#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # = bioflat - OBDA flat file indexer (executable) # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2002 # Naohisa Goto # License:: Ruby's # # $Id: br_bioflat.rb,v 1.16 2006/02/22 07:01:05 ngoto Exp $ # require 'bio' def usage print <] [options...] [--files] FILES Update index: #{$0} --update --location DIR --dbname DBNAME [options...] [--files] FILES Create index options: --primary=UNIQUE set primary namespece to UNIQUE Default primary/secondary namespaces depend on each format of flatfiles. --secondary=KEY set secondary namespaces. You may use this option many times to specify more than one namespace. --add-secondary=KEY add secondary namespaces to default specification. You can use this option many times. Options only valid for --create (or --update) --type flat: --sort=/path/to/sort use external sort program (e.g. /usr/bin/sort) --sort=BUILTIN use builtin sort routine Options only valid for --update: --renew re-read all flatfiles and update whole index Backward compatibility: --makeindex DIR/DBNAME same as --create --type flat --location DIR --dbname DBNAME --makeindexBDB DIR/DBNAME same as --create --type bdb --location DIR --dbname DBNAME --format=CLASS instead of genbank|embl|fasta, specifing a class name is allowed Show namespaces: #{$0} --show-namespaces [--location DIR --dbname DBNAME] [DIR/DBNAME] or #{$0} --show-namespaces [--format=CLASS] or #{$0} --show-namespaces --files file EOM end def do_index(mode = :create) case ARGV[0] when /^\-\-?make/ dbpath = ARGV[1] args = ARGV[2..-1] is_bdb = nil when /^\-\-?make.*bdb/i dbname = ARGV[1] args = ARGV[2..-1] is_bdb = Bio::FlatFileIndex::MAGIC_BDB when /^\-\-create/, /^\-\-update/ args = ARGV[1..-1] else usage end options = {} while args.first =~ /^\-/ case x = args.shift # OBDA stuff when /^\-\-?format/ args.shift format = nil # throw this f*ckin' mess for auto detect :) when /^\-\-?location/ location = args.shift.chomp('/') when /^\-\-?dbname/ dbname = args.shift when /^\-\-?(index)?type/ indextype = args.shift case indextype when /bdb/ is_bdb = Bio::FlatFileIndex::MAGIC_BDB when /flat/ is_bdb = nil else usage end # BioRuby extension when /^\-\-?files/i break when /^\-\-?format\=(.*)/i format = $1 when /^\-\-?sort\=(.*)/i options['sort_program'] = $1 options['onmemory'] = nil when /^\-\-?no\-?te?mp/i options['onmemory'] = true when /^\-\-?primary.*\=(.*)/i options['primary_namespace'] = $1 when /^\-\-?add-secondary.*\=(.*)/i unless options['additional_secondary_namespaces'] then options['additional_secondary_namespaces'] = [] end options['additional_secondary_namespaces'] << $1 if $1.length > 0 when /^\-\-?secondary.*\=(.*)/i unless options['secondary_namespaces'] then options['secondary_namespaces'] = [] end options['secondary_namespaces'] << $1 if $1.length > 0 when /^\-\-?renew/ options['renew'] = true else $stderr.print "Warning: ignoring invalid option #{x.inspect}\n" end end dbpath = File.join(location, dbname) unless dbpath if mode == :update then Bio::FlatFileIndex::update_index(dbpath, format, options, *args) else Bio::FlatFileIndex::makeindex(is_bdb, dbpath, format, options, *args) end end def do_search dbname = nil location = nil names = [] while x = ARGV.shift case x when /\A\-\-?search/i #do nothing when /\A\-\-?location/i location = ARGV.shift.to_s.chomp('/') when /\A\-\-?dbname/i dbname = ARGV.shift when /\A\-\-?name(?:space)?(?:\=(.+))?/i if $1 then names << $1 elsif x = ARGV.shift names << x end else ARGV.unshift x break end end dbname = ARGV.shift unless dbname dbname = File.join(location, dbname) unless location.to_s.empty? db = Bio::FlatFileIndex.open(dbname) ARGV.each do |key| $stderr.print "Searching for \'#{key}\'...\n" #r = db.search(key) #$stderr.print "OK, #{r.size} entry found\n" #if r.size > 0 then # print r #end begin if names.empty? then r = db.include?(key) else r = db.include_in_namespaces?(key, *names) end rescue RuntimeError $stderr.print "ERROR: #{$!}\n" next end r = [] unless r $stderr.print "OK, #{r.size} entry found\n" r.each do |i| print db.search_primary(i) end end db.close end def do_show_namespaces dbname = nil location = nil files = nil format = nil names = [] while x = ARGV.shift case x when /\A\-\-?(show\-)?name(space)?s/i #do nothing when /\A\-\-?location/i location = ARGV.shift.to_s.chomp('/') when /\A\-\-?dbname/i dbname = ARGV.shift when /\A\-\-?format(?:\=(.+))?/i if $1 then format = $1 elsif x = ARGV.shift format = x end when /\A\-\-?files/i files = ARGV break else ARGV.unshift x break end end if files then k = nil files.each do |x| k = Bio::FlatFile.autodetect_file(x) break if k end if k then $stderr.print "Format: #{k.to_s}\n" format = k else $stderr.print "ERROR: couldn't determine file format\n" return end end $stderr.print "Namespaces: (first line: primary namespace)\n" if format then parser = Bio::FlatFileIndex::Indexer::Parser.new(format) print parser.primary.name, "\n" puts parser.secondary.keys else dbname = ARGV.shift unless dbname dbname = File.join(location, dbname) unless location.to_s.empty? db = Bio::FlatFileIndex.open(dbname) puts db.namespaces db.close end end if ARGV.size > 1 case ARGV[0] when /--make/, /--create/ Bio::FlatFileIndex::DEBUG.out = true do_index when /--update/ Bio::FlatFileIndex::DEBUG.out = true do_index(:update) when /\A\-\-?(show\-)?name(space)?s/i do_show_namespaces when /--search/ do_search else #default is search do_search end else usage end