require 'geocoder/stores/base' ## # Add geocoding functionality to any ActiveRecord object. # module Geocoder::Store module ActiveRecord include Base ## # Implementation of 'included' hook method. # def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do # scope: geocoded objects scope :geocoded, lambda { {:conditions => "#{geocoder_options[:latitude]} IS NOT NULL " + "AND #{geocoder_options[:longitude]} IS NOT NULL"}} # scope: not-geocoded objects scope :not_geocoded, lambda { {:conditions => "#{geocoder_options[:latitude]} IS NULL " + "OR #{geocoder_options[:longitude]} IS NULL"}} ## # Find all objects within a radius of the given location. # Location may be either a string to geocode or an array of # coordinates ([lat,lon]). Also takes an options hash # (see Geocoder::Orm::ActiveRecord::ClassMethods.near_scope_options # for details). # scope :near, lambda{ |location, *args| latitude, longitude = Geocoder::Calculations.extract_coordinates(location) if latitude and longitude near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, *args) else where(:id => false) # no results if no lat/lon given end } end end ## # Methods which will be class methods of the including class. # module ClassMethods private # ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Get options hash suitable for passing to ActiveRecord.find to get # records within a radius (in miles) of the given point. # Options hash may include: # # * +:units+ - :mi (default) or :km; to be used # for interpreting radius as well as the +distance+ attribute which # is added to each found nearby object # * +:bearing+ - :linear (default) or :spherical; # the method to be used for calculating the bearing (direction) # between the given point and each found nearby point; # set to false for no bearing calculation # * +:select+ - string with the SELECT SQL fragment (e.g. “id, name”) # * +:order+ - column(s) for ORDER BY SQL clause; default is distance # * +:exclude+ - an object to exclude (used by the +nearbys+ method) # def near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius = 20, options = {}) if connection.adapter_name.match /sqlite/i approx_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options) else full_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options) end end ## # Scope options hash for use with a database that supports POWER(), # SQRT(), PI(), and trigonometric functions SIN(), COS(), ASIN(), # ATAN2(), DEGREES(), and RADIANS(). # # Distance calculations based on the excellent tutorial at: # # # Bearing calculation based on: # # def full_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options) lat_attr = geocoder_options[:latitude] lon_attr = geocoder_options[:longitude] options[:bearing] = :linear unless options.include?(:bearing) bearing = case options[:bearing] when :linear "CAST(" + "DEGREES(ATAN2( " + "RADIANS(#{lon_attr} - #{longitude}), " + "RADIANS(#{lat_attr} - #{latitude})" + ")) + 360 " + "AS decimal) % 360" when :spherical "CAST(" + "DEGREES(ATAN2( " + "SIN(RADIANS(#{lon_attr} - #{longitude})) * " + "COS(RADIANS(#{lat_attr})), (" + "COS(RADIANS(#{latitude})) * SIN(RADIANS(#{lat_attr}))" + ") - (" + "SIN(RADIANS(#{latitude})) * COS(RADIANS(#{lat_attr})) * " + "COS(RADIANS(#{lon_attr} - #{longitude}))" + ")" + ")) + 360 " + "AS decimal) % 360" end earth = Geocoder::Calculations.earth_radius(options[:units] || :mi) distance = "#{earth} * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(" + "POWER(SIN((#{latitude} - #{lat_attr}) * PI() / 180 / 2), 2) + " + "COS(#{latitude} * PI() / 180) * COS(#{lat_attr} * PI() / 180) * " + "POWER(SIN((#{longitude} - #{lon_attr}) * PI() / 180 / 2), 2) ))" options[:order] ||= "#{distance} ASC" default_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options).merge( :select => "#{options[:select] || '*'}, " + "#{distance} AS distance" + (bearing ? ", #{bearing} AS bearing" : ""), :having => "#{distance} <= #{radius}" ) end ## # Scope options hash for use with a database without trigonometric # functions, like SQLite. Approach is to find objects within a square # rather than a circle, so results are very approximate (will include # objects outside the given radius). # # Distance and bearing calculations are *extremely inaccurate*. They # only exist for interface consistency--not intended for production! # def approx_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options) lat_attr = geocoder_options[:latitude] lon_attr = geocoder_options[:longitude] options[:bearing] = :linear unless options.include?(:bearing) if options[:bearing] bearing = "CASE " + "WHEN (#{lat_attr} >= #{latitude} AND #{lon_attr} >= #{longitude}) THEN 45.0 " + "WHEN (#{lat_attr} < #{latitude} AND #{lon_attr} >= #{longitude}) THEN 135.0 " + "WHEN (#{lat_attr} < #{latitude} AND #{lon_attr} < #{longitude}) THEN 225.0 " + "WHEN (#{lat_attr} >= #{latitude} AND #{lon_attr} < #{longitude}) THEN 315.0 " + "END" else bearing = false end dx = Geocoder::Calculations.longitude_degree_distance(30, options[:units] || :mi) dy = Geocoder::Calculations.latitude_degree_distance(options[:units] || :mi) # sin of 45 degrees = average x or y component of vector factor = Math.sin(Math::PI / 4) distance = "(#{dy} * ABS(#{lat_attr} - #{latitude}) * #{factor}) + " + "(#{dx} * ABS(#{lon_attr} - #{longitude}) * #{factor})" default_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options).merge( :select => "#{options[:select] || '*'}, " + "#{distance} AS distance" + (bearing ? ", #{bearing} AS bearing" : ""), :order => distance ) end ## # Options used for any near-like scope. # def default_near_scope_options(latitude, longitude, radius, options) lat_attr = geocoder_options[:latitude] lon_attr = geocoder_options[:longitude] b = Geocoder::Calculations.bounding_box([latitude, longitude], radius, options) conditions = \ ["#{lat_attr} BETWEEN ? AND ? AND #{lon_attr} BETWEEN ? AND ?"] + [b[0], b[2], b[1], b[3]] if obj = options[:exclude] conditions[0] << " AND #{table_name}.id != ?" conditions << end { :group =>{ |c| "#{table_name}.#{}" }.join(','), :order => options[:order], :limit => options[:limit], :offset => options[:offset], :conditions => conditions } end end ## # Look up coordinates and assign to +latitude+ and +longitude+ attributes # (or other as specified in +geocoded_by+). Returns coordinates (array). # def geocode do_lookup(false) do |o,rs| r = rs.first unless r.latitude.nil? or r.longitude.nil? o.send :write_attribute, self.class.geocoder_options[:latitude], r.latitude o.send :write_attribute, self.class.geocoder_options[:longitude], r.longitude end r.coordinates end end alias_method :fetch_coordinates, :geocode ## # Look up address and assign to +address+ attribute (or other as specified # in +reverse_geocoded_by+). Returns address (string). # def reverse_geocode do_lookup(true) do |o,rs| r = rs.first unless r.address.nil? o.send :write_attribute, self.class.geocoder_options[:fetched_address], r.address end r.address end end alias_method :fetch_address, :reverse_geocode end end