require 'open3' require 'thor' require 'cknife/config' class CKnifePg < Thor no_tasks do def config @config ||= CKnife::Config end def conf @conf ||= { :host => config[''] || "localhost", :port => config['pg.port'] || 5432, :database => config['pg.database'], :username => config['pg.username'], :password => config['pg.password'] } end def connection_options "-h #{conf[:host]} -p #{conf[:port]} -U #{conf[:username]} --no-password" end def psql_invocation "psql #{connection_options} -d #{conf[:database]} --no-align --tuples-only" end def pg_pass_file @pg_pass_file = ".pgpass" end def pg_pass_file_execute(cmd, input = nil) return if !@session_ok puts cmd stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen3({'PGPASSFILE' => pg_pass_file}, cmd) if input puts input stdin.write input stdin.close end output = output += $stdout.write output stdout.close stderr.close result = wait_thread.value.to_i @session_ok = @session_ok && (result == 0) yield if block_given? output end def with_pg_pass_file if @session_live return yield end @session_live = true @session_ok = true if File.exists?(pg_pass_file) say("This generates a pgpass file but one is already on disk. Exiting.") return end # pgpass format, "w", 0600) { |f| f.write "#{conf[:host]}:#{conf[:port]}:*:#{conf[:username]}:#{conf[:password]}" } result = yield FileUtils.rm(pg_pass_file) if File.exists?(pg_pass_file) say("Failed to remove pg_pass file. Please remove it for security purposes.") end say say("Command failed.", :red) if !@session_ok @session_live = false result end end desc "disconnect", "Disconnect all sessions from the database. You must have a superuser configured for this to work." def disconnect with_pg_pass_file do my_pid = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "select pg_backend_pid();").split.first ids = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '#{conf[:database]}' AND procpid != #{my_pid};") ids.split.each do |pid| pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "select pg_terminate_backend(#{pid});") end end end desc "capture", "Capture a dump of the database to db(current timestamp).dump." def capture file_name = "db" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".dump" with_pg_pass_file do pg_pass_file_execute("pg_dump -Fc --no-owner #{connection_options} -f #{file_name} #{conf[:database]}") do say("Captured #{file_name}.") end end end desc "sessions", "List active sessions in this database and provide a string suitable for giving to kill for stopping those sessions." def sessions with_pg_pass_file do my_pid = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "select pg_backend_pid();").split.first ids_output = pg_pass_file_execute(psql_invocation, "SELECT procpid, application_name FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '#{conf[:database]}' AND procpid != #{my_pid};") table = { |line| line.split("|") } print_table([["PID", "Application Name"]] + table, :indent => 2) ids = { |row| row.first } say("If you would like to kill these sessions, you can do so with this command:") say("kill -9 #{ids.join(' ')}") end end desc "restore", "Restore a file. Use the one with the most recent mtime by default. Searches for db*.dump files in the CWD." method_options :filename => nil def restore to_restore = options[:filename] if options[:filename] if to_restore.nil? files = Dir["db*.dump"] with_mtime = { |f| [f, File.mtime(f)] } with_mtime.sort! { |a,b| a.last <=> b.last } files = to_restore = files.last end if to_restore.nil? say("No backups file to restore. None given on the command line and none could be found in the CWD.", :red) return else if !yes?("Restore #{to_restore}?", :green) return end end with_pg_pass_file do output = pg_pass_file_execute("dropdb #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}") if !@session_ok if output.split("\n").any? { |s| s =~ /There are [0-9]+ other session\(s\) using the database./ } say say("Other sessions are blocking the database from being dropped.") say("You may want to terminate these sessions and try again. See the 'sessions' command.") end else say("Doing restore...") pg_pass_file_execute("createdb -T template0 #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}") pg_pass_file_execute("pg_restore -n public --no-privileges --no-owner #{connection_options} -d #{conf[:database]} #{to_restore}") do say("Restored #{to_restore}") end end end end end