# 4.0.2 * Bug Fixes * Don't check Berkshelf version if plugin is disabled # 4.0.1 * Bug Fixes * Improved ability to find a Berksfile within a project # 4.0.0 * Enhancements * Add support for chef-client local mode * Bug Fixes * Chef Client provider configuration attributes are now properly read from a Berkshelf configuration file * Shared folder is no longer deleted and recreated on each provision * `berksfile_path` config option now defaults to CWD of Vagrantfile * Non-colored terminal output will be used when not available * VM's Berkshelf share will be cleaned up after destroying a VM # 3.0.1 * Bug Fixes * Fix issue loading configuration from a Berkshelf config.json # 3.0.0 * Enhancements * Now leverages the Berkshelf version installed by ChefDK * Installation process of plugin should be many, many times faster * Bug Fixes * Fix many installation issues for Windows users * Fix warning output of berkshelf path when berkshelf is disabled but a Berksfile is present * Ensure default values for configuration are properly set # 2.0.1 * Bug Fixes * Fix gem conflict issue when installing as a ruby gem # 2.0.0 * Enhancements * Support Berkshelf 3.0 * Support Vagrant 1.5.x # 1.3.4 * Bug Fixes * Fix undefined constant error when provisioning with Vagrant AWS # 1.2.0 * Breaking Changes * Rename to vagrant-berkshelf * Enhancements * Trigger the plugin also on `vagrant reload` * Check Vagrant version to see if it's supported * cookbooks uploaded via chef_client will be forced and not frozen * Respect --no-provision flag * Bug Fixes * Fix bug with AWS provisioner # 1.1.2 * Enhancements * Support Vagrant 1.2 * Plugin defaults to enabled, if Berksfile exists. # 1.1.0 * Enhancements * Plugin defaults to disabled. Set 'config.berkshelf.enabled = true' in Vagrant config # 1.0.0 * Breaking Changes * Separated Berkshelf Vagrant plugin into it's own gem (this one) * Enhancements * Support Vagrant 1.1.x