac_keys = { |f| f =~ /net\.interface\..*\.mac_address/ } names = do |key| key.sub('net.interface.', '').sub('.mac_address', '') if facts[key] != 'none' end names.compact end def operatingsystem name = facts[''] version = facts['distribution.version'] return nil if name.nil? || version.nil? os_name = ::Katello::Candlepin::Consumer.distribution_to_puppet_os(name) major, minor = version.split('.') unless facts['ignore_os'] os_attributes = {:major => major, :minor => minor || '', :name => os_name} release_name = os_release_name(os_name) if release_name os_attributes[:release_name] = release_name end if facts[''] == 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation' os_attributes[:name] = os_name + '_Workstation' end ::Operatingsystem.find_by(os_attributes) || ::Operatingsystem.create!(os_attributes) end end def os_release_name(os_name) if os_name&.match(::Operatingsystem::FAMILIES['Debian']) facts['']&.split&.first&.downcase end end #required to be defined, even if they return nil def domain end def environment end def ipmi_interface end def boot_timestamp facts['proc_stat.btime']&.to_i end def virtual facts['virt.is_guest'] end def ram facts['memory.memtotal'].to_i / 1024 if facts['memory.memtotal'] end def sockets facts['cpu.cpu_socket(s)'] end def cores facts['cpu.core(s)_per_socket'] end private def get_rhsm_ip(interface) ip = facts["net.interface.#{interface}.ipv4_address"] Net::Validations.validate_ip(ip) ? ip : nil end def get_rhsm_mac(interface) # if secondary then permanent_mac_address contains the physical mac facts["net.interface.#{interface}.permanent_mac_address"] || facts["net.interface.#{interface}.mac_address"] end end end