import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { Modal, ModalVariant } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import allAnsibleRolesQuery from '../../../../../graphql/queries/allAnsibleRoles.gql'; import AllRolesTable from './AllRolesTable'; import { useParamsToVars, useCurrentPagination, } from '../../../../../helpers/pageParamsHelper'; const AllRolesModal = ({ hostGlobalId, onClose, history }) => { const baseModalProps = { variant: ModalVariant.large, isOpen: true, onClose, className: 'foreman-modal', showClose: true, title: __('All assigned Ansible roles'), disableFocusTrap: true, description: __( 'This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles' ), }; const paginationKeys = { page: 'page', perPage: 'per_page' }; const wrapper = child => {child}; const loadingWrapper = child => {child}; const useFetchFn = () => useQuery(allAnsibleRolesQuery, { variables: { id: hostGlobalId, ...useParamsToVars(history, paginationKeys), }, fetchPolicy: 'network-only', }); const renameData = data => ({ allAnsibleRoles:, totalCount:, }); const pagination = useCurrentPagination(history, paginationKeys); return ( ); }; AllRolesModal.propTypes = { hostGlobalId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, history: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; export default AllRolesModal;