--- title: Using Docker tagline: docker on windows description: Docker on Windows date: 2018-11-01 00:00:00 +0100 series: Docker adsense: false comments: false toc: true tags: [ Tutorial, kickstarter ] index: [ Docker, Windows, Shared, Folder, Folders ] categories: [] regenerate: false resources: [] resource_options: - toccer: collapseDepth: 3 - attic: padding_top: 400 padding_bottom: 50 opacity: 0.5 slides: - url: /assets/images/modules/attics/banner/docker-1280x600-bw.jpg alt: docker_banner_r-1280x500-bw --- // Page Initializer // ============================================================================= // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor :page-liquid: // Set page (local) attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :page--attr: :debug: false :page-imagesdir: {{page.images.dir}}/j1_using_docker // Place an excerpt at the most top position // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to run Docker smooth on Windows? Sounds like a relatively simple question followed by a simple answer: go for *Docker for Windows*. Unfortunately, the answer is *not* that easy. As often: it depends (on the use case). [role="clearfix mb-3"] excerpt__end // Load Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% capture load_attributes %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/attributes_loader.proc{%endcapture%} // Load page attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include {{load_attributes}} scope="local" %} // Page content // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[readmore]] == Docker smooth on Windows // [role="mb-3"] // image::/assets/images/collections/blog/series/j1_using_docker/windows_docker_banner.1280x500.png[{{page.title}}] // include::{documentdir}/100-docker-using-shared-folders.asciidoc[] In general, two incarnations of Docker for Windows are available: * Legacy solution: *Docker Toolbox* * Native solution: *Docker for Windows* Before the native version of Docker *Docker for Windows* was available, a *cross-platform* solution called *Docker Toolbox* could be used. *Docker Toolbox* is a bundle of *current* Docker software based on *Docker Machine* combined with the *Docker Engine* bundled with *VirtualBox* as a Hypervisor to run Linux boxes as virtual machines on Windows. What the Docker team recomments: Update to the newer package, if possible. This should be discussed, especially for Windows, in more detail ... [WARNING] ==== *The Docker Team mentions the following about Docker Toolbox:* Docker Toolbox is for *older Windows* systems (or *Apple MacOS* versions) that *does not meet* the requirements of the *native* Docker version. ==== Docker won't never run *natively* on Windows. The *Container Technology* used by Docker depends on *Linux* (at least on a Unix flavour of the host operating system). For all non-Linux (or Unix) platforms, a *Hypervisor* is needed to make it possible to run the needed *Linux OS* for Docker. Yes, Windows support a *native* Hypervisor layer: `Hyper-V`. Using the Windows component `Hyper-V`, any operating system can be run as *virtual machines* on Windows. But it should be kept in mind: the Hypervisor layer is *always* needed; as well as for the so-called the *native* Docker version on Windows. But: real *native* Docker versions does *not* need a Hypervisor layer; they run containers direcly on the host OS! This should be kept on mind. They are some pittfals using *Docker for Windows* if you go for: * Stability - found quite often issues running containers on *Docker for Windows*. If you're not a Windows specialist, it is hard to findout issues for `Hyper-V` , the VM and|or both. * Flexibility - it is *NOT* possible to use the Hypervisor `Hyper-V` in parallel to *VirtualBox* as an alternative * Incompatibility - on some Windows installations, and for sure they met the requirements of the *native* Docker version, the installaton was *NOT* successful and Docker fails to start Again: the software included in the *Docker Toolbox* are *current* versions. The latest Toolbox contains: * the Docker Engine Docker, version 18.03.0-ce, build 0520e24302 * the Docker Machine, version 0.14.0, build 89b8332 * the Docker Composer, version 1.20.1, build 5d8c71b2 * a current MINGW64-based GNU bash, version 4.4.19(2)-release (x86_64-pc-msys) For all the people having their (IT) roots on Unix respectively Linux, the *Docker Toolbox* is the better solution on Windows (for now). No need to go for the Windows Hypervisor `Hyper-V` - Oracle *VirtualBox* can be used instead; as quite often used for testing and development. Let's have a look how to *Manage Linux on Windows*, to use Docker on the Windows platform. == Installing Docker Toolbox As discussed ealier, *Docker Toolbox* is using *VirtualBox* for the Hypervisor to create the Linux VMs needed. To get the latest version, install VirtualBox first (Docker Toolbox includes a installer package for VBox but not nessesarily at their latets version). Go for the link:{virtualbox-install-on-windows}[VirtualBox Download Page] and select under *VirtualBox 5.x.y platform packages* the latest version for Windows (Windows hosts). Install the package - the installation process is quite simple supported by an build in installer wizard. If done, go for the installation of the Toolbox. A current package can be retrieved from link:{docker-install-toolbox-on-windows}[Docker Documents]. The page includes all the info needed to install the software. NOTE: For the installation of the *Docker Toolbox*, please deselect the installation of *VirtualBox* included as the software has been already installed. NOTE: The commandline interface used by *Docker Toolbox* is based on *Git MSYS-git UNIX tools*. If you have *Git* installed already for your Windows host, please deselect the installation of *Git* included. *Docker Toolbox* comes with *NO* graphical user interface (GUI). To manage Docker, the included GNU bash of the *Git MSYS-git UNIX tools* shoud be used. A very first version of a (native) Docker UI on Windows is *Kitematic*, currently in a alpha version included. ifdef::backend-html5[] .Docker UI Kinematic on Windows lightbox::docker-windows-kinematic-alpha[800, {data-docker-windows-kinematic-alpha}] endif::[] TIP: You should check *Kitematic*. If started for *Docker Toolbox* on Windows, change (the Hypervisor) to Virtualbox. For Windows users a commandline interface to manage a complex system like Docker may sound a bit stone age. It's not for good reasons: * the knowlegde of the base Docker commands is essential to understand the Container Technology better * Blalal blaaa == Manage Linux on Windows VirtualBox is a greate piece of software for desktop and workstation virtualization. A huge number of IT specialist and developers are using VB for: testing and development environments. Sometimes for production environments – if it's applicable. One good idea for VirtualBox is, if you are Web|App developer for Linux you can keep *Windows* as your primary OS - yeah, yeah those people are living on our planet! One can install a Linux distribution of choice in VirtualBox VM and reap both benefits of Windows as primary OS and Linux as a server platform for good reasons. === Create a Linux VM lorem:sentences[5] lorem:sentences[3] === Sharing Data For (real) native Docker installations, it is easy to share data between then host OS and containers managed by Docker. It is simple this: [source, sh] ---- docker run --rm \ --volume=$PWD:/srv/jekyll \ -p 35729:35729 -p 40000:40000 \ -it jekyll-one/j1:latest \ j1 serve --incremental --livereload ---- The container, instructed by `--volume=$PWD:/srv/jekyll` shares the filesystem of the host - the *native* way to bring in data into a container for processing. In the example a static Jekyll Web is created by J1 Template (j1), served by the ports 35729 for livereload and 40000 serving the web. For the Windows platform, using a virtual Linux Box for Docker containers, this is *NOT* possible. The virtual system is managed by Virtualbox and no direct relationship is in between the VBox and the host operating system Windows! No (direct) access to the host filesystem is possible. Bad luck so far. Generally spoken, there are 3 ways of sharing files between a Windows host and Linux guest boxes; keep files: * in the guest (Linux) and share them with host through Samba * on host (Windows) and use VirtualBox *Shared Folders* * on host (Windows) and mount Windows *Public Folders* via CIFS from within guest (Linux) For all people experienced on the Linux platform, the first option is probably the easiest. But it has it’s drawbacks. In most cases for testing, it's *NOT* wanted to keep files in a VM. In case of corruption of the VM, reinstallation needs, or whatever yor data is *lost* in most cases. Truly, not an option. Typically developers want them kept on native Windows *disks* as they are expected as more safely stored on physical devices and easier to backup. So first option is clearly out. *Shared Folders* are really a great idea. After installing the *VirtualBox Guest Additions* (which brings the mount.vboxsf binary and vboxsf kernel module) the guest can mount automatically a Windows OS folder inside the VM. Some klicks further the guest start's, mount the *shared folder* in guest and voila: you're done! Sounds really great. But there's a catch – performance. Shared Folders are really, really horrible slow. Which in turn kills the idea of programming and testing code without loosing hair because of the slowness. You can find tons of articles around slow shared folders on the Internet; both for the Big Dogs: VMware and VirtualBox. But no solution. Since decades. Analyzing the performance, it's obvious that kernel spends really large amount of time in IO mode – so the vboxsf CIFS emulation of VirtualBoxis behaving something like a slug. Birds love slugs but IT professionals don’t like that, do they? It seems that the only viable solution is sharing folders though Windows and mounting them via CIFS on the guest, the virtual Linux box. This way, a similiar flexible solution for sharing folders can be achived but at a much better performance. === Performance tests Anyway, *shared folders* will be always slow as the are of type *NAS* - network attached storage. For a local network nowadays, typically at Gigabit level and quite low in latency, an acceptable performance cab be achived. I did some simple tests to show the performance differences. There are three directories I did for my tests: * /mnt/media/repo1, data on a physical (local) disk on the host * /mnt/media/repo2, data on a physical (local) disk in the guest * /mnt/media/repo3, data on a Windows share mounted via cifs in the guest I've been using simple (bash) script based on *dd* commands for testing. The *dd* commands used as a base are shown below. For sure not a quite sophisticated test scenario but it's giving a general impression what can achived in real world. NOTE: For multi-platform testing, on Windows the `dd` command is used as well. For *Docker Toolbox*, beside the GNU bash, a full set of *GNU CoreUtils* are available as well (accessible out of the *Docker Quickstart Terminal*). The used (bash) test script needs to be run out of *Docker Quickstart Terminal*. Download the tester script from here. The test script *docker_perf_test.sh* supports a test scenario for *General System Performance*. This is focussing on pure CPU|Memory power. On both systems (host and guest) these tests are using pure *kernel services* for creating input and output data. One is creating random input data as fast as possible, the other discards everything it gets as fast as it can. .General System Performance [source, sh] ---- dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null bs=1M count=10000 ---- Please see those tests for *General System Performance* for the background *What could be achived in therory*. These tests may helpful to compare your current setup for the host and the guest same way. As mentioned, all tests for *docker_perf_test.sh* are based on the `dd` command. For *real world* measures, standard *dd tests* are used. You'll find a lot of those on the Internet. All tests for *docker_perf_test.sh* are changed (from `/dev/zero`) to `/dev/urandom` for the input to put some *pressure* on the CPU while processing data for reading or writing from the filesystem to be checked. All the tests are *rules of thumb*, no technical measures. NOTE: Zum Messen der Schreibperformance liest man die zu Schreibenden Daten am besten aus /dev/zero und schreibt eine normale Datei im Filesystem (z.B. mit of=/root/testfile). Die folgenden Beispiele verwenden ein Testdatei, um irrtümlichen Datenverlust zu vermeiden. Die dabei erzielbare Performance Werte sind etwas geringer (da dadurch auch Metadaten im Filesystem geschrieben werden). Find the base `dd` commands for read an write performance tests below. The exported shared folder on Windows is *C:\Users\Public* mapped to the Unix (POSIX) folder scheme of */c/Users/Public* on the guest OS. .Write Performance - Windows host (local disk), Linux guest (shared disk) [source, sh] ---- dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=1024 | split -b 1M - name. ---- .Write Performance (local disk), Linux guest [source, sh] ---- dd if=/dev/urandom of=/var/tmp/test/samplefile bs=1M count=1024 ---- .Read Performance - Windows host (local disk), Linux guest (shared disk) [source, sh] ---- dd if=/c/Users/Public/test/samplefile of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1024 iflag=direct ---- .Read Performance (local disk), Linux guest [source, sh] ---- dd if=/var/tmp/test/samplefile of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1024 iflag=direct ---- Have a look at the table below for the measures found on a *Windows 10* desktop host (Intel Core Quad Q9550) using a *SATA-300* disk for the local physical disk and a Gigabit network interface (*Realtek PCIe GBE* familiy) running a *CentOS 7 Linux* (version 3.10.0-862) as a guest: .Data transfer rates for 1 GB of data [cols="2,2,4,3, options="header", role="table-responsive, full-width"] |=============================================================================== |direction |mountpoint |source |througput [MB/s] |`read` |/mnt/media/repo1 |physical (local) disk on the *host* |85.20 |`read` |/mnt/media/repo2 |physical (local) disk on the *guest* |147.00 |`read` |/mnt/media/repo3 |shared disk on the *guest* |30.3 |`write` |/mnt/media/repo1 |physical (local) disk on the *host* |234.00 |`write` |/mnt/media/repo2 |physical (local) disk on the *guest* |34.00 |`write` |/mnt/media/repo3 |shared disk on the *guest* |39.9 |=============================================================================== WARNING: Bei Verwendung von if=/dev/zero und bs=1G benötigt das Linuxsystem 1GB freien Platz im RAM. Falls Ihr Testsystem nicht ausreichend RAM ... NOTE: Um praxisnahe Ergebnisse zu erhalten empfehlen wir die beschrieben Tests mehrmals (z.B. 3 bis 10x) durchzuführen. Damit können Sie Ausreißer rechtzeitig erkennen. lorem:sentences[5] == Publish a Shared Folder lorem:sentences[5] lorem:sentences[3] == Mount Shared Folders on Linux lorem:sentences[5] === Installing CIFS For the Linux VM, a current Ubunt Server of version 18.06 is used. To mount CIFS shares, the package `cifs-utils` needs to be installed: [source, bash] ---- sudo apt-get -y install cifs-utils ---- Mounting filesystems in general, therefor the same to the CIFS share, are done as root. This ends up in the situation this folder cannot (accessed??) written as normal user. . Create the `cifs` group + [source, bash] ---- sudo groupadd cifs ---- [start=2] . Add your user to the `cifs` group + [source, bash] ---- sudo usermod -aG cifs $USER ---- [start=3] . Create the mountpoint (to be used by Docker) as root + [source, bash] ---- mkdir -p /c/Users/Public ---- [start=4] . Change the ownership of the mountpoint + [source, bash] ---- chown -R root:cifs /c/Users/Public ---- [start=5] . Create a credentials file to place user|password data safe. + [source, bash] ---- touch ~/.smbcredentials ---- .smbcredentials ---- username= password= ---- === Mount the share manually To enable non-authorized users to read and write the shared files, specify user and group ID that the mounted shares folders should use. This would allow particular users and group members to read|write to the share. To do so, the following options are used for a public mount: * username * password * uid * gid Add the Windows host IP address to the hosts file ./etc/hosts === Mount the share at boot-time lorem:sentences[3] ./etc/fstab //win10pc/Public /c/Users/Public cifs uid=1000,gid=5555,credentials=/home/jadams/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,rw 0 0