module Lolita module Generators class UninstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base ROUTE_NAME = "lolita_for" INCLUDE_MODULE = "Lolita::Configuration" MODEL_METHOD = "lolita" desc "Uninstall Lolita and remove all dependencies" # Remove lolita initializer file def remove_initializer remove_file "config/initializers/lolita.rb" end # Remove all not-commented lines that begins with lolita_for def clear_routes gsub_file Rails.root.join("config","routes.rb"), /^\s*#{ROUTE_NAME}.*/ do |match| match.clear match end end # Remove configuration include line and lolita block or single lolita method call. # Block will be removed correctly if it starts with _do_ and ends with _end_. def clear_models Dir[Rails.root.join("app","models","*.rb")].each do |file_name| matched = false gsub_file file_name, /^\s*include\s+#{INCLUDE_MODULE}.*/ do |match| matched = true match.clear match end if matched new_lines = [],"r") do |file| do_count = nil file.each_line do |line| if do_count.nil? if line.match(/^(\s*)lolita\s+(do)?/) if $2 == "do" do_count = 1 else do_count = 0 end else new_lines << line end elsif do_count > 0 if line.match(/(^|\s+)do(\s+|$)/) do_count +=1 elsif line.match(/(^|\s+)end(\s+|$)/) do_count -=1 end else new_lines << line end end end,"w") do |file| new_lines.each do |line| file.puts(line) end end end end end end end end