#include "TrueTypeFont.hpp" #include #include // Disable comma warnings in stb headers. #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomma" #endif #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_truetype.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #include #include using namespace std; struct Gosu::TrueTypeFont::Impl { stbtt_fontinfo info; shared_ptr fallback; // The ascent in internal font metrics (an arbitrary integer scale), that is, the part of the // font above the baseline, which TrueType considers to be at y = 0. int ascent; // Scaling factor from internal font metrics (an arbitrary integer scale) to a font with // height = 1px. double base_scale; Impl(const unsigned char* ttf_data, shared_ptr fallback) : fallback(move(fallback)) { auto offset = stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_data, 0); int success = stbtt_InitFont(&info, ttf_data, offset); if (!success) throw runtime_error("Invalid TrueType font data"); // Calculate metrics. int descent, lineGap; stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&info, &ascent, &descent, &lineGap); int height = ascent - descent + lineGap; base_scale = 1.0f / height; } // This method always measures text, and also draws it if (bitmap != nullptr). double draw_text(const u32string& text, bool is_end, double height, Bitmap* bitmap, double x, double y, Color c) { if (text.empty()) return 0; // The 'x' parameter is used as the running cursor variable in this method. double scale = base_scale * height; int last_glyph = 0; int last_advance = 0; for (u32string::size_type index = 0; index < text.size(); ++index) { auto codepoint = text[index]; // Silently skip control characters, including the \r in Windows-style line breaks. if (codepoint < ' ') continue; int glyph = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&info, codepoint); // Handle missing characters in this font... if (glyph == 0) { if (fallback) { // Missing characters often come in clusters, so build a substring of // codepoints that this font doesn't contain and then defer to the fallback // font. u32string fallback_string = string_of_missing_glyphs(text, index); index += fallback_string.length(); x = fallback->pimpl->draw_text(fallback_string, index == text.size(), height, bitmap, x, y, c); last_glyph = 0; } continue; } if (last_glyph) { x += stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance(&info, last_glyph, glyph) * scale; } // Now finally draw the glyph (if a bitmap was passed). if (bitmap) { // Do not take lsb into account when positioning the glyph: It seems to correspond // to the 'xoff' value returned by stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel, and adding both // adds too much spacing between letters. // Ref: https://github.com/nothings/stb/issues/281#issuecomment-361264014 draw_glyph(*bitmap, x, y, c, glyph, scale); } int advance; stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&info, glyph, &advance, nullptr); x += advance * scale; last_glyph = glyph; last_advance = advance; } // If this is the end of the string, we need to take another look at the last glyph to avoid // cutting off some pixels that extend to the right of the character. if (is_end && last_glyph) { int ix = static_cast(x); int last_xoff, last_width; // TODO: Don't allocate a buffer just to get metrics! free(stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(&info, scale, scale, x - ix, 0, last_glyph, &last_width, nullptr, &last_xoff, nullptr)); // Move the cursor to the right if pixels have been touched by draw_glyph that are // to the right of the current cursor. // If the last character extends to the right of the cursor, then this prevents the // rightmost pixels from being truncated. // If the last character was whitespace, then last_width will be 0 (no pixel data) // and the cursor is what counts. x = max(x, x - last_advance * scale + last_xoff + last_width); } // Never return a negative value from this method because it is used to determine bitmap // dimensions. return max(0, x); } u32string string_of_missing_glyphs(const u32string& text, u32string::size_type from_index) { u32string result; for (u32string::size_type index = from_index; index < text.size(); ++index) { auto codepoint = text[index]; // Stop as soon as a glyph (except control characters) is available in the current font. if (codepoint >= ' ' && stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&info, codepoint) != 0) break; result.push_back(codepoint); } return result; } void draw_glyph(Bitmap& bitmap, double fx, double fy, Color c, int glyph, double scale) { int x = static_cast(fx); int y = static_cast(fy); int w, h, xoff, yoff; // As an optimization, this method/class could try to re-use a buffer for rasterization // instead of having stb_truetype allocate a fresh one for each draw_glyph call. unsigned char* pixels = stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel(&info, scale, scale, fx - x, fy - y, glyph, &w, &h, &xoff, &yoff); blend_into_bitmap(bitmap, pixels, x + xoff, y + ascent * scale + yoff, w, h, c); free(pixels); } void blend_into_bitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, const unsigned char* pixels, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c) { int stride = w; // Instead of transferring all pixels in the range [0; w) x [0; h) into the bitmap, clip // these values because Bitmap::blend_pixel does not perform bounds checking. int src_x = 0; if (x < 0) { src_x -= x; w += x; x = 0; } int src_y = 0; if (y < 0) { src_y -= y; h += y; y = 0; } w = min(w, bitmap.width() - x); h = min(h, bitmap.height() - y); for (int rel_y = 0; rel_y < h; ++rel_y) { for (int rel_x = 0; rel_x < w; ++rel_x) { int pixel = pixels[(src_y + rel_y) * stride + src_x + rel_x]; Color c_with_alpha(pixel * c.alpha() / 255, c.red(), c.green(), c.blue()); bitmap.blend_pixel(x + rel_x, y + rel_y, c_with_alpha); } } } }; Gosu::TrueTypeFont::TrueTypeFont(const unsigned char* ttf_data, shared_ptr fallback) : pimpl(new Impl(ttf_data, fallback)) { } double Gosu::TrueTypeFont::draw_text(const u32string &text, double height, Bitmap *bitmap, double x, double y, Color c) { return pimpl->draw_text(text, true, height, bitmap, x, y, c); } bool Gosu::TrueTypeFont::matches(const unsigned char* ttf_data, const string& font_name, unsigned font_flags) { // Gosu::FontFlags uses the same values as the STBTT_ macros, except for this one. int flags = (font_flags == 0 ? STBTT_MACSTYLE_NONE : font_flags); return stbtt_FindMatchingFont(ttf_data, font_name.c_str(), flags) >= 0 || stbtt_FindMatchingFont(ttf_data, font_name.c_str(), STBTT_MACSTYLE_DONTCARE) >= 0; } static Gosu::TrueTypeFont& font_with_stack(vector ttf_stack) { // TODO: Make this cache thread-safe. static map> cache_by_data; // Filter out any fonts that could not be found, as well as duplicates. auto end = unique(ttf_stack.begin(), ttf_stack.end()); end = remove(ttf_stack.begin(), end, nullptr); ttf_stack.erase(end, ttf_stack.end()); // This cannot happen because ttf_stack contains ttf_fallback_data(), which never returns null. if (ttf_stack.empty()) throw logic_error("Empty font stack"); shared_ptr head_of_stack = nullptr; for (const unsigned char* ttf_data : ttf_stack) { auto& font_ptr = cache_by_data[ttf_data]; if (!font_ptr) { font_ptr = make_shared(ttf_data, head_of_stack); } head_of_stack = font_ptr; } return *head_of_stack; } Gosu::TrueTypeFont& Gosu::font_by_name(const string& font_name, unsigned font_flags) { // TODO: Make this cache thread-safe. static map, TrueTypeFont*> cache_by_name_and_flags; auto& font_ptr = cache_by_name_and_flags[make_pair(font_name, font_flags)]; if (!font_ptr) { // Build a stack from worst-case fallback to the desired font. vector ttf_stack; ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_fallback_data()); ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_data_by_name(default_font_name(), 0)); if (font_flags != 0) ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_data_by_name(default_font_name(), font_flags)); if (font_name.find_first_of("./\\") != string::npos) { // A filename? Load it and add it to the stack. ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_data_from_file(font_name)); } else if (font_name != default_font_name()) { // A font name? Add it to the stack, both with font_flags and without. ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_data_by_name(font_name, 0)); if (font_flags != 0) ttf_stack.push_back(ttf_data_by_name(font_name, font_flags)); } font_ptr = &font_with_stack(move(ttf_stack)); } return *font_ptr; } const unsigned char* Gosu::ttf_data_from_file(const string& filename) { // TODO: Make this cache thread-safe. static map> ttf_file_cache; auto& buffer_ptr = ttf_file_cache[filename]; if (!buffer_ptr) { buffer_ptr = make_shared(); try { load_file(*buffer_ptr, filename); } catch (...) { // Prevent partially loaded files from getting stuck in the cache. buffer_ptr = nullptr; throw; } } return static_cast(buffer_ptr->data()); }