module Partisan module Followable extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend ActiveModel::Callbacks include Partisan::FollowHelper included do has_many :followings, as: :followable, class_name: 'Partisan::Follow', dependent: :destroy define_model_callbacks :being_followed define_model_callbacks :being_unfollowed attr_accessor :about_to_be_followed_by, :just_followed_by, :about_to_be_unfollowed_by, :just_unfollowed_by end # Return true or false if the resource is following another # # @example # # @team.followed_by?(@user) # # @return (Boolean) def followed_by?(resource) resource.following?(self) end # Get resource records for a specific type, used by #method_missing # It conveniently returns an ActiveRecord::Relation for easy chaining of useful ActiveRecord methods # # @example # # @team.followers_by_type('User') # # @return (ActiveRecord::Relation) def followers_by_type(follower_type) opts = { 'follows.followable_id' =>, 'follows.followable_type' => parent_class_name(self) } follower_type.constantize.joins(:follows).where(opts) end # Get ids of resources following self # Use #pluck for an optimized sql query # # @example # # @team.following_ids_by_type('User') # # @return (Array) def follower_fields_by_type(follower_type, follower_field) followers_by_type(follower_type).pluck("#{follower_type.tableize}.#{follower_field}") end # Update cache counter # Called in after_create and after_destroy def update_followable_counter self.update_attribute('followers_count', self.followings.count) if self.respond_to?(:followers_count) end def method_missing(m, *args) if m.to_s[/(.+)_follower_(.+)s$/] follower_fields_by_type($1.singularize.classify, $2) elsif m.to_s[/(.+)_followers$/] followers_by_type($1.singularize.classify) else super end end def respond_to?(m, include_private = false) super || m.to_s[/(.+)_follower_(.+)s$/] || m.to_s[/(.+)_follower/] end end end