// = require decidim/decidim_awesome/awesome_map/api_fetcher // = require decidim/decidim_awesome/awesome_map/categories ((exports) => { const { getCategory } = exports.AwesomeMap; const query = `query ($id: ID!, $after: String!) { component(id: $id) { id __typename ... on Meetings { meetings(first: 50, after: $after) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } edges { node { id title { translations { text locale } } description { translations { text locale } } startTime location { translations { text locale } } address locationHints { translations { text locale } } coordinates { latitude longitude } category { id } } } } } } }`; const MeetingIcon = L.DivIcon.SVGIcon.extend({ options: { fillColor: "#ef604d", iconSize: {x: 300, y:150}, opacity: 0 }, _createPathDescription: function() { return "M 15.991543,4 C 7.3956015,4 2.9250351,10.5 3.000951,16.999999 3.1063486,26.460968 12.747693,30.000004 15.991543,43 19.242091,30.000004 29,26.255134 29,16.999999 29,10.5 23.951131,4 15.996007,4 m -0.153508,2.6000001 a 2.1720294,2.1076698 0 0 1 2.330514,2.1124998 2.177008,2.1125006 0 0 1 -4.354016,0 2.1720294,2.1076698 0 0 1 2.023502,-2.1124998 m -2.651707,4.8056679 h 5.610202 l 3.935584,7.569899 -1.926038,0.934266 -2.009546,-3.859265 v 14.557403 h -2.484243 v -9.126003 h -0.642162 v 9.126003 H 13.190347 V 16.050568 l -2.009545,3.859265 -1.926036,-0.934266 3.935581,-7.569899"; }, _createCircle: function() { return "" }, // Improved version of the _createSVG, essentially the same as in later // versions of Leaflet. It adds the `px` values after the width and height // CSS making the focus borders work correctly across all browsers. _createSVG: function() { const path = this._createPath(); const circle = this._createCircle(); const text = this._createText(); const className = `${this.options.className}-svg`; const style = `width:${this.options.iconSize.x}px; height:${this.options.iconSize.y}px;`; const svg = `${path}${circle}${text}`; return svg; } }); const createMarker = (element, callback) => { const marker = L.marker([element.coordinates.latitude, element.coordinates.longitude], { icon: new MeetingIcon({ fillColor: getCategory(element.category).color }) }); element.title.translation = ApiFetcher.findTranslation(element.title.translations); element.description.translation = ApiFetcher.findTranslation(element.description.translations).replace(/\n/g, "
");; element.location.translation = ApiFetcher.findTranslation(element.location.translations); element.locationHints.translation = ApiFetcher.findTranslation(element.locationHints.translations); callback(element, marker); }; const fetchMeetings = (component, after, callback, finalCall = () => {}) => { const variables = { "id": component.id, "after": after }; const api = new ApiFetcher(query, variables); api.fetchAll((result) => { if(result) { result.component.meetings.edges.forEach((element) => { if(!element.node) return; if(element.node.coordinates) { element.node.link = component.url + '/meetings/' + element.node.id; createMarker(element.node, callback); } }); if (result.component.meetings.pageInfo.hasNextPage) { fetchMeetings(component, result.component.meetings.pageInfo.endCursor, callback, finalCall); } else { finalCall(); } } }); }; exports.AwesomeMap = exports.AwesomeMap || {}; exports.AwesomeMap.fetchMeetings = fetchMeetings; })(window);